Source code for

import numpy as np
from struct import unpack, calcsize
import warnings
from pathlib import Path
import logging
import json

from . import nortek2_defs as defs
from . import nortek2_lib as lib
from .base import _find_userdata, _create_dataset, _abspath
from ..rotate.vector import _euler2orient
from ..rotate.base import _set_coords
from ..rotate.api import set_declination
from ..time import epoch2dt64, _fill_time_gaps

[docs]def read_signature(filename, userdata=True, nens=None, rebuild_index=False, debug=False, **kwargs): """ Read a Nortek Signature (.ad2cp) datafile Parameters ---------- filename : string The filename of the file to load. userdata : bool To search for and use a .userdata.json or not nens : None, int or 2-element tuple (start, stop) Number of pings or ensembles to read from the file. Default is None, read entire file rebuild_index : bool Force rebuild of dolfyn-written datafile index. Useful for code updates. Default = False debug : bool Logs debugger ouput if true. Default = False Returns ------- ds : xarray.Dataset An xarray dataset from the binary instrument data """ # Start debugger logging if debug: for handler in logging.root.handlers[:]: logging.root.removeHandler(handler) filepath = Path(filename) logfile = filepath.with_suffix('.dolfyn.log') logging.basicConfig(filename=str(logfile), filemode='w', level=logging.NOTSET, format='%(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s') if nens is None: nens = [0, None] else: try: n = len(nens) except TypeError: nens = [0, nens] else: # passes: it's a list/tuple/array if n != 2: raise TypeError('nens must be: None (), int, or len 2') userdata = _find_userdata(filename, userdata) rdr = _Ad2cpReader(filename, rebuild_index=rebuild_index, debug=debug) d = rdr.readfile(nens[0], nens[1]) rdr.sci_data(d) out = _reorg(d) _reduce(out) # Convert time to dt64 and fill gaps coords = out['coords'] t_list = [t for t in coords if 'time' in t] for ky in t_list: tdat = coords[ky] tdat[tdat == 0] = np.NaN if np.isnan(tdat).any(): tag = ky.lstrip('time') warnings.warn("Zero/NaN values found in '{}'. Interpolating and " "extrapolating them. To identify which values were filled later, " "look for 0 values in 'status{}'".format(ky, tag)) tdat = _fill_time_gaps(tdat, sample_rate_hz=out['attrs']['fs']) coords[ky] = epoch2dt64(tdat).astype('datetime64[ns]') declin = None for nm in userdata: if 'dec' in nm: declin = userdata[nm] else: out['attrs'][nm] = userdata[nm] # Create xarray dataset from upper level dictionary ds = _create_dataset(out) ds = _set_coords(ds, ref_frame=ds.coord_sys) if 'orientmat' not in ds: ds['orientmat'] = _euler2orient( ds['time'], ds['heading'], ds['pitch'], ds['roll']) if declin is not None: set_declination(ds, declin, inplace=True) # Convert config dictionary to json string for key in list(ds.attrs.keys()): if 'config' in key: ds.attrs[key] = json.dumps(ds.attrs[key]) # Close handler if debug: for handler in logging.root.handlers[:]: logging.root.removeHandler(handler) handler.close() return ds
