Source code for

import warnings
import logging
import numpy as np
from struct import unpack
from pathlib import Path

from .. import time
from . import base
from . import nortek_defs as defs
from . import nortek_lib as lib
from import misc as tbx
from ..rotate.vector import _calc_omat
from ..rotate.base import _set_coords
from ..rotate import api as rot

[docs] def read_nortek( filename, userdata=True, debug=False, do_checksum=False, nens=None, **kwargs ): """ Read a classic Nortek (AWAC and Vector) datafile Parameters ---------- filename : string Filename of Nortek file to read. userdata : bool, or string of userdata.json filename Whether to read the '<base-filename>.userdata.json' file. Default = True debug : bool Logs debugger ouput if true. Default = False do_checksum : bool Whether to perform the checksum of each data block. Default = False nens : None, int or 2-element tuple (start, stop) Number of pings or ensembles to read from the file. Default is None, read entire file Returns ------- ds : xarray.Dataset An xarray dataset from the binary instrument data """ # Start debugger logging if debug: for handler in logging.root.handlers[:]: logging.root.removeHandler(handler) filepath = Path(filename) logfile = filepath.with_suffix(".dolfyn.log") logging.basicConfig( filename=str(logfile), filemode="w", level=logging.NOTSET, format="%(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s", ) userdata = base._find_userdata(filename, userdata) rdr = _NortekReader(filename, debug=debug, do_checksum=do_checksum, nens=nens) rdr.readfile() rdr.cleanup() dat = # Remove trailing nan's in time and orientation data dat = base._handle_nan(dat) # Search for missing timestamps and interpolate them coords = dat["coords"] t_list = [t for t in coords if "time" in t] for ky in t_list: tdat = coords[ky] tdat[tdat == 0] = np.nan if np.isnan(tdat).any(): tag = ky.lstrip("time") warnings.warn( "Zero/NaN values found in '{}'. Interpolating and " "extrapolating them. To identify which values were filled later, " "look for 0 values in 'status{}'".format(ky, tag) ) tdat = time._fill_time_gaps(tdat, sample_rate_hz=dat["attrs"]["fs"]) coords[ky] = time.epoch2dt64(tdat).astype("datetime64[ns]") # Apply rotation matrix and declination rotmat = None declin = None for nm in userdata: if "rotmat" in nm: rotmat = userdata[nm] elif "dec" in nm: declin = userdata[nm] else: dat["attrs"][nm] = userdata[nm] # Create xarray dataset from upper level dictionary ds = base._create_dataset(dat) ds = _set_coords(ds, ref_frame=ds.coord_sys) if "orientmat" not in ds: ds["orientmat"] = _calc_omat( ds["time"], ds["heading"], ds["pitch"], ds["roll"], ds.get("orientation_down", None), ) if rotmat is not None: rot.set_inst2head_rotmat(ds, rotmat, inplace=True) if declin is not None: rot.set_declination(ds, declin, inplace=True) # Close handler if debug: for handler in logging.root.handlers[:]: logging.root.removeHandler(handler) handler.close() return ds
class _NortekReader: """ A class for reading reading nortek binary files. This reader currently only supports AWAC and Vector data formats. Parameters ---------- fname : string Nortek filename to read. endian : {'<','>'} (optional) Specifies if the file is in 'little' or 'big' endian format. By default the reader will attempt to determine this. debug : {True, False*} (optional) Print debug/progress information? do_checksum : {True*, False} (optional) Specifies whether to perform the checksum. bufsize : int The size of the read buffer to use. Default = 100000 nens : None, int or 2-element tuple (start, stop) Number of pings or ensembles to read from the file. Default is None, read entire file """ _lastread = [None, None, None, None, None] fun_map = { "0x00": "read_user_cfg", "0x04": "read_head_cfg", "0x05": "read_hw_cfg", "0x07": "read_vec_checkdata", "0x10": "read_vec_data", "0x11": "read_vec_sysdata", "0x12": "read_vec_hdr", "0x20": "read_awac_profile", "0x30": "read_awac_waves", "0x31": "read_awac_waves_hdr", "0x36": "read_awac_waves", # "SUV" "0x71": "read_imu", } def __init__( self, fname, endian=None, debug=False, do_checksum=True, bufsize=100000, nens=None, ): self.fname = fname self._bufsize = bufsize self.f = open(base._abspath(fname), "rb", 1000) self.do_checksum = do_checksum self.filesize # initialize the filesize. self.debug = debug self.c = 0 self._dtypes = [] self._n_start = 0 try: len(nens) except TypeError: # not a tuple, so we assume None or int self._npings = nens else: if len(nens) != 2: raise TypeError("nens must be: None (), int, or len 2") warnings.warn( "A 'start ensemble' is not yet supported " "for the Nortek reader. This function will read " "the entire file, then crop the beginning at " "nens[0]." ) self._npings = nens[1] self._n_start = nens[0] if endian is None: if unpack("<HH", == (1445, 24): endian = "<" elif unpack(">HH", == (1445, 24): endian = ">" else: raise Exception( "I/O error: could not determine the " "'endianness' of the file. Are you sure this is a Nortek " "file?" ) self.endian = endian, 0) # This is the configuration data: self.config = {} err_msg = "I/O error: The file does not " "appear to be a Nortek data file." # Read the header: if self.read_id() == 5: self.read_hw_cfg() else: raise Exception() if self.read_id() == 4: self.read_head_cfg() else: raise Exception(err_msg) if self.read_id() == 0: self.read_user_cfg() else: raise Exception(err_msg) if self.config["hdw"]["serial_number"][0:3].upper() == "WPR": self.config["config_type"] = "AWAC" elif self.config["hdw"]["serial_number"][0:3].upper() == "VEC": self.config["config_type"] = "ADV" # Initialize the instrument type: self._inst = self.config.pop("config_type") # This is the position after reading the 'hardware', # 'head', and 'user' configuration. pnow = self.pos # Run the appropriate initialization routine (e.g. init_ADV). getattr(self, "init_" + self._inst)() self.f.close() # This has a small buffer, so close it. # This has a large buffer... self.f = open(base._abspath(fname), "rb", bufsize) self.close = self.f.close if self._npings is not None: self.n_samp_guess = self._npings, 0) # Seek to the previous position. da =["attrs"] if self.config["n_burst"] > 0: fs = round(self.config["fs"], 7) da["duty_cycle_n_burst"] = self.config["n_burst"] da["duty_cycle_interval"] = self.config["burst_interval"] if fs > 1: burst_seconds = self.config["n_burst"] / fs else: burst_seconds = round(1 / fs, 3) da["duty_cycle_description"] = ( "{} second bursts collected at {} Hz, with bursts taken every {} minutes".format( burst_seconds, fs, self.config["burst_interval"] / 60 ) ) self.burst_start = np.zeros(self.n_samp_guess, dtype="bool") da["fs"] = self.config["fs"] da["coord_sys"] = {"XYZ": "inst", "ENU": "earth", "beam": "beam"}[ self.config["coord_sys_axes"] ] da["has_imu"] = 0 # Initiate attribute if self.debug:"Init completed") @property def filesize( self, ): if not hasattr(self, "_filesz"): pos = self.pos, 2) # Seek to the end of the file to determine the filesize. self._filesz = self.pos, 0) # Return to the initial position. return self._filesz @property def pos(self): return self.f.tell() def init_ADV(self): dat = = { "data_vars": {}, "coords": {}, "attrs": {}, "units": {}, "long_name": {}, "standard_name": {}, "sys": {}, } da = dat["attrs"] dv = dat["data_vars"] da["inst_make"] = "Nortek" da["inst_model"] = "Vector" da["inst_type"] = "ADV" da["rotate_vars"] = ["vel"] dv["beam2inst_orientmat"] = self.config.pop("beam2inst_orientmat") self.config["fs"] = 512 / self.config["awac"]["avg_interval"] da.update(self.config["usr"]) da.update(self.config["adv"]) da.update(self.config["head"]) da.update(self.config["hdw"]) # No apparent way to determine how many samples are in a file dlta = self.code_spacing("0x11") self.n_samp_guess = int(self.filesize / dlta + 1) self.n_samp_guess *= int(self.config["fs"]) def init_AWAC(self): dat = = { "data_vars": {}, "coords": {}, "attrs": {}, "units": {}, "long_name": {}, "standard_name": {}, "sys": {}, } da = dat["attrs"] dv = dat["data_vars"] da["inst_make"] = "Nortek" da["inst_model"] = "AWAC" da["inst_type"] = "ADCP" dv["beam2inst_orientmat"] = self.config.pop("beam2inst_orientmat") da["rotate_vars"] = ["vel"] self.config["fs"] = 1.0 / self.config["awac"]["avg_interval"] da.update(self.config["usr"]) da.update(self.config["awac"]) da.update(self.config["head"]) da.update(self.config["hdw"]) space = self.code_spacing("0x20") if space == 0: # code spacing is zero if there's only 1 profile self.n_samp_guess = 1 else: self.n_samp_guess = int(self.filesize / space + 1) def _init_data(self, vardict): """Initialize the data object according to vardict. Parameters ---------- vardict : (dict of :class:`<VarAttrs>`) The variable definitions in the :class:`<VarAttrs>` specify how to initialize each data variable. """ shape_args = {"n": self.n_samp_guess} try: shape_args["nbins"] = self.config["usr"]["n_bins"] except KeyError: pass for nm, va in list(vardict.items()): if is None: # These have to stay separated. if nm not in[nm] = va._empty_array(**shape_args) else: if nm not in[]:[][nm] = va._empty_array(**shape_args)["units"][nm] = va.units["long_name"][nm] = va.long_name if va.standard_name:["standard_name"][nm] = va.standard_name def read(self, nbyte): byts = if not (len(byts) == nbyte): raise EOFError("Reached the end of the file") return byts def findnext(self, do_cs=True): """Find the next data block by checking the checksum and the sync byte(0xa5) """ sum = np.uint16(int("0xb58c", 0)) # Initialize the sum cs = 0 func = lib._bitshift8 func2 = np.uint8 if self.endian == "<": func = np.uint8 func2 = lib._bitshift8 while True: val = unpack(self.endian + "H",[0] if np.array(val).astype(func) == 165 and (not do_cs or cs == sum):, 1) return hex(func2(val)) sum += cs cs = val def read_id(self): """Read the next 'ID' from the file.""" self._thisid_bytes = bts = tmp = unpack(self.endian + "BB", bts) if self.debug:"Position: {}, codes: {}".format(self.f.tell(), tmp)) if tmp[0] != 165: # This catches a corrupted data block. if self.debug: logging.warning( "Corrupted data block sync code (%d, %d) found " "in ping %d. Searching for next valid code..." % (tmp[0], tmp[1], self.c) ) val = int(self.findnext(do_cs=False), 0), 1) if self.debug: logging.debug(" ...FOUND {} at position: {}.".format(val, self.pos)) return val return tmp[1] def readnext(self): id = "0x%02x" % self.read_id() if id in self.fun_map: func_name = self.fun_map[id] out = getattr(self, func_name)() # Should return None self._lastread = [func_name[5:]] + self._lastread[:-1] return out else: logging.warning("Unrecognized identifier: " + id), 1) return 10 def readfile(self, nlines=None): print("Reading file %s ..." % self.fname) retval = None try: while not retval: if self.c == nlines: break retval = self.readnext() if retval == 10: self.findnext() retval = None if self._npings is not None and self.c >= self._npings: if "imu" in self._dtypes: try: self.readnext() except: pass break except EOFError: if self.debug:" end of file at {} bytes.".format(self.pos)) else: if self.debug:" stopped at {} bytes.".format(self.pos)) self.c -= 1 lib._crop_data(, slice(0, self.c), self.n_samp_guess) def findnextid(self, id): if id.__class__ is str: id = int(id, 0) nowid = None while nowid != id: nowid = self.read_id() if nowid == 16: shift = 22 else: sz = 2 * unpack(self.endian + "H",[0] shift = sz - 4, 1) return self.pos def code_spacing(self, searchcode, iternum=50): """ Find the spacing, in bytes, between a specific hardware code. Repeat this * iternum * times(default 50). Returns the average spacing, in bytes, between the code. """ p0 = self.findnextid(searchcode) for i in range(iternum): try: self.findnextid(searchcode) except EOFError: break if self.debug:"p0={}, pos={}, i={}".format(p0, self.pos, i)) # Compute the average of the data size: return (self.pos - p0) / (i + 1) def checksum(self, byts): """Perform a checksum on `byts` and read the checksum value.""" if self.do_checksum: if ( not np.sum( unpack( self.endian + str(int(1 + len(byts) / 2)) + "H", self._thisid_bytes + byts, ) ) + 46476 - unpack(self.endian + "H", ): raise