Source code for

import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
import warnings
from os.path import getsize
from pathlib import Path
import logging

from . import base
from .. import time as tmlib
from . import rdi_lib as lib
from . import rdi_defs as defs
from ..rotate.rdi import _calc_beam_orientmat, _calc_orientmat
from ..rotate.base import _set_coords
from ..rotate.api import set_declination

[docs] def read_rdi( filename, userdata=None, nens=None, debug_level=-1, vmdas_search=False, winriver=False, **kwargs, ) -> xr.Dataset: """ Read a TRDI binary data file. Parameters ---------- filename : string Filename of TRDI file to read. userdata : True, False, or string of userdata.json filename Whether to read the '<base-filename>.userdata.json' file. Default = True nens : None, int or 2-element tuple (start, stop) Number of pings or ensembles to read from the file. Default is None, read entire file debug_level : int Debug level [0 - 2]. Default = -1 vmdas_search : bool Search from the end of each ensemble for the VMDAS navigation block. The byte offsets are sometimes incorrect. Default = False winriver : bool If file is winriver or not. Automatically set by dolfyn, this is helpful for debugging. Default = False Returns ------- ds : xarray.Dataset An xarray dataset from the binary instrument data """ # Start debugger logging if debug_level >= 0: for handler in logging.root.handlers[:]: logging.root.removeHandler(handler) filepath = Path(filename) logfile = filepath.with_suffix(".dolfyn.log") logging.basicConfig( filename=str(logfile), filemode="w", level=logging.NOTSET, format="%(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s", ) # Reads into a dictionary of dictionaries using netcdf naming conventions # Should be easier to debug rdr = _RDIReader( filename, debug_level=debug_level, vmdas_search=vmdas_search, winriver=winriver ) datNB, datBB = rdr.load_data(nens=nens) dats = [dat for dat in [datNB, datBB] if dat is not None] # Read in userdata userdata = base._find_userdata(filename, userdata) dss = [] for dat in dats: for nm in userdata: dat["attrs"][nm] = userdata[nm] # Pass one if only one ds returned if not np.isfinite(dat["coords"]["time"][0]): continue # GPS data not necessarily sampling at the same rate as ADCP DAQ. if "time_gps" in dat["coords"]: dat = base._remove_gps_duplicates(dat) # Convert time coords to dt64 t_coords = [t for t in dat["coords"] if "time" in t] for ky in t_coords: dat["coords"][ky] = tmlib.epoch2dt64(dat["coords"][ky]) # Convert time vars to dt64 t_data = [t for t in dat["data_vars"] if "time" in t] for ky in t_data: dat["data_vars"][ky] = tmlib.epoch2dt64(dat["data_vars"][ky]) # Create xarray dataset from upper level dictionary ds = base._create_dataset(dat) ds = _set_coords(ds, ref_frame=ds.coord_sys) # Create orientation matrices if "beam2inst_orientmat" not in ds: ds["beam2inst_orientmat"] = xr.DataArray( _calc_beam_orientmat(ds.beam_angle, ds.beam_pattern == "convex"), coords={"x1": [1, 2, 3, 4], "x2": [1, 2, 3, 4]}, dims=["x1", "x2"], attrs={"units": "1", "long_name": "Rotation Matrix"}, ) if "orientmat" not in ds: ds["orientmat"] = _calc_orientmat(ds) # Check magnetic declination if provided via software and/or userdata _set_rdi_declination(ds, filename, inplace=True) dss += [ds] if len(dss) == 2: warnings.warn( "\nTwo profiling configurations retrieved from file" "\nReturning first." ) # Close handler if debug_level >= 0: for handler in logging.root.handlers[:]: logging.root.removeHandler(handler) handler.close() return dss[0]