class _Ad2cpReader(): def __init__(self, fname, endian=None, bufsize=None, rebuild_index=False, debug=False): self.fname = fname self.debug = debug self._check_nortek(endian), 2) # Seek to end self._eof = self.f.tell() self._index = lib.get_index(fname, reload=rebuild_index, debug=debug) self._reopen(bufsize) self.filehead_config = self._read_filehead_config_string() self._ens_pos = self._index['pos'][lib._boolarray_firstensemble_ping( self._index)] self._lastblock_iswhole = self._calc_lastblock_iswhole() self._config = lib._calc_config(self._index) self._init_burst_readers() self.unknown_ID_count = {} def _calc_lastblock_iswhole(self, ): blocksize, blocksize_count = np.unique(np.diff(self._ens_pos), return_counts=True) standard_blocksize = blocksize[blocksize_count.argmax()] return (self._eof - self._ens_pos[-1]) == standard_blocksize def _check_nortek(self, endian): self._reopen(10) byts = if endian is None: if unpack('<' + 'BB', byts) == (165, 10): endian = '<' elif unpack('>' + 'BB', byts) == (165, 10): endian = '>' else: raise Exception( "I/O error: could not determine the 'endianness' " "of the file. Are you sure this is a Nortek " "AD2CP file?") self.endian = endian def _reopen(self, bufsize=None): if bufsize is None: bufsize = 1000000 try: self.f.close() except AttributeError: pass self.f = open(_abspath(self.fname), 'rb', bufsize) def _read_filehead_config_string(self, ): hdr = self._read_hdr() out = {} s_id, string = self._read_str(hdr['sz']) string = string.decode('utf-8') for ln in string.splitlines(): ky, val = ln.split(',', 1) if ky in out: # There are more than one of this key if not isinstance(out[ky], list): tmp = out[ky] out[ky] = [] out[ky].append(tmp) out[ky].append(val) else: out[ky] = val out2 = {} for ky in out: if ky.startswith('GET'): dat = out[ky] d = out2[ky.lstrip('GET')] = dict() for itm in dat.split(','): k, val = itm.split('=') try: val = int(val) except ValueError: try: val = float(val) except ValueError: pass d[k] = val else: out2[ky] = out[ky] return out2 def _init_burst_readers(self, ): self._burst_readers = {} for rdr_id, cfg in self._config.items(): if rdr_id == 28: self._burst_readers[rdr_id] = defs._calc_echo_struct( cfg['_config'], cfg['n_cells']) elif rdr_id == 23: self._burst_readers[rdr_id] = defs._calc_bt_struct( cfg['_config'], cfg['n_beams']) else: self._burst_readers[rdr_id] = defs._calc_burst_struct( cfg['_config'], cfg['n_beams'], cfg['n_cells']) def init_data(self, ens_start, ens_stop): outdat = {} nens = int(ens_stop - ens_start) n26 = ((self._index['ID'] == 26) & (self._index['ens'] >= ens_start) & (self._index['ens'] < ens_stop)).sum() for ky in self._burst_readers: if ky == 26: n = n26 ens = np.zeros(n, dtype='uint32') else: ens = np.arange(ens_start, ens_stop).astype('uint32') n = nens outdat[ky] = self._burst_readers[ky].init_data(n) outdat[ky]['ensemble'] = ens outdat[ky]['units'] = self._burst_readers[ky].data_units() outdat[ky]['long_name'] = self._burst_readers[ky].data_longnames() outdat[ky]['standard_name'] = self._burst_readers[ky].data_stdnames() return outdat def _read_hdr(self, do_cs=False): res = defs.header.read2dict(self.f, cs=do_cs) if res['sync'] != 165: raise Exception("Out of sync!") return res def _read_str(self, size): string = id = string[0] string = string[1:-1] return id, string def _read_burst(self, id, dat, c, echo=False): rdr = self._burst_readers[id] rdr.read_into(self.f, dat, c) def readfile(self, ens_start=0, ens_stop=None): # If the lastblock is not whole, we don't read it. # If it is, we do (don't subtract 1) nens_total = len(self._ens_pos) - int(not self._lastblock_iswhole) if ens_stop is None or ens_stop > nens_total: ens_stop = nens_total ens_start = int(ens_start) ens_stop = int(ens_stop) nens = ens_stop - ens_start outdat = self.init_data(ens_start, ens_stop) outdat['filehead_config'] = self.filehead_config print('Reading file %s ...' % self.fname) c = 0 c26 = 0[ens_start], 0) while True: try: hdr = self._read_hdr() except