Exception("CheckSum Failed at {}".format(self.pos)) else:, 1) def read_user_cfg(self): """Read User configuration data block (0x00)""" if self.debug: "Reading user configuration (0x00) ping #{} @ {}...".format( self.c, self.pos ) ) cfg_u = self.config byts = # the first two bytes are the size. tmp = unpack(self.endian + "2x18H6s4HI9H90H80s48xH50x6H4xH2x2H2xH30x8H", byts) cfg_u["usr"] = {} cfg_u["adv"] = {} cfg_u["awac"] = {} cfg_u["transmit_pulse_length_m"] = tmp[0] # counts cfg_u["blank_dist"] = tmp[1] # overridden below cfg_u["receive_length_m"] = tmp[2] # counts cfg_u["time_between_pings"] = tmp[3] # counts cfg_u["time_between_bursts"] = tmp[4] # counts cfg_u["adv"]["n_pings_per_burst"] = tmp[5] cfg_u["awac"]["avg_interval"] = tmp[6] cfg_u["usr"]["n_beams"] = int(tmp[7]) TimCtrlReg = lib._int2binarray(tmp[8], 16) # From the nortek system integrator manual # (note: bit numbering is zero-based) cfg_u["usr"]["profile_mode"] = ["single", "continuous"][int(TimCtrlReg[1])] cfg_u["usr"]["burst_mode"] = str(bool(~TimCtrlReg[2])) cfg_u["usr"]["power_level"] = int(TimCtrlReg[5] + 2 * TimCtrlReg[6] + 1) cfg_u["usr"]["sync_out_pos"] = [ "middle", "end", ][int(TimCtrlReg[7])] cfg_u["usr"]["sample_on_sync"] = str(bool(TimCtrlReg[8])) cfg_u["usr"]["start_on_sync"] = str(bool(TimCtrlReg[9])) cfg_u["PwrCtrlReg"] = lib._int2binarray(tmp[9], 16) cfg_u["A1"] = tmp[10] cfg_u["B0"] = tmp[11] cfg_u["B1"] = tmp[12] cfg_u["usr"]["compass_update_rate"] = tmp[13] cfg_u["coord_sys_axes"] = ["ENU", "XYZ", "beam"][tmp[14]] cfg_u["usr"]["n_bins"] = tmp[15] cfg_u["bin_length"] = tmp[16] cfg_u["burst_interval"] = tmp[17] cfg_u["usr"]["deployment_name"] = tmp[18].partition(b"\x00")[0].decode("utf-8") cfg_u["usr"]["wrap_mode"] = str(bool(tmp[19])) cfg_u["deployment_time"] = np.array(tmp[20:23]) cfg_u["diagnotics_interval"] = tmp[23] Mode0 = lib._int2binarray(tmp[24], 16) cfg_u["user_soundspeed_adj_factor"] = tmp[25] cfg_u["n_samples_diag"] = tmp[26] cfg_u["n_beams_cells_diag"] = tmp[27] cfg_u["n_pings_diag_wave"] = tmp[28] ModeTest = lib._int2binarray(tmp[29], 16) cfg_u["usr"]["analog_in"] = tmp[30] sfw_ver = str(tmp[31]) cfg_u["usr"]["software_version"] = ( sfw_ver[0] + "." + sfw_ver[1:3] + "." + sfw_ver[3:] ) cfg_u["usr"]["salinity"] = tmp[32] / 10 cfg_u["VelAdjTable"] = np.array(tmp[33:123]) cfg_u["usr"]["comments"] = tmp[123].partition(b"\x00")[0].decode("utf-8") cfg_u["awac"]["wave_processing_method"] = [ "PUV", "SUV", "MLM", "MLMST", "None", ][tmp[124]] Mode1 = lib._int2binarray(tmp[125], 16) cfg_u["awac"]["prc_dyn_wave_cell_pos"] = int(tmp[126] / 32767 * 100) cfg_u["wave_transmit_pulse"] = tmp[127] cfg_u["wave_blank_dist"] = tmp[128] cfg_u["awac"]["wave_cell_size"] = tmp[129] cfg_u["awac"]["n_samples_wave"] = tmp[130] cfg_u["n_burst"] = tmp[131] cfg_u["analog_out_scale"] = tmp[132] cfg_u["corr_thresh"] = tmp[133] cfg_u["transmit_pulse_lag2"] = tmp[134] # counts cfg_u["QualConst"] = np.array(tmp[135:143]) self.checksum(byts) cfg_u["usr"]["user_specified_sound_speed"] = str(Mode0[0]) cfg_u["awac"]["wave_mode"] = ["Disabled", "Enabled"][int(Mode0[1])] cfg_u["usr"]["analog_output"] = str(Mode0[2]) cfg_u["usr"]["output_format"] = ["Vector", "ADV"][int(Mode0[3])] # noqa cfg_u["vel_scale_mm"] = [1, 0.1][int(Mode0[4])] cfg_u["usr"]["serial_output"] = str(Mode0[5]) cfg_u["reserved_EasyQ"] = str(Mode0[6]) cfg_u["usr"]["power_output_analog"] = str(Mode0[8]) cfg_u["mode_test_use_DSP"] = str(ModeTest[0]) cfg_u["mode_test_filter_output"] = ["total", "correction_only"][ int(ModeTest[1]) ] # noqa cfg_u["awac"]["wave_fs"] = ["1 Hz", "2 Hz"][int(Mode1[0])] cfg_u["awac"]["wave_cell_position"] = ["fixed", "dynamic"][ int(Mode1[1]) ] # noqa cfg_u["awac"]["type_wave_cell_pos"] = ["pct_of_mean_pressure", "pct_of_min_re"][ int(Mode1[2]) ] # noqa def read_head_cfg(self): """Read header configuration block (0x04)""" # ID: '0x04 = 04 if self.debug: "Reading header configuration (0x04) ping #{} @ {}...".format( self.c, self.pos ) ) cfg = self.config cfg["head"] = {} byts = tmp = unpack(self.endian + "2x3H12s176s22sH", byts) head_config = lib._int2binarray(tmp[0], 16).astype(int) cfg["head"]["pressure_sensor"] = ["no", "yes"][head_config[0]] cfg["head"]["compass"] = ["no", "yes"][head_config[1]] cfg["head"]["tilt_sensor"] = ["no", "yes"][head_config[2]] cfg["head"]["carrier_freq_kHz"] = tmp[1] cfg["beam2inst_orientmat"] = ( np.array(unpack(self.endian + "9h", tmp[4][8:26])).reshape(3, 3) / 4096.0 ) self.checksum(byts) def read_hw_cfg(self): """Read hardware configuration block (0x05)""" # ID 0x05 = 05 if self.debug: "Reading hardware configuration (0x05) ping #{} @ {}...".format( self.c, self.pos ) ) cfg_hw = self.config cfg_hw["hdw"] = {} byts = tmp = unpack(self.endian + "2x14s6H12x4s", byts) cfg_hw["hdw"]["serial_number"] = tmp[0][:8].decode("utf-8") cfg_hw["ProLogID"] = unpack("B", tmp[0][8:9])[0] cfg_hw["hdw"]["ProLogFWver"] = tmp[0][10:].decode("utf-8") cfg_hw["board_config"] = tmp[1] cfg_hw["board_freq"] = tmp[2] cfg_hw["hdw"]["PIC_version"] = tmp[3] cfg_hw["hdw"]["hardware_rev"] = tmp[4] cfg_hw["hdw"]["recorder_size_bytes"] = tmp[5] * 65536 status = lib._int2binarray(tmp[6], 16).astype(int) cfg_hw["hdw"]["vel_range"] = ["normal", "high"][status[0]] cfg_hw["hdw"]["firmware_version"] = tmp[7].decode("utf-8") self.checksum(byts) def read_vec_checkdata(self): """Read Vector check data block (0x07)""" # ID: 0x07 = 07 if self.debug: "Reading Vector check data (0x07) ping #{} @ {}...".format( self.c, self.pos ) ) byts0 = checknow = {} tmp = unpack(self.endian + "2x2H", byts0) # The first two are size. checknow["Samples"] = tmp[0] n = checknow["Samples"] checknow["First_samp"] = tmp[1] checknow["Amp1"] = tbx._nans(n, dtype=np.uint8) + 8 checknow["Amp2"] = tbx._nans(n, dtype=np.uint8) + 8 checknow["Amp3"] = tbx._nans(n, dtype=np.uint8) + 8 byts1 = * n) tmp = unpack(self.endian + (3 * n * "B"), byts1) for idx, nm in enumerate(["Amp1", "Amp2", "Amp3"]): checknow[nm] = np.array(tmp[idx * n : (idx + 1) * n], dtype=np.uint8) self.checksum(byts0 + byts1) if "checkdata" not in self.config: self.config["checkdata"] = checknow else: if not isinstance(self.config["checkdata"], list): self.config["checkdata"] = [self.config["checkdata"]] self.config["checkdata"] += [checknow] def read_vec_data(self): """Read Vector measurement data block (0x10)""" # ID: 0x10 = 16 c = self.c dat = if self.debug: "Reading Vector measurements (0x10) ping #{} @ {}...".format( self.c, self.pos ) ) if "vel" not in dat["data_vars"]: self._init_data(defs.vec_data) self._dtypes += ["vec_data"] byts = ds = dat["sys"] dv = dat["data_vars"] ( ds["AnaIn2LSB"][c], ds["Count"][c], dv["PressureMSB"][c], ds["AnaIn2MSB"][c], dv["PressureLSW"][c], ds["AnaIn1"][c], dv["vel"][0, c], dv["vel"][1, c], dv["vel"][2, c], dv["amp"][0, c], dv["amp"][1, c], dv["amp"][2, c], dv["corr"][0, c], dv["corr"][1, c], dv["corr"][2, c], ) = unpack(self.endian + "4B2H3h6B", byts) self.checksum(byts) self.c += 1 def read_vec_sysdata(self): """Read Vector system data block (0x11)""" # ID: 0x11 = 17 c = self.c if self.debug: "Reading Vector system data (0x11) ping #{} @ {}...".format( self.c, self.pos ) ) dat = if self._lastread[:2] == [ "vec_checkdata", "vec_hdr", ]: self.burst_start[c] = True if "time" not in dat["coords"]: self._init_data(defs.vec_sysdata) self._dtypes += ["vec_sysdata"] byts = # The first two are size (skip them). dat["coords"]["time"][c] = lib.rd_time(byts[2:8]) ds = dat["sys"] dv = dat["data_vars"] ( dv["batt"][c], dv["c_sound"][c], dv["heading"][c], dv["pitch"][c], dv["roll"][c], dv["temp"][c], dv["error"][c], dv["status"][c], ds["AnaIn"][c], ) = unpack(self.endian + "3H3h2BH", byts[8:]) self.checksum(byts) def read_vec_hdr(self): """Read Vector header block (0x12)""" # ID: '0x12 = 18 if self.debug: "Reading Vector header data (0x12) ping #{} @ {}...".format( self.c, self.pos ) ) byts = # The first two are size, the next 6 are time. tmp = unpack(self.endian + "8xH7B21x", byts) hdrnow = {} hdrnow["time"] = lib.rd_time(byts[2:8]) hdrnow["NRecords"] = tmp[0] hdrnow["Noise1"] = tmp[1] hdrnow["Noise2"] = tmp[2] hdrnow["Noise3"] = tmp[3] hdrnow["Spare0"] = byts[13:14].decode("utf-8") hdrnow["Corr1"] = tmp[5] hdrnow["Corr2"] = tmp[6] hdrnow["Corr3"] = tmp[7] hdrnow["Spare1"] = byts[17:].decode("utf-8") self.checksum(byts) if "data_header" not in self.config: self.config["data_header"] = hdrnow else: if not isinstance(self.config["data_header"], list): self.config["data_header"] = [self.config["data_header"]] self.config["data_header"] += [hdrnow] def read_awac_profile(self): """Read AWAC profile measurements block (0x20)""" # ID: '0x20' = 32 dat = if self.debug: "Reading AWAC velocity data (0x20) ping #{} @ {}...".format( self.c, self.pos ) ) nbins = self.config["usr"]["n_bins"] if "temp" not in dat["data_vars"]: self._init_data(defs.awac_profile) self._dtypes += ["awac_profile"] # Note: docs state there is 'fill' byte at the end, if nbins is odd, # but doesn't appear to be the case n = self.config["usr"]["n_beams"] byts = + n * 3 * nbins) c = self.c dat["coords"]["time"][c] = lib.rd_time(byts[2:8]) ds = dat["sys"] dv = dat["data_vars"] ( dv["error"][c], ds["AnaIn1"][c], dv["batt"][c], dv["c_sound"][c], dv["heading"][c], dv["pitch"][c], dv["roll"][c], p_msb, dv["status"][c], p_lsw, dv["temp"][c], ) = unpack(self.endian + "5H2hBBHh", byts[8:28]) dv["pressure"][c] = 65536 * p_msb + p_lsw # The nortek system integrator manual specifies an 88byte 'spare' # field, therefore we start at 116. tmp = unpack( self.endian + str(n * nbins) + "h" + str(n * nbins) + "B", byts[116 : 116 + n * 3 * nbins], ) for idx in range(n): dv["vel"][idx, :, c] = tmp[idx * nbins : (idx + 1) * nbins] dv["amp"][idx, :, c] = tmp[(idx + n) * nbins : (idx + n + 1) * nbins] self.checksum(byts) self.c += 1 def read_awac_waves(self): """Read AWAC wave (0x30) and SUV (0x36) data blocks""" # IDs: 0x30 & 0x36 c = self.c dat = if self.debug: print( "Reading AWAC wave data (0x30) ping #{} @ {}...".format( self.c, self.pos ) ) if "dist1_alt" not in dat["data_vars"]: self._init_data(defs.wave_data) self._dtypes += ["wave_data"] # The first two are size byts = ds = dat["sys"] dv = dat["data_vars"] ( dv["pressure"][c], # (0.001 dbar) dv["dist1_alt"][c], # distance 1 to surface, vertical beam (mm) ds["AnaIn_alt"][c], # analog input 1 dv["vel_alt"][0, c], # velocity beam 1 (mm/s) East for SUV dv["vel_alt"][1, c], # North for SUV dv["vel_alt"][2, c], # Up for SUV dv["dist2_alt"][ c ], # distance 2 to surface, vertical beam (mm) or vel 4 for non-AST dv["amp_alt"][0, c], # amplitude beam 1 (counts) dv["amp_alt"][1, c], # amplitude beam 2 (counts) dv["amp_alt"][2, c], # amplitude beam 3 (counts) # AST quality (counts) or amplitude beam 4 for non-AST dv["quality_alt"][c], ) = unpack(self.endian + "3H4h4B", byts) self.checksum(byts) self.c += 1 def read_awac_waves_hdr(self): """Read AWAC header bock for wave data (0x31)""" # ID: '0x31' c = self.c if self.debug: print( "Reading AWAC header data (0x31) ping #{} @ {}...".format( self.c, self.pos ) ) hdrnow = {} dat = ds = dat["sys"] dv = dat["data_vars"] if "time" not in dat["coords"]: self._init_data(defs.waves_hdrdata) byts = # The first two are size, the next 6 are time. tmp = unpack(self.endian + "8x4H3h2HhH4B6H5h", byts) dat["coords"]["time"][c] = lib.rd_time(byts[2:8]) hdrnow["n_records_alt"] = tmp[0] hdrnow["blank_dist_alt"] = tmp[1] # counts ds["batt_alt"][c] = tmp[2] # voltage (0.1 V) dv["c_sound_alt"][c] = tmp[3] # c (0.1 m/s) dv["heading_alt"][c] = tmp[4] # (0.1 deg) dv["pitch_alt"][c] = tmp[5] # (0.1 deg) dv["roll_alt"][c] = tmp[6] # (0.1 deg) dv["pressure1_alt"][c] = tmp[7] # min pressure previous profile (0.001 dbar) dv["pressure2_alt"][c] = tmp[8] # max pressure previous profile (0.001 dbar) dv["temp_alt"][c] = tmp[9] # (0.01 deg C) hdrnow["cell_size_alt"][c] = tmp[10] # (counts of T3) hdrnow["noise_alt"][c] = tmp[11:15] # noise amplitude beam 1-4 (counts) hdrnow["proc_magn_alt"][c] = tmp[15:19] # processing magnitude beam 1-4 hdrnow["n_past_window_alt"] = tmp[ 19 ] # number of samples of AST window past boundary hdrnow["n_window_alt"] = tmp[20] # AST window size (# samples) hdrnow["Spare1"] = tmp[21:] self.checksum(byts) if "data_header" not in self.config: self.config["data_header"] = hdrnow else: if not isinstance(self.config["data_header"], list): self.config["data_header"] = [self.config["data_header"]] self.config["data_header"] += [hdrnow] def read_imu(self): """Read ADV inertial measurement unit (IMU) data block (0x71)""" def update_defs(dat, mag=False, orientmat=False): imu_data = { "accel": ["m s-2", "Acceleration"], "angrt": ["rad s-1", "Angular Velocity"], "mag": ["gauss", "Compass"], "orientmat": ["1", "Orientation Matrix"], } for ky in imu_data: dat["units"].update({ky: imu_data[ky][0]}) dat["long_name"].update({ky: imu_data[ky][1]}) if not mag: dat["units"].pop("mag") dat["long_name"].pop("mag") if not orientmat: dat["units"].pop("orientmat") dat["long_name"].pop("orientmat") # 0x71 = 113 if self.c == 0: logging.warning( 'First "IMU data" block ' 'is before first "vector system data" block.' ) else: self.c -= 1 if self.debug: "Reading Vector IMU data (0x71) ping #{} @ {}...".format( self.c, self.pos ) ) byts0 = # The first 2 are the size, 3rd is count, 4th is the id. ahrsid = unpack(self.endian + "3xB", byts0)[0] if hasattr(self, "_ahrsid") and self._ahrsid != ahrsid: logging.warning("AHRS_ID changes mid-file!") if ahrsid in [195, 204, 210, 211]: self._ahrsid = ahrsid c = self.c dat = dv = dat["data_vars"] da = dat["attrs"] da["has_imu"] = 1 # logical if "accel" not in dv: self._dtypes += ["imu"] if ahrsid == 195: self._orient_dnames = ["accel", "angrt", "orientmat"] dv["accel"] = tbx._nans((3, self.n_samp_guess), dtype=np.float32) dv["angrt"] = tbx._nans((3, self.n_samp_guess), dtype=np.float32) dv["orientmat"] = tbx._nans((3, 3, self.n_samp_guess), dtype=np.float32) rv = ["accel", "angrt"] if not all(x in da["rotate_vars"] for x in rv): da["rotate_vars"].extend(rv) update_defs(dat, mag=False, orientmat=True) if ahrsid in [204, 210]: self._orient_dnames = ["accel", "angrt", "mag", "orientmat"] dv["accel"] = tbx._nans((3, self.n_samp_guess), dtype=np.float32) dv["angrt"] = tbx._nans((3, self.n_samp_guess), dtype=np.float32) dv["mag"] = tbx._nans((3, self.n_samp_guess), dtype=np.float32) rv = ["accel", "angrt", "mag"] if not all(x in da["rotate_vars"] for x in rv): da["rotate_vars"].extend(rv) if ahrsid == 204: dv["orientmat"] = tbx._nans( (3, 3, self.n_samp_guess), dtype=np.float32 ) update_defs(dat, mag=True, orientmat=True) if ahrsid == 211: self._orient_dnames = ["angrt", "accel", "mag"] dv["angrt"] = tbx._nans((3, self.n_samp_guess), dtype=np.float32) dv["accel"] = tbx._nans((3, self.n_samp_guess), dtype=np.float32) dv["mag"] = tbx._nans((3, self.n_samp_guess), dtype=np.float32) rv = ["angrt", "accel", "mag"] if not all(x in da["rotate_vars"] for x in rv): da["rotate_vars"].extend(rv) update_defs(dat, mag=True, orientmat=False) byts = "" if ahrsid == 195: # 0xc3 byts = dt = unpack(self.endian + "6f9f4x", byts) (dv["angrt"][:, c], dv["accel"][:, c]) = ( dt[0:3], dt[3:6], ) dv["orientmat"][:, :, c] = (dt[6:9], dt[9:12], dt[12:15]) elif ahrsid == 204: # 0xcc byts = # This skips the "DWORD" (4 bytes) and the AHRS checksum # (2 bytes) dt = unpack(self.endian + "18f6x", byts) (dv["accel"][:, c], dv["angrt"][:, c], dv["mag"][:, c]) = ( dt[0:3], dt[3:6], dt[6:9], ) dv["orientmat"][:, :, c] = (dt[9:12], dt[12:15], dt[15:18]) elif ahrsid == 211: byts = dt = unpack(self.endian + "9f6x", byts) (dv["angrt"][:, c], dv["accel"][:, c], dv["mag"][:, c]) = ( dt[0:3], dt[3:6], dt[6:9], ) else: logging.warning("Unrecognized IMU identifier: " + str(ahrsid)), 1) return 10 self.checksum(byts0 + byts) self.c += 1 # reset the increment def cleanup(self): """Convert and scale raw measurements to physical quantities.""" for nm in self._dtypes: getattr(self, "convert_" + nm)() for nm in ["data_header", "checkdata"]: if nm in self.config and isinstance(self.config[nm], list): self.config[nm] = lib._recatenate(self.config[nm]) def _convert_data(self, vardict): """ Convert the data to scientific units according to 'vardict'. Parameters ---------- vardict : (dict