def _set_rdi_declination(dat, fname, inplace): """ If magnetic_var_deg is set, this means that the declination is already included in the heading and in the velocity data. """ declin = dat.attrs.pop("declination", None) # userdata declination if dat.attrs["magnetic_var_deg"] != 0: # from TRDI software if set dat.attrs["declination"] = dat.attrs["magnetic_var_deg"] dat.attrs["declination_in_orientmat"] = 1 # logical if dat.attrs["magnetic_var_deg"] != 0 and declin is not None: warnings.warn( "'magnetic_var_deg' is set to {:.2f} degrees in the binary " "file '{}', AND 'declination' is set in the 'userdata.json' " "file. DOLfYN WILL USE THE VALUE of {:.2f} degrees in " "userdata.json. If you want to use the value in " "'magnetic_var_deg', delete the value from userdata.json and " "re-read the file.".format(dat.attrs["magnetic_var_deg"], fname, declin) ) dat.attrs["declination"] = declin if declin is not None: set_declination(dat, declin, inplace) class _RDIReader: def __init__( self, fname, navg=1, debug_level=-1, vmdas_search=False, winriver=False ): self.fname = base._abspath(fname) print("\nReading file {} ...".format(fname)) self._debug_level = debug_level self._vmdas_search = vmdas_search self._winrivprob = winriver self._vm_source = 0 self._pos = 0 self.progress = 0 self._cfac32 = np.float32(180 / 2**31) # signed 32 to float self._cfac16 = np.float32(180 / 2**15) # unsigned16 to float self._fixoffset = 0 self._nbyte = 0 self.n_cells_diff = 0 self.n_cells_sl = 0 self.cs_diff = 0 self.cs = [] self.cfg = {} self.cfgbb = {} self.hdr = {} self.f = lib.bin_reader(self.fname) # Check header, double buffer, and get filesize self._filesize = getsize(self.fname) space = self.code_spacing() # '0x7F' self._npings = self._filesize // space if self._debug_level > -1:"Done: {}".format(self.cfg))"self._bb {}".format(self._bb))"self.cfgbb: {}".format(self.cfgbb)), 0) self.n_avg = navg self.ensemble = lib._ensemble(self.n_avg, self.cfg["n_cells"]) if self._bb: self.ensembleBB = lib._ensemble(self.n_avg, self.cfgbb["n_cells"]) self.vars_read = lib._variable_setlist(["time"]) if self._bb: self.vars_readBB = lib._variable_setlist(["time"]) def code_spacing(self, iternum=50): """ Returns the average spacing, in bytes, between pings. Repeat this * iternum * times(default 50). """ fd = self.f p0 = self._pos # Get basic header data and check dual profile if not self.read_hdr(): raise RuntimeError("No header in this file") self._bb = self.check_for_double_buffer() # Turn off debugging to check code spacing debug_level = self._debug_level self._debug_level = -1 for i in range(iternum): try: self.read_hdr() except: break # Compute the average of the data size: size = (self._pos - p0) / (i + 1) self.f = fd self._pos = p0 self._debug_level = debug_level return size def read_hdr(self): """Scan file until 7f7f is found""" if not self.search_buffer(): return False self._pos = self.f.tell() - 2 self.read_hdrseg() return True def read_hdrseg(self): fd = self.f hdr = self.hdr hdr["nbyte"] = fd.read_i16(1) spare = fd.read_ui8(1) ndat = fd.read_ui8(1) hdr["dat_offsets"] = fd.read_ui16(ndat) self._nbyte = 4 + ndat * 2 def check_for_double_buffer(self): """ VMDAS will record two buffers in NB or NB/BB mode, so we need to