IOError: return outdat id = hdr['id'] if id in [21, 22, 23, 24, 28]: # vel, bt, vel_b5, echo self._read_burst(id, outdat[id], c) elif id in [26]: # alt_raw (altimeter burst) rdr = self._burst_readers[26] if not hasattr(rdr, '_nsamp_index'): first_pass = True tmp_idx = rdr._nsamp_index = rdr._names.index('altraw_nsamp') # noqa shift = rdr._nsamp_shift = calcsize( defs._format(rdr._format[:tmp_idx], rdr._N[:tmp_idx])) else: first_pass = False tmp_idx = rdr._nsamp_index shift = rdr._nsamp_shift tmp_idx = tmp_idx + 2 # Don't add in-place, 1) # Now read the num_samples sz = unpack('<I',[0] - 4, 1) if first_pass: # Fix the reader rdr._shape[tmp_idx].append(sz) rdr._N[tmp_idx] = sz rdr._struct = defs.Struct('<' + rdr.format) rdr.nbyte = calcsize(rdr.format) rdr._cs_struct = defs.Struct( '<' + '{}H'.format(int(rdr.nbyte // 2))) # Initialize the array outdat[26]['altraw_samp'] = defs._nans( [rdr._N[tmp_idx], len(outdat[26]['altraw_samp'])], dtype=np.uint16) else: if sz != rdr._N[tmp_idx]: raise Exception( "The number of samples in this 'Altimeter Raw' " "burst is different from prior bursts.") self._read_burst(id, outdat[id], c26) outdat[id]['ensemble'][c26] = c c26 += 1 elif id in [27, 29, 30, 31, 35, 36]: # bt record, DVL, # alt record, avg alt_raw record, raw echo, raw echo transmit if self.debug: logging.debug( "Skipped ID: 0x{:02X} ({:02d})\n".format(id, id))['sz'], 1) elif id == 160: # 0xa0 (i.e., 160) is a 'string data record' if id not in outdat: outdat[id] = dict() s_id, s = self._read_str(hdr['sz'], ) outdat[id][(c, s_id)] = s else: if id not in self.unknown_ID_count: self.unknown_ID_count[id] = 1 if self.debug: logging.warning('Unknown ID: 0x{:02X}!'.format(id)) else: self.unknown_ID_count[id] += 1['sz'], 1) c = self._advance_ens_count(c, ens_start, nens_total) if c >= nens: return outdat def _advance_ens_count(self, c, ens_start, nens_total): """This method advances the counter when appropriate to do so. """ # It's unfortunate that all of this count checking is so # complex, but this is the best I could come up with right # now. try: # Checks to makes sure we're not already at the end of the # self._ens_pos array _posnow = self._ens_pos[c + ens_start + 1] except IndexError: # We are at the end of the array, set _posnow # We use "+1" here because we want the >= in the while # loop to fail for this case so that we go ahead and read # the next ping without advancing the ens counter. _posnow = self._eof + 1 while (self.f.tell() >= _posnow): c += 1 if c + ens_start + 1 >= nens_total: # Again check end of count list break try: # Same check as above. _posnow = self._ens_pos[c + ens_start + 1] except IndexError: _posnow = self._eof + 1 return c def sci_data(self, dat): for id in dat: dnow = dat[id] if id not in self._burst_readers: continue rdr = self._burst_readers[id] rdr.sci_data(dnow) if 'vel' in dnow and 'vel_scale' in dnow: dnow['vel'] = (dnow['vel'] * 10.0 ** dnow['vel_scale']).astype('float32') def __exit__(self, type, value, trace,): self.f.close() def __enter__(self,): return self def _reorg(dat): """ This function grabs the data from the dictionary of data types (organized by ID), and combines them into a single dictionary. """ outdat = {'data_vars': {}, 'coords': {}, 'attrs': {}, 'units': {}, 'long_name': {}, 'standard_name': {}, 'sys': {}, 'altraw': {}} cfg = outdat['attrs'] cfh = cfg['filehead_config'] = dat['filehead_config'] cfg['inst_model'] = (cfh['ID'].split(',')[0][5:-1]) cfg['inst_make'] = 'Nortek' cfg['inst_type'] = 'ADCP' for id, tag