"""Module containing functions to clean data
import warnings
import numpy as np
from ..velocity import VelBinner
from ..tools.misc import group, slice1d_along_axis
sin = np.sin
cos = np.cos
def clean_fill(u, mask, npt=12, method="cubic", maxgap=6):
Interpolate over mask values in timeseries data using the specified method
u : xarray.DataArray
The dataArray to clean.
mask : bool
Logical tensor of elements to "nan" out (from `spikeThresh`, `rangeLimit`,
or `GN2002`) and replace
npt : int
The number of points on either side of the bad values that
interpolation occurs over
method : string
Interpolation method to use (linear, cubic, pchip, etc). Default is 'cubic'
maxgap : numeric
Maximum gap of missing data to interpolate across. Default is None
da : xarray.DataArray
The dataArray with nan's filled in
See Also
# Apply mask
u.values[..., mask] = np.nan
# Remove bad data for 2D+ and 1D timeseries variables
if "dir" in u.dims:
for i in range(u.shape[0]):
u[i] = _interp_nan(u[i], npt, method, maxgap)
u = _interp_nan(u, npt, method, maxgap)
return u
def _interp_nan(da, npt, method, maxgap):
Interpolate over the points in `bad` that are True.
da : xarray.DataArray
The field to be cleaned
npt : int
The number of points on either side of the gap that the fit
occurs over
method : string
Interpolation scheme to use (linear, cubic, pchip, etc)
maxgap : int
Max number of consective nan's to interpolate across
da : xarray.DataArray
The dataArray with nan's filled in
searching = True
bds = da.isnull().values
ntail = 0
pos = 0
# The index array:
i = np.arange(len(da), dtype=np.uint32)
while pos < len(da):
if searching:
# Check the point
if bds[pos]:
# If it's bad, mark the start
start = max(pos - npt, 0)
# And stop searching.
searching = False
pos += 1
# Continue...
# Another bad point?
if bds[pos]: # Yes
# Reset ntail
ntail = 0
else: # No
# Add to the tail of the block.
ntail += 1
pos += 1
if ntail == npt or pos == len(da):
# This is the block we are interpolating over
i_int = i[start:pos]
da[i_int] = da[i_int].interpolate_na(
dim=da.dims[-1], method=method, use_coordinate=True, limit=maxgap
# Reset
searching = True
ntail = 0
return da
def fill_nan_ensemble_mean(u, mask, fs, window):
Fill missing values with the ensemble mean.
u : xarray.DataArray (..., time)
The dataArray to clean. Can be 1D or 2D.
mask : bool
Logical tensor of elements to "nan" out (from `spikeThresh`, `rangeLimit`,
or `GN2002`) and replace
fs : int
Instrument sampling frequency
window : int
Size of window in seconds used to calculate ensemble means
da : xarray.DataArray
The dataArray with nan's filled in
Gaps larger than the ensemble size will not get filled in.
u = u.where(~mask)
bnr = VelBinner(n_bin=window * fs, fs=fs)
if len(u.shape) == 1:
var = u.values[None, :]
var = u.values
vel = np.empty(var.shape)
vel_reshaped = bnr.reshape(var)
vel_mean = np.nanmean(vel_reshaped, axis=-1)
# If there are extra datapoints trimmed off after the last ensemble,
# take them into account by filling in another ensemble with means
diff = vel.shape[-1] - vel_reshaped.size // vel.shape[0]
# diff = number of extra points
extra_nans = vel_reshaped.shape[-1] - diff
if diff:
vel = np.empty((var.shape[0], var.shape[-1] + extra_nans))
extra = var[:, -diff:]
empty = np.empty((vel.shape[0], extra_nans)) * np.nan
extra = np.concatenate((extra, empty), axis=-1)
vel_reshaped = np.concatenate((vel_reshaped, extra[:, None, :]), axis=1)
extra_mean = np.nanmean(extra, axis=-1)
vel_mean = np.concatenate((vel_mean, extra_mean[:, None]), axis=-1)
# Create a matrix the same size as the reshaped array, and mask out the
# non-missing values. Then add the two matrices together.
vel_mean_matrix = np.tile(vel_mean[..., None], (1, 1, bnr.n_bin))
vel_missing = np.isnan(vel_reshaped)
vel_mask = np.ma.masked_array(vel_mean_matrix, ~vel_missing).filled(np.nan)
vel_filled = np.where(
np.isnan(vel_reshaped), vel_mask, vel_reshaped + np.nan_to_num(vel_mask)
# "Unshape" the data
for i in range(var.shape[0]):
vel[i] = np.ravel(vel_filled[i], "C")
if diff: # Trim off the extra means
u.values = np.squeeze(vel[:, :-extra_nans])
u.values = np.squeeze(vel)
return u
def spike_thresh(u, thresh=10):
Returns a logical vector where a spike in `u` of magnitude greater than
`thresh` occurs. Both 'Negative' and 'positive' spikes are found.
