This submodule provides essential plotting functions for visualizing passive acoustics
data. The functions allow for customizable plotting of sound pressure spectral density
levels across time and frequency dimensions.
Each plotting function leverages the flexibility of Matplotlib, allowing for passthrough
of Matplotlib keyword arguments via ``**kwargs``, making it easy to modify plot aspects such as
color, scale, and label formatting.
Key Functions
1. **plot_spectrogram**:
- Generates a spectrogram plot from sound pressure spectral density level data,
with a logarithmic frequency scale by default for improved readability of acoustic data.
2. **plot_spectra**:
- Produces a spectral density plot with a log-transformed x-axis, allowing for clear
visualization of spectral density across frequency bands.
from typing import Tuple
import xarray as xr
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from .analysis import _fmax_warning
def plot_spectrogram(
spsdl: xr.DataArray,
fmin: int = 10,
fmax: int = 100000,
fig: plt.figure = None,
ax: plt.Axes = None,
) -> Tuple[plt.figure, plt.Axes]:
Plots the spectrogram of the sound pressure spectral density level.
spsdl: xarray DataArray (time, freq)
Mean square sound pressure spectral density level in dB rel 1 uPa^2/Hz
fmin: int
Lower frequency band limit (lower limit of the hydrophone). Default: 10 Hz
fmax: int
Upper frequency band limit (Nyquist frequency). Default: 100000 Hz
fig: matplotlib.pyplot.figure
Figure handle to plot on
ax: matplotlib.pyplot.axis
Figure axis containing plot objects
kwargs: dict
Dictionary of matplotlib function keyword arguments
fig: matplotlib.pyplot.figure
Figure handle of plot
ax: matplotlib.pyplot.Axes
Figure plot axis
if not isinstance(fmin, (int, float)) or not isinstance(fmax, (int, float)):
raise TypeError("fmin and fmax must be numeric types.")
if fmin >= fmax:
raise ValueError("fmin must be less than fmax.")
# Set dimension names
# "time" or "time_bins" is always first
time = spsdl.dims[0]
# "freq" or "freq_bins" is always second
freq = spsdl.dims[-1]
# Check fmax
fn = spsdl[freq].max().item()
fmax = _fmax_warning(fn, fmax)
# select frequency range
spsdl = spsdl.sel({freq: slice(fmin, fmax)})
if ax is None:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6, 5), subplot_kw={"yscale": "log"})
fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.1, right=0.95, top=0.97, bottom=0.11)
h = ax.pcolormesh(
spsdl.transpose(freq, time),
fig.colorbar(h, ax=ax, label=getattr(spsdl, "units", None))
ax.set(xlabel="Time", ylabel="Frequency [Hz]")
return fig, ax
def plot_spectra(
spsdl: xr.DataArray,
fmin: int = 10,
fmax: int = 100000,
fig: plt.figure = None,
ax: plt.Axes = None,
) -> Tuple[plt.figure, plt.Axes]:
Plots spectral density. X axis is log-transformed.
spsdl: xarray DataArray (time, freq)
Mean square sound pressure spectral density level in dB rel 1 uPa^2/Hz
fmin: int
Lower frequency band limit (lower limit of the hydrophone). Default: 10 Hz
fmax: int
Upper frequency band limit (Nyquist frequency). Default: 100000 Hz
fig: matplotlib.pyplot.figure
Figure handle to plot on
ax: matplotlib.pyplot.Axes
Figure axis containing plot objects
kwargs: dict
Dictionary of matplotlib function keyword arguments
fig: matplotlib.pyplot.figure
Figure handle of plot
ax: matplotlib.pyplot.Axes
Figure plot axis
if not isinstance(fmin, (int, float)) or not isinstance(fmax, (int, float)):
raise TypeError("fmin and fmax must be numeric types.")
if fmin >= fmax:
raise ValueError("fmin must be less than fmax.")
# Set dimension names.
# "freq" or "freq_bins" is always second
freq = spsdl.dims[-1]
# Check fmax
fn = spsdl[freq].max().item()
fmax = _fmax_warning(fn, fmax)
# select frequency range
spsdl = spsdl.sel({freq: slice(fmin, fmax)})
if ax is None:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6, 5), subplot_kw={"xscale": "log"})
left=0.1, right=0.95, top=0.85, bottom=0.2, hspace=0.3, wspace=0.15
ax.plot(spsdl[freq], spsdl.T, **kwargs)
xlim=(fmin, fmax), xlabel="Frequency [Hz]", ylabel=getattr(spsdl, "units", None)
return fig, ax