in [(21, ''), (22, '_avg'), (23, '_bt'), (24, '_b5'), (26, '_ast'), (28, '_echo')]: if id in [24, 26]: collapse_exclude = [0] else: collapse_exclude = [] if id not in dat: continue dnow = dat[id] outdat['units'].update(dnow['units']) outdat['long_name'].update(dnow['long_name']) for ky in dnow['units']: if not dnow['standard_name'][ky]: dnow['standard_name'].pop(ky) outdat['standard_name'].update(dnow['standard_name']) cfg['burst_config' + tag] = lib._headconfig_int2dict( lib._collapse(dnow['config'], exclude=collapse_exclude, name='config')) outdat['coords']['time' + tag] = lib._calc_time( dnow['year'] + 1900, dnow['month'], dnow['day'], dnow['hour'], dnow['minute'], dnow['second'], dnow['usec100'].astype('uint32') * 100) tmp = lib._beams_cy_int2dict( lib._collapse(dnow['beam_config'], exclude=collapse_exclude, name='beam_config'), 21) cfg['n_cells' + tag] = tmp['n_cells'] cfg['coord_sys_axes' + tag] = tmp['cy'] cfg['n_beams' + tag] = tmp['n_beams'] cfg['ambig_vel' + tag] = lib._collapse(dnow['ambig_vel'], name='ambig_vel') for ky in ['SerialNum', 'cell_size', 'blank_dist', 'nominal_corr', 'power_level_dB']: cfg[ky + tag] = lib._collapse(dnow[ky], exclude=collapse_exclude, name=ky) for ky in ['c_sound', 'temp', 'pressure', 'heading', 'pitch', 'roll', 'mag', 'accel', 'batt', 'temp_clock', 'error', 'status', 'ensemble', ]: outdat['data_vars'][ky + tag] = dnow[ky] if 'ensemble' in ky: outdat['data_vars'][ky + tag] += 1 outdat['units'][ky + tag] = '#' outdat['long_name'][ky + tag] = 'Ensemble Number' outdat['standard_name'][ky + tag] = 'number_of_observations' for ky in ['vel', 'amp', 'corr', 'prcnt_gd', 'echo', 'dist', 'orientmat', 'angrt', 'quaternions', 'ast_pressure', 'alt_dist', 'alt_quality', 'alt_status', 'ast_dist', 'ast_quality', 'ast_offset_time', 'altraw_nsamp', 'altraw_dsamp', 'altraw_samp', 'status0', 'fom', 'temp_press', 'press_std', 'pitch_std', 'roll_std', 'heading_std', 'xmit_energy', ]: if ky in dnow: outdat['data_vars'][ky + tag] = dnow[ky] # Move 'altimeter raw' data to its own down-sampled structure if 26 in dat: ard = outdat['altraw'] for ky in list(outdat['data_vars']): if ky.endswith('_ast'): grp = ky.split('.')[0] if '.' in ky and grp not in ard: ard[grp] = {} ard[ky.rstrip('_ast')] = outdat['data_vars'].pop(ky) # Read altimeter status alt_status = lib._alt_status2data(outdat['data_vars']['alt_status']) for ky in alt_status: outdat['attrs'][ky] = lib._collapse( alt_status[ky].astype('uint8'), name=ky) outdat['data_vars'].pop('alt_status') # Power level index power = {0: 'high', 1: 'med-high', 2: 'med-low', 3: 'low'} outdat['attrs']['power_level_alt'] = power[outdat['attrs'].pop( 'power_level_idx_alt')] # Read status data status0_vars = [x for x in outdat['data_vars'] if 'status0' in x] # Status data is the same across all tags, and there is always a 'status' and 'status0' status0_key = status0_vars[0] status0_data = lib._status02data(outdat['data_vars'][status0_key]) status_key = status0_key.replace('0', '') status_data = lib._status2data(outdat['data_vars'][status_key]) # Individual status codes # Wake up state wake = {0: 'bad power', 1: 'power on', 2: 'break', 3: 'clock'} outdat['attrs']['wakeup_state'] = wake[lib._collapse( status_data.pop('wakeup_state'), name=ky)] # Instrument direction # 0: XUP, 1: XDOWN, 2: YUP, 3: YDOWN, 4: ZUP, 5: ZDOWN, # 7: AHRS, handle as ZUP nortek_orient = {0: 'horizontal', 1: 'horizontal', 2: 'horizontal', 3: 'horizontal', 4: 'up', 5: 'down', 7: 'AHRS'} outdat['attrs']['orientation'] = nortek_orient[lib._collapse( status_data.pop('orient_up'), name='orientation')] # Orientation detection orient_status = {0: 'fixed', 1: 'auto_UD', 3: 'AHRS-3D'} outdat['attrs']['orient_status'] = orient_status[lib._collapse( status_data.pop('auto_orientation'), name='orient_status')] # Status variables for ky in ['low_volt_skip', 'active_config', 'telemetry_data', 'boost_running']: outdat['data_vars'][ky] = status_data[ky].astype('uint8') # Processor idle state - need to save as 1/0 per netcdf attribute limitations for ky in status0_data: outdat['attrs'][ky] = lib._collapse( status0_data[ky].astype('uint8'), name=ky) # Remove status0 variables - keep status variables as they useful for finding missing pings [outdat['data_vars'].pop(var) for var in status0_vars] # Set coordinate system if 21 not in dat: cfg['rotate_vars'] = [] cy = cfg['coord_sys_axes_avg'] else: cfg['rotate_vars'] = ['vel', ] cy = cfg['coord_sys_axes'] outdat['attrs']['coord_sys'] = {'XYZ': 'inst', 'ENU': 'earth', 'beam': 'beam'}[cy] # Copy appropriate vars to rotate_vars for ky in ['accel', 'angrt', 'mag']: for dky in outdat['data_vars'].keys(): if dky == ky or dky.startswith(ky + '_'): outdat['attrs']['rotate_vars'].append(dky) if 'vel_bt' in outdat['data_vars']: outdat['attrs']['rotate_vars'].append('vel_bt') if 'vel_avg' in outdat['data_vars']: outdat['attrs']['rotate_vars'].append('vel_avg') return outdat def _reduce(data): """This function takes the output from `reorg`, and further simplifies the data. Mostly this is combining system, environmental, and orientation data --- from different data structures within the same ensemble --- by averaging. """ dv = data['data_vars'] dc = data['coords'] da = data['attrs'] # Average these fields for ky in ['c_sound', 'temp', 'pressure', 'temp_press', 'temp_clock', 'batt']: lib._reduce_by_average(dv, ky, ky + '_b5') # Angle-averaging is treated separately for ky in ['heading', 'pitch', 'roll']: lib._reduce_by_average_angle(dv, ky, ky + '_b5') if 'vel' in dv: dc['range'] = ((np.arange(dv['vel'].shape[1])+1) * da['cell_size'] + da['blank_dist']) da['fs'] = da['filehead_config']['BURST']['SR'] tmat = da['filehead_config']['XFBURST'] if 'vel_avg' in dv: dc['range_avg'] = ((np.arange(dv['vel_avg'].shape[1])+1) * da['cell_size_avg'] + da['blank_dist_avg']) dv['orientmat'] = dv.pop('orientmat_avg') tmat = da['filehead_config']['XFAVG'] da['fs'] = da['filehead_config']['PLAN']['MIAVG'] da['avg_interval_sec'] = da['filehead_config']['AVG']['AI'] da['bandwidth'] = da['filehead_config']['AVG']['BW'] if 'vel_b5' in dv: dc['range_b5'] = ((np.arange(dv['vel_b5'].shape[1])+1) * da['cell_size_b5'] + da['blank_dist_b5']) if 'echo_echo' in dv: dv['echo'] = dv.pop('echo_echo') dc['range_echo'] = ((np.arange(dv['echo'].shape[0])+1) * da['cell_size_echo'] + da['blank_dist_echo']) if 'orientmat' in data['data_vars']: da['has_imu'] = 1 # logical # Signature AHRS rotation matrix returned in "inst->earth" # Change to dolfyn's "earth->inst" dv['orientmat'] = np.rollaxis(dv['orientmat'], 1) else: da['has_imu'] = 0 theta = da['filehead_config']['BEAMCFGLIST'][0] if 'THETA=' in theta: da['beam_angle'] = int(theta[13:15]) tm = np.zeros((tmat['ROWS'], tmat['COLS']), dtype=np.float32) for irow in range(tmat['ROWS']): for icol in range(tmat['COLS']): tm[irow, icol] = tmat['M' + str(irow + 1) + str(icol + 1)] dv['beam2inst_orientmat'] = tm # If burst velocity isn't used, need to copy one for 'time' if 'time' not in dc: for val in dc: if 'time' in val: time = val dc['time'] = dc[time]