import numpy as np
import as sio
import xarray as xr
from os.path import abspath, dirname, join, normpath, relpath
from .nortek import read_nortek
from .nortek2 import read_signature
from .rdi import read_rdi
from .base import _create_dataset, _get_filetype
from ..rotate.base import _set_coords
from ..time import (
def _check_file_ext(path, ext):
filename = path.replace("\\", "/").rsplit("/")[-1] # windows/linux
# for a filename like
file_ext = filename.rsplit(".")[-1]
if "." in filename:
if file_ext != ext:
raise IOError("File extension must be of the type {}".format(ext))
if file_ext == ext:
return path
return path + "." + ext
def _decode_cf(dataset: xr.Dataset) -> xr.Dataset:
Wrapper around `xarray.decode_cf()` which handles additional edge cases.
This helps ensure that the dataset is formatted and encoded correctly after it has
been constructed or modified. Handles edge cases for units and data type encodings
on datetime variables.
dataset (xr.Dataset): The dataset to decode.
xr.Dataset: The decoded dataset.
# We have to make sure that time variables do not have units set as attrs, and
# instead have units set on the encoding or else xarray will crash when trying
# to save:
for variable in dataset.variables.values():
if (
np.issubdtype(, np.datetime64)
and "units" in variable.attrs
units = variable.attrs["units"]
del variable.attrs["units"]
variable.encoding["units"] = units
# If the _FillValue is already encoded, remove it since it can't be overwritten per xarray
if "_FillValue" in variable.encoding:
del variable.encoding["_FillValue"]
# Leaving the "dtype" entry in the encoding for datetime64 variables causes a crash
# when saving the dataset. Not fixed by:
ds: xr.Dataset = xr.decode_cf(dataset)
for variable in ds.variables.values():
if == np.datetime64:
if "dtype" in variable.encoding:
del variable.encoding["dtype"]
return ds
def read(fname, userdata=True, nens=None, **kwargs):
Read a binary Nortek (e.g., .VEC, .wpr, .ad2cp, etc.) or RDI
(.000, .PD0, .ENX, etc.) data file.
filename : string
Filename of instrument file to read.
userdata : True, False, or string of userdata.json filename (default ``True``)
Whether to read the '<base-filename>.userdata.json' file.
nens : None, int or 2-element tuple (start, stop)
Number of pings or ensembles to read from the file.
Default is None, read entire file
**kwargs : dict
Passed to instrument-specific parser.
ds : xarray.Dataset
An xarray dataset from instrument datafile.
file_type = _get_filetype(fname)
if file_type == "<GIT-LFS pointer>":
raise IOError(
"File '{}' looks like a git-lfs pointer. You may need to "
"install and initialize git-lfs. See"
" for details.".format(fname)
elif file_type is None:
raise IOError(
"File '{}' is not recognized as a file-type that is readable by "
"DOLfYN. If you think it should be readable, try using the "
"appropriate read function (`read_rdi`, `read_nortek`, or "
"`read_signature`) found in".format(fname)
func_map = dict(RDI=read_rdi, nortek=read_nortek, signature=read_signature)
func = func_map[file_type]
return func(fname, userdata=userdata, nens=nens, **kwargs)
def read_example(name, **kwargs):
Read an ADCP or ADV datafile from the examples directory.
name : str
A few available files:
ds : xarray.Dataset
An xarray dataset from the binary instrument data.
testdir = dirname(abspath(__file__))
exdir = normpath(join(testdir, relpath("../../../examples/data/dolfyn/")))
filename = exdir + "/" + name
return read(filename, **kwargs)
def save(ds, filename, format="NETCDF4", engine="netcdf4", compression=False, **kwargs):
Save xarray dataset as netCDF (.nc).
ds : xarray.Dataset
Dataset to save
filename : str
Filename and/or path with the '.nc' extension
compression : bool
When true, compress all variables with zlib complevel=1.
Default is False
**kwargs : dict
These are passed directly to :func:`xarray.Dataset.to_netcdf`
Drops 'config' lines.
Rewrites variable encoding dict
More detailed compression options can be specified by specifying
'encoding' in kwargs. The values in encoding will take precedence
over whatever is set according to the compression option above.
See the xarray.to_netcdf documentation for more details.
filename = _check_file_ext(filename, "nc")
# Handling complex values for netCDF4
ds.attrs["complex_vars"] = []
for var in ds.data_vars:
if np.iscomplexobj(ds[var]):
ds[var + "_real"] = ds[var].real
ds[var + "_imag"] = ds[var].imag
ds = ds.drop_vars(var)
# For variables that get rewritten to float64
elif ds[var].dtype == np.float64:
ds[var] = ds[var].astype("float32")
# Write variable encoding
enc = dict()
if "encoding" in kwargs:
for ky in ds.variables:
# Save prior encoding
enc[ky] = ds[ky].encoding
# Remove unexpected netCDF4 encoding parameters
params = [
[enc[ky].pop(p) for p in params if p in enc[ky]]
if compression:
# New netcdf4-c cannot compress variable length strings
if ds[ky].size <= 1 or isinstance(ds[ky].data[0], str):
enc[ky].update(dict(zlib=True, complevel=1))
kwargs["encoding"] = enc
# Fix encoding on datetime64 variables.
ds = _decode_cf(ds)
ds.to_netcdf(filename, format=format, engine=engine, **kwargs)
def load(filename):
Load xarray dataset from netCDF (.nc)
filename : str
Filename and/or path with the '.nc' extension
ds : xarray.Dataset
An xarray dataset from the binary instrument data.
filename = _check_file_ext(filename, "nc")
ds = xr.load_dataset(filename, engine="netcdf4")
# Convert numpy arrays and strings back to lists
for nm in ds.attrs:
if isinstance(ds.attrs[nm], np.ndarray) and ds.attrs[nm].size > 1:
# Convert list items from numpy to generic python type
ds.attrs[nm] = list(ds.attrs[nm].astype(list))
elif isinstance(ds.attrs[nm], str) and nm in ["rotate_vars"]:
ds.attrs[nm] = [ds.attrs[nm]]
# Rejoin complex numbers
if hasattr(ds, "complex_vars"):
if len(ds.complex_vars):
if len(ds.complex_vars[0]) == 1:
ds.attrs["complex_vars"] = [ds.complex_vars]
for var in ds.complex_vars:
ds[var] = ds[var + "_real"] + ds[var + "_imag"] * 1j
ds = ds.drop_vars([var + "_real", var + "_imag"])
return ds
def save_mat(ds, filename, datenum=True):
Save xarray dataset as a MATLAB (.mat) file
ds : xarray.Dataset
Dataset to save
filename : str
Filename and/or path with the '.mat' extension
datenum : bool
If true, converts time to datenum. If false, time will be saved
in "epoch time".
The xarray data format is saved as a MATLAB structure with the fields
'vars, coords, config, units'. Converts time to datenum
See Also
def copy_attrs(matfile, ds, key):
if hasattr(ds[key], "units"):
matfile["units"][key] = ds[key].units
if hasattr(ds[key], "long_name"):
matfile["long_name"][key] = ds[key].long_name
if hasattr(ds[key], "standard_name"):
matfile["standard_name"][key] = ds[key].standard_name
filename = _check_file_ext(filename, "mat")
# Convert time to datenum
t_coords = [t for t in ds.coords if np.issubdtype(ds[t].dtype, np.datetime64)]
t_data = [t for t in ds.data_vars if np.issubdtype(ds[t].dtype, np.datetime64)]
if datenum:
func = date2matlab
func = date2epoch
for ky in t_coords:
dt = func(dt642date(ds[ky]))
ds = ds.assign_coords({ky: (ky, dt, ds[ky].attrs)})
for ky in t_data:
dt = func(dt642date(ds[ky]))
ds[ky].data = dt
ds.attrs["time_coords"] = t_coords
ds.attrs["time_data_vars"] = t_data
# Save xarray structure with more descriptive structure names
matfile = {
"vars": {},
"coords": {},
"config": {},
"units": {},
"long_name": {},
"standard_name": {},
for ky in ds.data_vars:
matfile["vars"][ky] = ds[ky].values
copy_attrs(matfile, ds, ky)
for ky in ds.coords:
matfile["coords"][ky] = ds[ky].values
copy_attrs(matfile, ds, ky)
matfile["config"] = ds.attrs
sio.savemat(filename, matfile)
def load_mat(filename, datenum=True):
Load xarray dataset from MATLAB (.mat) file, complimentary to `save_mat()`
A .mat file must contain the fields: {vars, coords, config, units},
where 'coords' contain the dimensions of all variables in 'vars'.
filename : str
Filename and/or path with the '.mat' extension
datenum : bool
If true, converts time from datenum. If false, converts time from
"epoch time".
ds : xarray.Dataset
An xarray dataset from the binary instrument data.
See Also
filename = _check_file_ext(filename, "mat")
data = sio.loadmat(filename, struct_as_record=False, squeeze_me=True)
ds_dict = {
"vars": {},
"coords": {},
"config": {},
"units": {},
"long_name": {},
"standard_name": {},
for nm in ds_dict:
key_list = data[nm]._fieldnames
for ky in key_list:
ds_dict[nm][ky] = getattr(data[nm], ky)
ds_dict["data_vars"] = ds_dict.pop("vars")
ds_dict["attrs"] = ds_dict.pop("config")
# Recreate dataset
ds = _create_dataset(ds_dict)
ds = _set_coords(ds, ds.coord_sys)
# Convert numpy arrays and strings back to lists
for nm in ds.attrs:
if isinstance(ds.attrs[nm], np.ndarray) and ds.attrs[nm].size > 1:
ds.attrs[nm] = [x.strip(" ") for x in list(ds.attrs[nm].astype(list))]
ds.attrs[nm] = list(ds.attrs[nm].astype(list))
elif isinstance(ds.attrs[nm], str) and nm in [
ds.attrs[nm] = [ds.attrs[nm]]
if hasattr(ds, "orientation_down"):
ds["orientation_down"] = ds["orientation_down"].astype(bool)
if datenum:
func = matlab2date
func = epoch2date
# Restore datnum to np.dt64
if hasattr(ds, "time_coords"):
for ky in ds.attrs["time_coords"]:
dt = date2dt64(func(ds[ky].values))
ds = ds.assign_coords({ky: dt})
if hasattr(ds, "time_data_vars"):
for ky in ds.attrs["time_data_vars"]:
dt = date2dt64(func(ds[ky].values))
ds[ky].data = dt
return ds