.. _qc_api_matlab: QC Module ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The QC module includes quality control functions from Pecos, see https://pecos.readthedocs.io for more details. =========================================== ========================= Functions Description =========================================== ========================= ``check_corrupt`` Check for corrupt data ``check_delta`` Check for stagant data and/or abrupt changes in the data using the difference between max and min values within a rolling window ``check_increment`` Check data increments using the difference between values ``check_missing`` Check for missing data ``check_outlier`` Check for outliers using normalized data within a rolling window ``check_range`` Check for data outside the expected range ``check_timestamp`` Check time series for missing, non-monotonic, and duplicate timestamps ``qc_data_to_dataframe`` Convert qc data structure to pandas dataframe =========================================== ========================= .. Note:: The names of the functions below are of the convention ``path.path.function``. Only the function name is used when calling the function in MATLAB. For example, to call on ``mhkit.qc.check_timestamp`` simply use ``check_timestamp``. .. mat:automodule:: mhkit.qc :members: :no-undoc-members: :show-inheritance: