Delft3D IO Module

The following example will familiarize the user with using the Delft3D (mhkit/river/IO/delft_3d)module in MHKiT-MATLAB. The Delft3D module can be used to plot the data from a NetCDF output from Delft3D SNL-D3D-CEC-FM. This example will walk through a flume case with a turbine. The flume is 18 m long, 4 m wide and 2m deep with the turbine placed at 6 m along the length and 3 m along the width. The turbine used for this simulation has a circular cross-section with a diameter of 0.7m, a thrust coefficient of 0.72, and a power coefficient of 0.45. The simulation was run with 5 depth layers and 5-time intervals over 4 min.
This example will show how to create a centerline plot at a desired depth for different variables outputs of Delft3D. It will also show how to make a contour plot of a given plane or depth for the variable output by Delft3D and how to use those variables to calculate turbulence intensity. This module can be helpful to visualize the wake of a turbine and help predict how a turbine will affect the surrounding area.

Loading Data from Delft3D as NetCDF

A NetCDF file has been saved in the MHKiT-MATLAB\examples\data\river\d3d\ directory of a simple flume case with a turbine for reference data. In this code section we define the location of the Delft 3D output NetCDF file and read the file into ds (dataset). Note that this requires having the MHKiT-MATLAB/examples directory within your path. This can be done by navigating to the MHKiT-MATLAB folder within MATLAB, right clicking on the examples folder and adding the folder and subfolder to the path. You can also modify delft_3d_turbine_test_file to point to the file
Opening a Delft3D NetCFD output file:
delft_3d_turbine_test_file = "examples/data/river/d3d/";
ds = delft_3d_open_netcdf(delft_3d_turbine_test_file);
There are many variables saved in within the Delft3D NetCDF . Prior to starting data analysis we should verify the input data contains the information needed for further processing.The function delft_3d_get_keys takes a NetCDF object and returns a struct of the available data. In the code section below we pass in the NetCDF dataset and display the output of delft_3d_get_keys.
mesh2d_enc_x: 'x-coordinate' mesh2d_enc_y: 'y-coordinate' mesh2d_enc_node_count: 'count of coordinates in each instance geometry' mesh2d_enc_part_node_count: 'count of nodes in each geometry part' mesh2d_enc_interior_ring: 'type of each geometry part' mesh2d_enclosure_container: '' Mesh2D: '' NetNode_x: 'x-coordinate' NetNode_y: 'y-coordinate' projected_coordinate_system: '' NetNode_z: 'bed level at net nodes (flow element corners)' NetLink: 'link between two netnodes' NetLinkType: 'type of netlink' NetElemNode: 'mapping from net cell to net nodes (counterclockwise)' NetElemLink: 'mapping from net cell to its net links (counterclockwise)' NetLinkContour_x: 'list of x-contour points of momentum control volume surrounding each net/flow link' NetLinkContour_y: 'list of y-contour points of momentum control volume surrounding each net/flow link' NetLink_xu: 'x-coordinate of net link center (velocity point)' NetLink_yu: 'y-coordinate of net link center (velocity point)' BndLink: 'netlinks that compose the net boundary' FlowElem_xcc: 'x-coordinate of flow element circumcenter' FlowElem_ycc: 'y-coordinate of flow element circumcenter' FlowElem_zcc: 'bed level of flow element' FlowElem_bac: 'flow element area' FlowElem_xzw: 'x-coordinate of flow element center of mass' FlowElem_yzw: 'y-coordinate of flow element center of mass' FlowElemContour_x: 'list of x-coordinates forming flow element' FlowElemContour_y: 'list of y-coordinates forming flow element' FlowElem_bl: 'Initial bed level at flow element circumcenter' ElemLink: 'flow nodes between/next to which link between two netnodes lies' FlowLink: 'link/interface between two flow elements' FlowLinkType: 'type of flowlink' FlowLink_xu: 'x-coordinate of flow link center (velocity point)' FlowLink_yu: 'y-coordinate of flow link center (velocity point)' FlowLink_lonu: 'longitude' FlowLink_latu: 'latitude' time: '' LayCoord_cc: 'sigma layer coordinate at flow element center' LayCoord_w: 'sigma layer coordinate at vertical interface' timestep: '' s1: 'water level' waterdepth: 'water depth' unorm: 'normal component of sea_water_speed' ucz: 'upward velocity on flow element center' ucxa: 'depth-averaged velocity on flow element center, x-component' ucya: 'depth-averaged velocity on flow element center, y-component' ww1: 'upward velocity on vertical interface' ucx: 'velocity on flow element center, x-component' ucy: 'velocity on flow element center, y-component' turkin1: 'turbulent kinetic energy' vicwwu: 'turbulent vertical eddy viscosity' tureps1: 'turbulent energy dissipation'

Note: Input NetCDF File Troubleshooting

To avoid code duplication MHKiT-MATLAB performs numerical processing within MHKiT-Python. In the above code section we open the input NetCDF file as a Python object. For troubleshooting purposes it may be necessary to open a NetCDF file directly within MATLAB. The following code section uses the ncinfo function to read a NetCDF into a structure.
% Optional NetCDF check using native MATLAB NetCDF reader
% ds_check = ncinfo(delft_3d_turbine_test_file);
% ds_check.Variables

Seconds Run and Time Index

Within the Delft3D data the time_index variable can be used to pull data from different instances in time. For the example data included there are 5-time steps meaning we have indexes in the range 1 to 5. Each time index has an associated seconds_run that quantifies the number of seconds that passed from the start of the simulation. To get all of the seconds_run for a data set use the function delft_3d_get_all_time the output is an array of all the seconds_run for the input data.
time = delft_3d_get_all_time(ds);
0 60 120 180 240
To get the seconds at a specified index use the function delft_3d_index_to_seconds
seconds_at_index = delft_3d_index_to_seconds(ds, 2);
To get the index at a specific elapsed second use the function delft_3d_seconds_to_index. This function will provide the index nearest the input seconds elapsed.
index_at_second = delft_3d_seconds_to_index(ds, 65);
/opt/homebrew/lib/python3.11/site-packages/mhkit/river/io/ UserWarning: Warning: seconds_run not found. Closest time stampfound {times[idx]} return _convert_time(data, seconds_run=seconds_run)

Variable Struct From NetCDF

For this example we will create a MATLAB struct from the Delft3D output using the variable 'ucx', the velocity in the x-direction (see available data in previous block output). MHKiT MATLAB's delft_3d_get_all_data_points function will pull all the raw data from the NetCDF file for the specified variable at a specific time index into a structure. The time_index can be used to pull data from a different instances in time (the last valid time_index, time_index=-1, is the default setting). If an integer outside of the valid range is entered the code will output an error with the max valid output listed. The output data from delft_3d_get_all_data_points will be the position (x, y, waterdepth) in meters, the value of vairable in meters per second and the run time of the simulation in seconds or 'x', 'y', 'waterdepth', 'waterlevel', 'ucx', and 'time'. The time run in simulation varies based on the 'time_step'.
% Getting variable data
x_velocity_key = "ucx";
run_timestamps = delft_3d_get_all_time(ds);
seconds_into_simulation = run_timestamps(1, 4);
In MHKiT-MATLAB we typically return a structure containg the results from a function with multiple outputs. In the code below delft_3d_get_all_data_points returns a struct:
seconds_into_simulation_index = delft_3d_convert_time(ds, seconds_into_simulation);
x_velocity_point_data = delft_3d_get_all_data_points(ds, x_velocity_key, seconds_into_simulation_index);
x: [0.1250 0.3750 0.1250 0.6250 0.3750 0.1250 0.8750 0.6250 0.3750 0.1250 1.1250 0.8750 0.6250 0.3750 0.1250 1.3750 1.1250 0.8750 0.6250 0.3750 0.1250 1.6250 1.3750 1.1250 0.8750 0.6250 0.3750 0.1250 1.8750 1.6250 1.3750 … ] (1×5760 double) y: [1.1250 1.1250 1.3750 1.1250 1.3750 1.6250 1.1250 1.3750 1.6250 1.8750 1.1250 1.3750 1.6250 1.8750 2.1250 1.1250 1.3750 1.6250 1.8750 2.1250 2.3750 1.1250 1.3750 1.6250 1.8750 2.1250 2.3750 2.6250 1.1250 1.3750 1.6250 … ] (1×5760 double) waterdepth: [0.1995 0.2000 0.1995 0.2001 0.2000 0.1995 0.2001 0.2001 0.2000 0.1995 0.2000 0.2001 0.2001 0.2000 0.1995 0.2000 0.2000 0.2001 0.2001 0.2000 0.1995 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.2001 0.2001 0.2000 0.1995 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 … ] (1×5760 double) waterlevel: [-0.0052 8.1291e-05 -0.0052 5.5880e-04 8.1324e-05 -0.0052 5.0091e-04 5.5884e-04 8.1385e-05 -0.0052 4.4621e-04 5.0097e-04 5.5892e-04 8.1465e-05 -0.0052 3.8288e-04 4.4630e-04 5.0108e-04 5.5902e-04 8.1552e-05 -0.0052 … ] (1×5760 double) ucx: [0.7179 0.6896 0.7179 0.6942 0.6896 0.7179 0.6919 0.6942 0.6896 0.7179 0.6920 0.6919 0.6942 0.6896 0.7179 0.6915 0.6920 0.6919 0.6942 0.6896 0.7179 0.6911 0.6915 0.6920 0.6919 0.6942 0.6896 0.7179 0.6907 0.6911 0.6915 … ] (1×5760 double) time: [240 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 … ] (1×5760 double)

Figure Output Definitions

In the following code section we define variables that control the figure outputs.
The limits max_plot_vel and min_plot_vel define the vizualization boundaries of the next 3 example plots.
% Setting plot limits
max_plot_vel = 1.25;
min_plot_vel = 0.5;
% Defining Figure Size
fig_width = 1200;
fig_height = 400;
The contour_level and grid_size set discrete levels for the output visualizations.
% Set the contour level for all plots below
contour_level = 9;
grid_size = 25;

Plotting a Line Plot Between Two Points

To view the maximum wake effect of the turbine we can plot a velocity down the centerline of the flume. To do this we will create an array between two points down the center of the flume. We will then interpolate the grided data results onto our centerline array. Since the flume is rectangular the centerline points are found by taking the average of the maximum and minimum value for the width, y, and the waterdepth, of the flume. We will then input one array, x, and two points, y and waterdepth into the function delft_3d_create_points to create our centerline array to interpolate over. The function delft_3d_create_points will then output a struct, cline_points, with fieldnames 'x', 'y', and 'waterdepth'.
% Use rectangular grid min and max to find flume centerline
xmax = min(x_velocity_point_data.x);
xmin = max(x_velocity_point_data.x);
ymax = min(x_velocity_point_data.y);
ymin = max(x_velocity_point_data.y);
waterdepth_max = min(x_velocity_point_data.waterdepth);
waterdepth_min = max(x_velocity_point_data.waterdepth);
num_points = 50; % 50 is the numpy default
x = linspace(xmin, xmax, num_points);
y = mean([ymax, ymin]);
waterdepth = mean([waterdepth_max, waterdepth_min]);
cline_points = delft_3d_create_points(x, y, waterdepth);
Next the variable ucx is interpolated onto the created cline_points using the delft_3d_interpolate_to_centerline function and saved as cline_variable. The results are then plotted for velocity in the x direction, ucx, along the length of the flume, x.
points = [x_velocity_point_data.x; x_velocity_point_data.y; x_velocity_point_data.waterdepth];
values = x_velocity_point_data.(x_velocity_key);
xi = [cline_points.x; cline_points.y; cline_points.waterdepth];
cline_variable = delft_3d_interpolate_to_centerline(points, values, xi);
figure('position', [0, 0, fig_width, fig_height]);
plot(x, cline_variable);
xlabel("x [m]")
ylabel("u_x [m/s]")
title(sprintf("Centerline Velocity at: %d s", x_velocity_point_data.time(1)))

Contour Plot for a Given Sigma Layer

Sometimes it is useful to plot only the raw data of a given layer. To do this use delft_3d_get_layer_data, passing a NetCDF object, a key and a layer, to output a single layer of raw data from the NetCDF object. The variable is set to the velocity in the x direction, 'ucx', and the layer of data to plot as 2. Since there are 5 sigma layers in this example layer 2 is approximately the middle layer. layer works as an index that begins at begins at 1 and ends at 5. delft_3d_get_layer_data outputs a struct of layer_data with the fieldnames 'x', 'y', 'waterdepth', 'waterlevel', 'v', and 'time' as the length, width, waterdepth, value, and run time of simulation of the specified variable in this case velocity in the x direction, 'ucx'.
To plot the data the maximum and minimum, max_plot_vel and min_plot_vel, values are pulled from above to limit bounds of the color bar to show the value of the specified variable, in this case it's velocity in the x direction. The type of plot is also defined as a string 'contour' to add to the title of the plot.
layer = 2;
layer_data = delft_3d_get_layer_data(ds, x_velocity_key, layer);
% Create a meshgrid using the layers
[x_grid, y_grid] = meshgrid(linspace(min(layer_data.x), max(layer_data.x), grid_size), ...
linspace(min(layer_data.y), max(layer_data.y), grid_size));
v_interp = griddata(layer_data.x, layer_data.y, layer_data.v, x_grid, y_grid);
% Plot filled contours
figure('position', [0, 0, fig_width, fig_height])
contourf(x_grid, y_grid, v_interp, contour_level, 'LineStyle', 'none');
% Add colorbar
h = colorbar;
clim([min_plot_vel, max_plot_vel]); % Set color axis limits
colormap(viridis_colormap(contour_level)); % Set colormap with discrete levels
% Add Labels
xlabel('x [m]');
ylabel('y [m]');
title(['Velocity on Layer ', num2str(layer), ' at Time: ', num2str(layer_data.time(1)), ' s']);
% Add units to colorbar
ylabel(h, '$u_x$ [m/s]', 'Interpreter', 'latex');

Plotting a Contour Plot of a given Plane

If you wanted to look at a contour plot of a specific waterdepth you can create a contour plot over given points. Expanding on the centerline array points we can create a grid using the same delft_3d_create_points function by inputting two arrays along the length of the flume, x , and width of the flume, y_contour , and one point for the waterdepth we want to look at. delft_3d_create_points then outputs a struct into contour_points of points to calculate the contour values over with the fieldnames 'x', 'y', and 'waterdepth'.
x2 = linspace(xmin, xmax, 100);
y_contour = linspace(ymin, ymax, 40);
z2 = mean([waterdepth_max, waterdepth_min]);
contour_points = delft_3d_create_points(x2, y_contour, z2);
[0, 1, 2]
points = [x_velocity_point_data.x; x_velocity_point_data.y; x_velocity_point_data.waterdepth];
values = x_velocity_point_data.(x_velocity_key);
xi = [contour_points.x; contour_points.y; contour_points.waterdepth];
contour_variable = delft_3d_interpolate_to_centerline(points, values, xi);
The results are then plotted. The minimum and maximum values show on the graph are pulled from above (max_plot_vel and min_plot_vel) as in the previous example. The contour plot of the velocity is then output at the center waterdepth of the flume.
[x_grid, y_grid] = meshgrid(linspace(min(contour_points.x), max(contour_points.x), grid_size), ...
linspace(min(contour_points.y), max(contour_points.y), grid_size));
v_interp = griddata(contour_points.x, contour_points.y, contour_variable, x_grid, y_grid);
% Plot filled contours
figure('position', [0, 0, fig_width, fig_height])
contourf(x_grid, y_grid, v_interp, contour_level, 'LineStyle', 'none');
colorbar; % Add color bar
clim([min_plot_vel, max_plot_vel]); % Set color axis limits
xlabel('x [m]');
ylabel('y [m]');
title("Velocity of x-y Plane");
% Add units label to colorbar
h = colorbar;
ylabel(h, '$u_x$ [m/s]', 'Interpreter', 'latex');

Contour Plot of Turbulent Intensity

Turbulent Intensity is the ratio of the magnitude of turbulent velocity to total velocity. The function delft_3d_calculate_turbulent_intensity takes the inputs of the NetCDF object, the points to calculate over, the time index, and boolean input to output intermediate_values used to calculate turbulent intensity. The fuction then pulls variables 'ucx', 'ucy', 'ucz', and 'turkin1' as the velocity in the x, y, waterdepth and turbulence kinetic energy respectively. The function then calculates and outputs the turbulent intensity into turbulent_intensity, for any given time_index in the data_frame TI. The TI struct also includes the x,y, and waterdepth location. If the intermediate_values boolean is equal to true the turbulent kinetic energy 'turkin1', and velocity in the 'ucx', 'ucy', and 'ucz' direction are also included.
In this example it is calculating the turbulent intensity over the same contour_points used above, however it can also calculate over 'cells', the coordinate system for the raw velocity data, or 'faces', the coordinate system for the raw turbulence data. If nothing is specified for points, 'cells' is the default coordinate system.
Following the same format as the previous two contour plots the limits of the maximum and minimum values are defined by user as well as a string for the type of plot. The code then outputs a contour plot of the turbulent intensity.
turbulent_intensity = delft_3d_calculate_turbulent_intensity(ds, contour_points, true);
points provided
max_plot_ti = 27;
min_plot_ti = 0;
grid_size = 1000;
[x_grid, y_grid] = meshgrid(linspace(min(turbulent_intensity.x), max(turbulent_intensity.x), grid_size), ...
linspace(min(turbulent_intensity.y), max(turbulent_intensity.y), grid_size));
v_interp = griddata(turbulent_intensity.x, turbulent_intensity.y, turbulent_intensity.turbulent_intensity, x_grid, y_grid);
% Plot filled contours
figure('position', [0, 0, fig_width, fig_height]);
contourf(x_grid, y_grid, v_interp, contour_level, 'LineStyle', 'none');
colorbar; % Add color bar
clim([min_plot_ti, max_plot_ti]); % Set color axis limits
colormap(viridis_colormap(contour_level)); % Set colormap (optional)
xlabel('x [m]');
ylabel('y [m]');
title("Turbulent Intensity");
% Add units label to colorbar
h = colorbar;
ylabel(h, 'Turbulent Intensity [%]');

Comparing Face Data to Cell Data

In Delft3D there is a staggered grid where some variables are stored on the faces and some are stored on the cells. The delft_3d_calculate_variable_interpolation function allows you to linearly interpolate face data onto the cell locations or vice versa. For this example, we input the variable names, 'ucx', 'ucy','ucz', and 'turkin1', which are pulled from the NetCDF object (ds) and are to be interpolated on to the coordinate system 'faces'. The output is a struct of interpolated data that we store in var_interpolation.
variables = {'turkin1', 'ucx', 'ucy', 'ucz'};
var_interpolation = delft_3d_calculate_variable_interpolation(ds, variables, "faces", "nearest");
Near the boundaries interpolation will sometimes return negative values. When calculating turbulent intensity, negative turbulent kinetic energy values (turkin1) are invalid and must be filtered out. The function delft_3d_cleanup_turbulent_kinetic_energy takes an array of turbulent kinetic energy values and a negative threshold and converts values below the threshold to NaN and values between the threshold and 0 to 0. In the following code section we modify the turkin1 fieldname of var_interpolation by passing the turkin1 array and a threshold of -0.001.
% Set turkin1 values below this threshold to NaN and values between this
% threshold and 0 to 0
kinetic_energy_cleanup_threshold = -0.001;
var_interpolation.turkin1 = delft_3d_cleanup_turbulent_kinetic_energy(var_interpolation.turkin1, kinetic_energy_cleanup_threshold);
To calculate turbulent intensity the magnitude of the velocity is calculated with 'ucx', 'ucy', 'ucz' and saved as u_mag. Turbulent intensity is then calculated with u_mag and turkin1 and saved as turbulent_intensity.
We now have 'ucx' and 'turkin1' on the same grid so then can be compared and used in calculations.
% Calculating the root mean squared velocity
var_interpolation.u_mag = delft_3d_calculate_unorm(var_interpolation.ucx, var_interpolation.ucy, var_interpolation.ucz);
% Calculating turbulent intensity as a percent
var_interpolation.turbulent_intensity = (sqrt(2/3 * var_interpolation.turkin1) ./ var_interpolation.u_mag) * 100;

Plotting Turbulent Intensity

When plotting data using delft_3d_calculate_variable_interpolation it is helpful to define points to interpolate onto as the 'cell' and 'face' grids contain a 3 dimensional grid of points. In this next example we will use the delft_3d_calculate_variable_interpolation function to plot a contour plot of tubulent intesity normal to turbine (y-waterdepth cross section) n turbine diameters downstream of the turbine.
As stated in the intro, the turbine is located at 6m along the length turbine_x_loc with a diameter of 0.7m (turbine_diameter). Similar to the previous example, we input the variable names variables 'ucx', 'ucy','ucz', and 'turkin1', which are pulled from the NetCDF object (ds). Unlike the previous example, the points are defined as sample_points created using create_points from x_sample, y_sample, and waterdepth_sample with x_sample at a constant point of 1 (N) turbine diameters downstream of the turbine (6.7m) and y_sample and waterdepth_sample being arrays between the minimum and maximum values for that flume dimension. The interpolated data is the saved from delft_3d_calculate_variable_interpolation as Var_sample and used to calculate turbulent intensity as in the previous example. The data is then plotted along the y and waterdepth axis.
turbine_x_loc = 6;
turbine_diameter = 0.7;
N = 1;
x_sample = turbine_x_loc + N * turbine_diameter;
y_samples = linspace(ymin, ymax, 40);
waterdepth_samples = linspace(waterdepth_min, waterdepth_max, 256);
variables = {'turkin1', 'ucx', 'ucy', 'ucz'};
sample_points = delft_3d_create_points(x_sample, y_samples, waterdepth_samples);
[0, 1, 2]
Var_sample = delft_3d_calculate_variable_interpolation(ds, variables, sample_points, "nearest");
points provided
Var_sample.u_mag = delft_3d_calculate_unorm(Var_sample.ucx, Var_sample.ucy, Var_sample.ucz);
Var_sample.turbulent_intensity = sqrt(2/3 * Var_sample.turkin1) ./ Var_sample.u_mag * 100;
grid_size = 100;
[x_grid, y_grid] = meshgrid(linspace(min(Var_sample.y), max(Var_sample.y), grid_size), ...
linspace(min(Var_sample.waterdepth), max(Var_sample.waterdepth), grid_size));
v_interp = griddata(Var_sample.y, Var_sample.waterdepth, Var_sample.turbulent_intensity, x_grid, y_grid);
contour_level = 10;
% Plot filled contours
figure('position', [0, 0, fig_width - 300, fig_height]);
contourf(x_grid, y_grid, v_interp, contour_level, 'LineStyle', 'none');
colorbar; % Add color bar
clim([min_plot_ti, max_plot_ti]); % Set color axis limits
colormap(viridis_colormap(contour_level)); % Set colormap (optional)
xlabel('y [m]');
ylabel('z [m]');
title("Turbulent Intensity");
% Add units label to colorbar
h = colorbar;
ylabel(h, 'Turbulent Intensity [%]');
This sample data used in this example is not spatial or temporally resolved and is for demonstration purposes only. In this example there are 5 sigma layers. The low level of discretization can be seen in in the sharp edges in the turbulent intensity plot above around the turbine.