figure out if that is happening here """ found = False pos = self.f.pos if self._debug_level > -1:"pos {}".format(pos)) self.id_positions = {} for offset in self.hdr["dat_offsets"]: + pos - self.hdr["dat_offsets"][0], rel=0) id = self.f.read_ui16(1) self.id_positions[id] = offset if self._debug_level > -1:"id {} offset {}".format(id, offset)) if id == 1: defs.read_fixed(self, bb=True) found = True elif id == 0: defs.read_fixed(self, bb=False) elif id == 16: defs.read_fixed_sl(self) # bb=True elif id == 8192: self._vmdas_search = True return found def load_data(self, nens=None): """Main function run after reader class is initiated.""" if nens is None: # Attempt to overshoot WinRiver2 or *Pro filesize if (self.cfg["coord_sys"] == "ship") or ( self.cfg["inst_model"] in [ "RiverPro", "StreamPro", ] ): self._nens = int(self._filesize / self.hdr["nbyte"] / self.n_avg * 1.1) else: # Attempt to overshoot other instrument filesizes self._nens = int(self._npings / self.n_avg) elif nens.__class__ is tuple or nens.__class__ is list: raise Exception(" `nens` must be a integer") else: self._nens = nens if self._debug_level > -1:" taking data from pings 0 - %d" % self._nens)" %d ensembles will be produced.\n" % self._nens) self.init_data() for iens in range(self._nens): if not self.read_buffer(): self.remove_end(iens) break self.ensemble.clean_data() if self._bb: self.ensembleBB.clean_data() ens = [self.ensemble] vars = [self.vars_read] datl = [self.outd] cfgl = [self.cfg] if self._bb: ens += [self.ensembleBB] vars += [self.vars_readBB] datl += [self.outdBB] cfgl += [self.cfgbb] for var, en, dat in zip(vars, ens, datl): for nm in var: dat = self.save_profiles(dat, nm, en, iens) # reset flag after all variables run self.n_cells_diff = 0 # Set clock clock = en.rtc[:, :] if clock[0, 0] < 100: clock[0, :] += defs.century try: dates = tmlib.date2epoch( tmlib.datetime( *clock[:6, 0], microsecond=int(float(clock[6, 0]) * 10000) ) )[0] except ValueError: warnings.warn( "Invalid time stamp in ping {}.".format( int(self.ensemble.number[0]) ) ) dat["coords"]["time"][iens] = np.nan else: dat["coords"]["time"][iens] = np.median(dates) # Finalize dataset (runs through both nb and bb) for dat, cfg in zip(datl, cfgl): dat, cfg = self.cleanup(dat, cfg) dat = self.finalize(dat) if "vel_bt" in dat["data_vars"]: dat["attrs"]["rotate_vars"].append("vel_bt") datbb = self.outdBB if self._bb else None return self.outd, datbb def init_data(self): """Initiate data structure""" outd = { "data_vars": {}, "coords": {}, "attrs": {}, "units": {}, "long_name": {}, "standard_name": {}, "sys": {}, } outd["attrs"]["inst_make"] = "TRDI" outd["attrs"]["inst_type"] = "ADCP" outd["attrs"]["rotate_vars"] = [ "vel", ] # Currently RDI doesn't use IMUs outd["attrs"]["has_imu"] = 0 if self._bb: outdbb = { "data_vars": {}, "coords": {}, "attrs": {}, "units": {}, "long_name": {}, "standard_name": {}, "sys": {}, } outdbb["attrs"]["inst_make"] = "TRDI" outdbb["attrs"]["inst_type"] = "ADCP" outdbb["attrs"]["rotate_vars"] = [ "vel", ] outdbb["attrs"]["has_imu"] = 0 # Preallocate variables and data sizes for nm in defs.data_defs: outd = lib._idata( outd, nm, sz=lib._get_size(nm, self._nens, self.cfg["n_cells"]) ) self.outd = outd if self._bb: for nm in defs.data_defs: outdbb = lib._idata( outdbb, nm, sz=lib._get_size(nm, self._nens, self.cfgbb["n_cells"]) ) self.outdBB = outdbb if self._debug_level > 