of :class:`<VarAttrs>`) The variable definitions in the :class:`<VarAttrs>` specify how to scale each data variable. """ for nm, vd in list(vardict.items()): if is None: dat = else: dat =[] retval = vd.scale(dat[nm]) # This checks whether a new data object was created: # 'scale' returns None if it modifies the existing data. if retval is not None: dat[nm] = retval def convert_vec_sysdata(self): """Convert raw Vector system data into physical quantities.""" dat = fs = dat["attrs"]["fs"] self._convert_data(defs.vec_sysdata) t = dat["coords"]["time"] dv = dat["data_vars"] dat["sys"]["_sysi"] = ~np.isnan(t) # These are the indices in the sysdata variables # that are not interpolated. nburst = self.config["n_burst"] dv["orientation_down"] = tbx._nans(len(t), dtype="bool") if nburst == 0: num_bursts = 1 nburst = len(t) else: num_bursts = int(len(t) // nburst + 1) for nb in range(num_bursts): iburst = slice(nb * nburst, (nb + 1) * nburst) sysi = dat["sys"]["_sysi"][iburst] if len(sysi) == 0: break # Skip the first entry for the interpolation process inds = np.nonzero(sysi)[0][1:] arng = np.arange(len(t[iburst]), dtype=np.float64) if len(inds) >= 2: p = np.poly1d(np.polyfit(inds, t[iburst][inds], 1)) t[iburst] = p(arng) elif len(inds) == 1: t[iburst] = (arng - inds[0]) / (fs * 3600 * 24) + t[iburst][inds[0]] else: t[iburst] = t[iburst][0] + arng / (fs * 24 * 3600) tmpd = tbx._nans_like(dv["heading"][iburst]) # The first status bit should be the orientation. tmpd[sysi] = dv["status"][iburst][sysi] & 1 tbx.fillgaps(tmpd, extrapFlg=True) tmpd = np.nan_to_num(tmpd, nan=0) # nans in pitch roll heading slope = np.diff(tmpd) tmpd[1:][slope < 0] = 1 tmpd[:-1][slope > 0] = 0 dv["orientation_down"][iburst] = tmpd.astype("bool") tbx.interpgaps(dv["batt"], t) tbx.interpgaps(dv["c_sound"], t) tbx.interpgaps(dv["heading"], t) tbx.interpgaps(dv["pitch"], t) tbx.interpgaps(dv["roll"], t) tbx.interpgaps(dv["temp"], t) def convert_vec_data(self): """Convert raw Vector measurements to physical quantities.""" self._convert_data(defs.vec_data) dat = dat["data_vars"]["pressure"] = ( dat["data_vars"]["PressureMSB"].astype("float32") * 65536 + dat["data_vars"]["PressureLSW"].astype("float32") ) / 1000.0 dat["units"]["pressure"] = "dbar" dat["long_name"]["pressure"] = "Pressure" dat["standard_name"]["pressure"] = "sea_water_pressure" dat["data_vars"].pop("PressureMSB") dat["data_vars"].pop("PressureLSW") # Apply velocity scaling (1 or 0.1) dat["data_vars"]["vel"] *= self.config["vel_scale_mm"] def convert_awac_profile(self): """Convert raw AWAC profile measurements to physical quantities.""" self._convert_data(defs.awac_profile) # Calculate the ranges. cs_coefs = {2000: 0.0239, 1000: 0.0478, 600: 0.0797, 400: 0.1195} h_ang = 25 * (np.pi / 180) # Head angle is 25 degrees for all awacs. # Cell size cs = round( float(self.config["bin_length"]) / 256.0 * cs_coefs[self.config["head"]["carrier_freq_kHz"]] * np.cos(h_ang), ndigits=2, ) # Blanking distance bd = round(self.config["blank_dist"] * 0.0229 * np.cos(h_ang) - cs, ndigits=2) r = (np.float32(np.arange(self.config["usr"]["n_bins"])) + 1) * cs + bd["coords"]["range"] = r["attrs"]["cell_size"] = float(cs)["attrs"]["blank_dist"] = float(bd) def convert_imu(self): """Rotate IMU data into ADV coordinate system.""" dv =["data_vars"] for nm in self._orient_dnames: # Rotate the MS orientation data (in MS coordinate system) # to be consistent with the ADV coordinate system. # (x,y,-z)_ms = (z,y,x)_adv (dv[nm][2], dv[nm][0]) = (dv[nm][0], -dv[nm][2].copy()) if "orientmat" in self._orient_dnames: # MS coordinate system is in North-East-Down (NED), # we want East-North-Up (ENU) dv["orientmat"][:, 2] *= -1 (dv["orientmat"][:, 0], dv["orientmat"][:, 1]) = ( dv["orientmat"][:, 1], dv["orientmat"][:, 0].copy(), ) if "accel" in dv: # This value comes from the MS 3DM-GX3 MIP manual dv["accel"] *= 9.80665 if self._ahrsid in [195, 211]: # These are DAng and DVel, so we convert them to angrt, accel here dv["angrt"] *= self.config["fs"] dv["accel"] *= self.config["fs"]