u : xarray.DataArray
The timeseries data to clean.
thresh : int
Magnitude of velocity spike, must be positive. Default = 10
mask : numpy.ndarray
Logical vector with spikes labeled as 'True'
du = np.diff(u.values, prepend=0)
mask = (du > thresh) + (du < -thresh)
return mask
def range_limit(u, range=[-5, 5]):
Returns a logical vector that is True where the values of `u` are
outside of `range`.
u : xarray.DataArray
The timeseries data to clean.
range : list
Min and max magnitudes beyond which are masked. Default is [-5, 5]
mask : numpy.ndarray
Logical vector with spikes labeled as 'True'
return ~((range[0] < u.values) & (u.values < range[1]))
def _calcab(al, Lu_std_u, Lu_std_d2u):
"""Solve equations 10 and 11 of Goring+Nikora2002"""
return tuple(
np.array([[cos(al) ** 2, sin(al) ** 2], [sin(al) ** 2, cos(al) ** 2]]),
np.array([(Lu_std_u) ** 2, (Lu_std_d2u) ** 2]),
def _phaseSpaceThresh(u):
if u.ndim == 1:
u = u[:, None]
u = np.array(u)
Lu = (2 * np.log(u.shape[0])) ** 0.5
u = u - u.mean(0)
du = np.zeros_like(u)
d2u = np.zeros_like(u)
# Take the centered difference.
du[1:-1] = (u[2:] - u[:-2]) / 2
# And again.
d2u[2:-2] = (du[1:-1][2:] - du[1:-1][:-2]) / 2
p = u**2 + du**2 + d2u**2
std_u = np.std(u, axis=0)
std_du = np.std(du, axis=0)
std_d2u = np.std(d2u, axis=0)
alpha = np.arctan2(np.sum(u * d2u, axis=0), np.sum(u**2, axis=0))
a = np.empty_like(alpha)
b = np.empty_like(alpha)
with warnings.catch_warnings() as w:
"ignore", category=RuntimeWarning, message="invalid value encountered in "
for idx, al in enumerate(alpha):
a[idx], b[idx] = _calcab(al, Lu * std_u[idx], Lu * std_d2u[idx])
theta = np.arctan2(du, u)
phi = np.arctan2((du**2 + u**2) ** 0.5, d2u)
pe = (
((sin(phi) * cos(theta) * cos(alpha) + cos(phi) * sin(alpha)) ** 2) / a
+ ((sin(phi) * cos(theta) * sin(alpha) - cos(phi) * cos(alpha)) ** 2) / b
+ ((sin(phi) * sin(theta)) ** 2) / (Lu * std_du) ** 2
) ** -1
pe[:, np.isnan(pe[0, :])] = 0
return (p > pe).flatten("F")
def GN2002(u, npt=5000):
The Goring & Nikora 2002 'despiking' method, with Wahl2003 correction.
Returns a logical vector that is true where spikes are identified.
u : xarray.DataArray
The velocity array (1D or 3D) to clean.
npt : int
The number of points over which to perform the method. Default = 5000
mask : numpy.ndarray
Logical vector with spikes labeled as 'True'
if not isinstance(u, np.ndarray):
return GN2002(u.values, npt=npt)
if u.ndim > 1:
mask = np.zeros(u.shape, dtype="bool")
for slc in slice1d_along_axis(u.shape, -1):
mask[slc] = GN2002(u[slc], npt=npt)
return mask
mask = np.zeros(len(u), dtype="bool")
# Find large bad segments (>npt/10):
# group returns a vector of slice objects.
bad_segs = group(np.isnan(u), min_length=int(npt // 10))
if bad_segs.size > 2:
# Break them up into separate regions:
sp = 0
ep = len(u)
# Skip start and end bad_segs:
if bad_segs[0].start == sp:
sp = bad_segs[0].stop
bad_segs = bad_segs[1:]
if bad_segs[-1].stop == ep:
ep = bad_segs[-1].start
bad_segs = bad_segs[:-1]
for ind in range(len(bad_segs)):
bs = bad_segs[ind] # bs is a slice object.
# Clean the good region:
mask[sp : bs.start] = GN2002(u[sp : bs.start], npt=npt)
sp = bs.stop
# Clean the last good region.
mask[sp:ep] = GN2002(u[sp:ep], npt=npt)
return mask
c = 0
ntot = len(u)
nbins = int(ntot // npt)
mask_last = np.zeros_like(mask) + np.inf
mask[0] = True # make sure we start.
while mask.any():
mask[: nbins * npt] = _phaseSpaceThresh(
np.array(np.reshape(u[: (nbins * npt)], (npt, nbins), order="F"))
mask[-npt:] = _phaseSpaceThresh(u[-npt:])
c += 1
if c >= 100:
raise Exception("GN2002 loop-limit exceeded.")
if mask.sum() >= mask_last.sum():
mask_last = mask.copy()
return mask