1:["data_vars"]["vel"])) if self._debug_level > 1:"{} ncells, not BB".format(self.cfg["n_cells"])) if self._bb:"{} ncells, BB".format(self.cfgbb["n_cells"])) def read_buffer(self): """Read through the file""" fd = self.f self.ensemble.k = -1 # so that k+=1 gives 0 on the first loop. if self._bb: self.ensembleBB.k = -1 # so that k+=1 gives 0 on the first loop. self.print_progress() hdr = self.hdr while self.ensemble.k < self.ensemble.n_avg - 1: if not self.search_buffer(): return False startpos = fd.tell() - 2 self.read_hdrseg() if self._debug_level > -1:"Read Header", hdr) byte_offset = self._nbyte + 2 self._read_vmdas = False for n in range(len(hdr["dat_offsets"])): id = fd.read_ui16(1) if self._debug_level > 0:"n {n}: {id} {id:04x}") self.print_pos() retval = self.read_dat(id) if retval == "FAIL": break byte_offset += self._nbyte if n < (len(hdr["dat_offsets"]) - 1): oset = hdr["dat_offsets"][n + 1] - byte_offset if oset != 0: if self._debug_level > 0: logging.debug(" %s: Adjust location by %d\n" % (id, oset)), 1) byte_offset = hdr["dat_offsets"][n + 1] else: if hdr["nbyte"] - 2 != byte_offset: if not self._winrivprob: if self._debug_level > 0: logging.debug( " {:d}: Adjust location by {:d}\n".format( id, hdr["nbyte"] - 2 - byte_offset ) )["nbyte"] - 2 - byte_offset, 1) byte_offset = hdr["nbyte"] - 2 # Check for vmdas again because vmdas doesn't set the offsets # correctly, and we need this info: if not self._read_vmdas and self._vmdas_search: if self._debug_level > 0:"Searching for vmdas nav data. Going to next ensemble") self.search_buffer() # now go back to where vmdas would be:, 1) id = self.f.read_ui16(1) if id is not None: if self._debug_level > 0:"Found {id:04d}") if id == 8192: self.read_dat(id) readbytes = fd.tell() - startpos offset = hdr["nbyte"] + 2 - readbytes self.check_offset(offset, readbytes) self.print_pos(byte_offset=byte_offset) return True def search_buffer(self): """ Check to see if the next bytes indicate the beginning of a data block. If not, search for the next data block, up to _search_num times. """ fd = self.f id = fd.read_ui8(2) if id is None: return False cfgid = list(id) pos_7f79 = False search_cnt = 0 if self._debug_level > -1:"pos {}".format(fd.pos))"cfgid0: [{:x}, {:x}]".format(*cfgid)) # If not [127, 127] or if the file ends in the next ensemble while (cfgid != [127, 127]) or self.check_eof(): if cfgid == [127, 121]: # Search for the next header or the end of the file skipbytes = fd.read_i16(1) - 2, 1) id = fd.read_ui8(2) if id is None: # EOF return False cfgid = list(id) pos_7f79 = True else: # Search til we find something or hit the end of the file search_cnt += 1 nextbyte = fd.read_ui8(1) if nextbyte is None: # EOF return False cfgid[0] = cfgid[1] cfgid[1] = nextbyte if pos_7f79 and self._debug_level > -1:"Skipped junk data: [{:x}, {:x}]".format(*[127, 121])) if search_cnt > 0: if self._debug_level > 0: " Searched {} bytes to find next " "valid ensemble start [{:x}, {:x}]\n".format(search_cnt, *cfgid) ) return True def check_eof(self): """Returns True if next header is bad or at end of file.""" fd = self.f out = True numbytes = fd.read_i16(1) # Search for next config id if numbytes > 0: - 2, 1) cfgid = fd.read_ui8(2) if cfgid is None: if self._debug_level > 1:"EOF") return True # Make sure one is found, either 7f7f or 7f79 if len(cfgid) == 2: - 2, 1) if cfgid[0] == 127 and cfgid[1] in [127, 121]: out = False else:, 1) return out def print_progress(self): """Print the buffer progress, used for debugging.""" self.progress = self.f.tell() if self._debug_level > 1: logging.debug( " pos %0.0fmb/%0.0fmb\n" % (self.f.tell() / 1048576, self._filesize / 1048576) ) if (self.f.tell() - self.progress) < 1048576: return def print_pos(self, byte_offset=-1): """Print the position in the file, used for debugging.""" if self._debug_level > 1: if hasattr(self, "ensemble"): k = self.ensemble.k else: k = 0 logging.debug( f" pos: {self.f.tell()}, pos_: {self._pos}, nbyte: {self._nbyte}, k: {k}, byte_offset: {byte_offset}" ) def read_dat(self, id): """Main function map used to read or skip stored IDs""" function_map = { # 0000 1st profile fixed leader 0: (defs.read_fixed, [False]), # 0001 2nd profile fixed leader 1: (defs.read_fixed, [True]), # 0010 Surface layer fixed leader (RiverPro & StreamPro) 16: (defs.read_fixed_sl, []), # 0080 1st profile variable leader 128: (defs.read_var, [False]), # 0081 2nd profile variable leader 129: (defs.read_var, [True]), # 0100 1st profile velocity 256: (defs.read_vel, [0]), # 0101 2nd profile velocity 257: (defs.read_vel, [1]), # 0103 Waves first leader 259: (defs.skip_Nbyte, [74]), # 0110 Surface layer velocity (RiverPro & StreamPro) 272: (defs.read_vel, [2]), # 0200 1st profile correlation 512: (defs.read_corr, [0]), # 0201 2nd profile correlation 513: (defs.read_corr, [1]), # 0203 Waves data 515: (defs.skip_Nbyte, [186]), # 020C Ambient sound profile 524: (defs.skip_Nbyte, [4]), # 0210 Surface layer correlation (RiverPro & StreamPro) 528: (defs.read_corr, [2]), # 0300 1st profile amplitude 768: (defs.read_amp, [0]), # 0301 2nd profile amplitude 769: (defs.read_amp, [1]), # 0302 Beam 5 Sum of squared velocities 770: (defs.skip_Ncol, []), # 0303 Waves last leader 771: (defs.skip_Ncol, [18]), # 0310 Surface layer amplitude (RiverPro & StreamPro) 784: (defs.read_amp, [2]), # 0400 1st profile % good 1024: (defs.read_prcnt_gd, [0]), # 0401 2nd profile pct good 1025: (defs.read_prcnt_gd, [1]), # 0403 Waves HPR data 1027: (defs.skip_Nbyte, [6]), # 0410 Surface layer pct good (RiverPro & StreamPro) 1040: (defs.read_prcnt_gd, [2]), # 0500 1st profile status 1280: (defs.read_status, [0]), # 0501 2nd profile status 1281: (defs.read_status, [1]), # 0510 Surface layer status (RiverPro & StreamPro) 1296: (defs.read_status, [2]), 1536: (defs.read_bottom, []), # 0600 bottom tracking 1793: (defs.skip_Ncol, [4]), # 0701 number of pings 1794: (defs.skip_Ncol, [4]), # 0702 sum of squared vel 1795: (defs.skip_Ncol, [4]), # 0703 sum of velocities 2560: (defs.skip_Ncol, []), # 0A00 Beam 5 velocity 2816: (defs.skip_Ncol, []), # 0B00 Beam 5 correlation 3072: (defs.skip_Ncol, []), # 0C00 Beam 5 amplitude 3328: (defs.skip_Ncol, []), # 0D00 Beam 5 pct_good # Fixed attitude data format for Ocean Surveyor ADCPs 3000: (defs.skip_Nbyte, [32]), 3841: (defs.skip_Nbyte, [38]), # 0F01 Beam 5 leader 8192: (defs.read_vmdas, []), # 2000 # 2013 Navigation parameter data 8211: (defs.skip_Nbyte, [83]), 8226: (defs.read_winriver2, []), # 2022 8448: (defs.read_winriver, []), # 2100 8449: (defs.read_winriver, []), # 2101 8450: (defs.read_winriver, []), # 2102 8451: (defs.read_winriver, []), # 2103 8452: (defs.read_winriver, []), # 2104 # 3200 Transformation matrix 12800: (defs.skip_Nbyte, [32]), # 3000 Fixed attitude data format for Ocean Surveyor ADCPs 12288: (defs.skip_Nbyte, [32]), 12496: (defs.skip_Nbyte, [24]), # 30D0 12504: (defs.skip_Nbyte, [48]), # 30D8 # 4100 beam 5 range 16640: (defs.read_alt, []), # 4400 Firmware status data (RiverPro & StreamPro) 17408: (defs.skip_Nbyte, [28]), # 4401 Auto mode setup (RiverPro & StreamPro) 17409: (defs.skip_Nbyte, [82]), # 5803 High resolution bottom track velocity 22531: (defs.skip_Nbyte, [68]), # 5804 Bottom track range 22532: (defs.skip_Nbyte, [21]), # 5901 ISM (IMU) data 22785: (defs.skip_Nbyte, [65]), # 5902 Ping attitude 22786: (defs.skip_Nbyte, [105]), # 7001 ADC data 28673: (defs.skip_Nbyte, [14]), } # Call the correct function: if self._debug_level > 1: logging.debug(f"Trying to Read {id}") if id in function_map: if self._debug_level > 1:" Reading code {}...".format(hex(id))) retval = function_map.get(id)[0](self, *function_map[id][1]) if retval: return retval if self._debug_level > 1:" success!") else: self.read_nocode(id) def read_nocode(self, id): """Identify filler or unknown bytes and bypass them""" # Skipping bytes from codes 0340-30FC, commented if needed hxid = hex(id) if hxid[2:4] == "30": logging.warning("Skipping bytes from codes 0340-30FC") # I want to count the number of 1s in the middle 4 bits # of the 2nd two bytes. # 60 is a 0b00111100 mask nflds = bin(int(hxid[3]) & 60).count("1") + bin(int(hxid[4]) & 60).count( "1" ) # I want to count the number of 1s in the highest # 2 bits of byte 3 # 3 is a 0b00000011 mask: dfac = bin(int(hxid[3], 0) & 3).count("1") defs.skip_Nbyte(self, 12 * nflds * dfac) else: if self._debug_level > -1: logging.warning(" Unrecognized ID code: %0.4X" % id) self.skip_nocode(id) def skip_nocode(self, id): """ Skips bytes when an ID code is not found in the function map. This method calculates the byte length to skip based on the positions of known ID codes and uses this length to bypass filler or irrelevant data. Parameters ---------- id : int The ID code that is not present in the function map. """ offsets = list(self.id_positions.values()) idx = np.where(offsets == self.id_positions[id])[0][0] byte_len = offsets[idx + 1] - offsets[idx] - 2 defs.skip_Nbyte(self, byte_len) if self._debug_level > -1: logging.debug(f"Skipping ID code {id}\n") def check_offset(self, offset, readbytes): """ Checks and adjusts the file position based on the distance to the nearest function ID. If the provided `offset` differs from the expected value and `_fixoffset` is zero, this method updates `_fixoffset` and adjusts the file position in the data file (`self.f`) accordingly. This adjustment is logged if `_debug_level` is set to a positive value. Parameters ---------- offset : int The current offset from the expected position. readbytes : int The number of bytes that have been read so far. """ fd = self.f if offset != 4 and self._fixoffset == 0: if self._debug_level > 0: if fd.tell() == self._filesize: logging.error( " EOF reached unexpectedly - discarding this last ensemble\n" ) else: logging.debug( " Adjust location by {:d} (readbytes={:d},hdr['nbyte']={:d})\n".format( offset, readbytes, self.hdr["nbyte"] ) ) self._fixoffset = offset - 4 + self._fixoffset, 1) def remove_end(self, iens): """ Removes incomplete measurements from the dataset. This method cleans up any partially read data by truncating measurements to the specified ensemble index (`iens`). This is typically called upon reaching the end of the file to ensure only complete data is retained. Parameters ---------- iens : int The index up to which data is considered complete and should be retained. """ dat = self.outd if self._debug_level > 0:" Encountered end of file. Cleaning up data.") for nm in self.vars_read: lib._setd(dat, nm, lib._get(dat, nm)[..., :iens]) def save_profiles(self, dat, nm, en, iens): """ Reformats profile measurements in the retrieved measurements. This method processes profile measurements from individual pings, adapting to changing cell counts and cell sizes as needed (from the WinRiver2 program with one of the ***Pro ADCPs). Parameters ---------- dat : dict Raw data dictionary nm : str The name of the profile variable en : dict The dictionary containing ensemble profiles iens : int The index of the current ensemble Returns ------- dict The updated dataset dictionary with the reformatted profile measurements. """ ds = lib._get(dat, nm) if self.n_avg == 1: bn = en[nm][..., 0] else: bn = np.nanmean(en[nm], axis=-1) # If n_cells has changed (RiverPro/StreamPro WinRiver transects) if len(ds.shape) == 3: if "_sl" in nm: # This works here b/c the max number of surface layer cells # is smaller than the min number of normal profile cells used. # Extra nan cells created after this if-statement # are trimmed off in self.cleanup. bn = bn[: self.cfg["n_cells_sl"]] else: # Set bn to current ping size bn = bn[: self.cfg["n_cells"]] # If n_cells has increased, we also need to increment defs if self.n_cells_diff > 0: a = np.empty((self.n_cells_diff, ds.shape[1], ds.shape[2])) * np.nan ds = np.append(ds, a.astype(ds.dtype), axis=0) lib._setd(dat, nm, ds) # If the number of cells decreases, set extra cells to nan instead of # whatever is stuck in memory if ds.shape[0] != bn.shape[0]: n_cells = ds.shape[0] - bn.shape[0] a = np.empty((n_cells, bn.shape[1])) * np.nan bn = np.append(bn, a.astype(ds.dtype), axis=0) # Keep track of when the cell size changes if self.cs_diff: self.cs.append([iens, self.cfg["cell_size"]]) self.cs_diff = 0 # Then copy the ensemble to the dataset. ds[..., iens] = bn lib._setd(dat, nm, ds) return dat def cleanup(self, dat, cfg): """ Cleans up recorded data by adjusting variable cell sizes and profile ranges. This method handles adjustments when cell sizes change during data collection, performing depth-bin averaging for smaller cells if needed. It also updates the configuration data, range coordinates, and manages any surface layer profiles. Parameters ---------- dat : dict The dataset dictionary containing data variables and coordinates to be cleaned up. cfg : dict Configuration dictionary, which is updated with cell size, range, and additional attributes after cleanup. Returns ------- tuple - dict : The updated dataset dictionary with cleaned data. - dict : The updated configuration dictionary with new attributes. """ # Clean up changing cell size, if necessary cs = np.array(self.cs, dtype=np.float32) cell_sizes = cs[:, 1] # If cell sizes change, depth-bin average the smaller cell sizes if len(self.cs) > 1: bins_to_merge = cell_sizes.max() / cell_sizes idx_start = cs[:, 0].astype(int) idx_end = np.append(cs[1:, 0], self._nens).astype(int) dv = dat["data_vars"] for var in dv: if (len(dv[var].shape) == 3) and ("_sl" not in var): # Create a new NaN var to save data in new_var = (np.zeros(dv[var].shape) * np.nan).astype(dv[var].dtype) # For each cell size change, reshape and bin-average for id1, id2, b in zip(idx_start, idx_end, bins_to_merge): array = np.transpose(dv[var][..., id1:id2]) bin_arr = np.transpose(np.mean(self.reshape(array, b), axis=-1)) new_var[: len(bin_arr), :, id1:id2] = bin_arr # Reset data. This often leaves nan data at farther ranges dv[var] = new_var # Set cell size and range cfg["n_cells"] = self.ensemble["n_cells"] cfg["cell_size"] = round(cell_sizes.max(), 3) dat["coords"]["range"] = ( cfg["bin1_dist_m"] + np.arange(cfg["n_cells"]) * cfg["cell_size"] ).astype(np.float32) # Save configuration data as attributes for nm in cfg: dat["attrs"][nm] = cfg[nm] # Clean up surface layer profiles if "surface_layer" in cfg: # RiverPro/StreamPro dat["coords"]["range_sl"] = ( cfg["bin1_dist_m_sl"] + np.arange(0, self.n_cells_sl) * cfg["cell_size_sl"] ) # Trim off extra nan data dv = dat["data_vars"] for var in dv: if "sl" in var: dv[var] = dv[var][: self.n_cells_sl] dat["attrs"]["rotate_vars"].append("vel_sl") return dat, cfg def reshape(self, arr, n_bin=None): """ Reshapes the input array `arr` to a shape of (..., n, n_bin). Parameters ---------- arr : np.ndarray The array to reshape. The last dimension of `arr` will be divided into `(n, n_bin)` based on the value of `n_bin`. n_bin : int or float, optional The bin size for reshaping. If `n_bin` is an integer, it divides the last dimension directly. If not, indices are adjusted, and excess bins may be removed. Default is None. Returns ------- np.ndarray The reshaped array with shape (..., n, n_bin). """ out = np.zeros( list(arr.shape[:-1]) + [int(arr.shape[-1] // n_bin), int(n_bin)], dtype=arr.dtype, ) shp = out.shape if np.mod(n_bin, 1) == 0: # n_bin needs to be int n_bin = int(n_bin) # If n_bin is an integer, we can do this simply. out[..., :n_bin] = (arr[..., : (shp[-2] * shp[-1])]).reshape(shp, order="C") else: inds = np.arange([-2:])) * n_bin // int(n_bin) # If there are too many indices, drop one bin if inds[-1] >= arr.shape[-1]: inds = inds[: -int(n_bin)] shp[-2] -= 1 out = out[..., 1:, :] n_bin = int(n_bin) out[..., :n_bin] = (arr[..., inds]).reshape(shp, order="C") n_bin = int(n_bin) return out def finalize(self, dat): """ This method cleans up the dataset by removing any attributes that were defined but not loaded, updates configuration attributes, and sets the sampling frequency (fs) based on the data source program. Additionally, it adjusts the axes of certain variables as defined in data_defs. Parameters ---------- dat : dict The dataset dictionary to be finalized. This dictionary is modified in place by removing unused attributes, setting configuration values as attributes, and calculating `fs`. Returns ------- dict The finalized dataset dictionary with cleaned attributes and added metadata. """ for nm in set(defs.data_defs.keys()) - self.vars_read: lib._pop(dat, nm) for nm in self.cfg: dat["attrs"][nm] = self.cfg[nm] # VMDAS and WinRiver have different set sampling frequency da = dat["attrs"] if ("sourceprog" in da) and ( da["sourceprog"].lower() in ["vmdas", "winriver", "winriver2"] ): da["fs"] = round(1 / np.median(np.diff(dat["coords"]["time"])), 2) else: da["fs"] = 1 / (da["sec_between_ping_groups"] * da["pings_per_ensemble"]) for nm in defs.data_defs: shp = defs.data_defs[nm][0] if len(shp) and shp[0] == "nc" and lib._in_group(dat, nm): lib._setd(dat, nm, np.swapaxes(lib._get(dat, nm), 0, 1)) return dat