from . import vector as r_vec
from . import awac as r_awac
from . import signature as r_sig
from . import rdi as r_rdi
from .base import _make_model
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
import warnings
# The 'rotation chain'
rc = ["beam", "inst", "earth", "principal"]
rot_module_dict = {
# Nortek instruments
"vector": r_vec,
"awac": r_awac,
"signature": r_sig,
"ad2cp": r_sig,
# TRDI instruments
"rdi": r_rdi,
def rotate2(ds, out_frame="earth", inplace=True):
Rotate a dataset to a new coordinate system.
ds : xr.Dataset
The dolfyn dataset (ADV or ADCP) to rotate.
out_frame : string {'beam', 'inst', 'earth', 'principal'}
The coordinate system to rotate the data into.
inplace : bool
When True ``ds`` is modified. When False a copy is returned.
Default = True
ds : xarray.Dataset or None
Returns a new rotated dataset **when ``inplace=False``**, otherwise
returns None.
- This function rotates all variables in ``ds.attrs['rotate_vars']``.
- In order to rotate to the 'principal' frame, a value should exist for
``ds.attrs['principal_heading']``. The function
:func:`calc_principal_heading <dolfyn.calc_principal_heading>`
is recommended for this purpose, e.g.:
ds.attrs['principal_heading'] = dolfyn.calc_principal_heading(ds['vel'].mean(range))
where here we are using the depth-averaged velocity to calculate
the principal direction.
# Create and return deep copy if not writing "in place"
if not inplace:
ds = ds.copy(deep=True)
csin = ds.coord_sys.lower()
if csin == "ship":
csin = "inst"
# Returns True/False if head2inst_rotmat has been set/not-set.
if out_frame == "principal" and csin != "earth":
"You are attempting to rotate into the 'principal' "
"coordinate system, but the dataset is in the {} "
"coordinate system. Be sure that 'principal_heading' is "
"defined based on the earth coordinate system.".format(csin)
rmod = None
for ky in rot_module_dict:
if ky in _make_model(ds):
rmod = rot_module_dict[ky]
if rmod is None:
raise ValueError(
"Rotations are not defined for " "instrument '{}'.".format(_make_model(ds))
# Get the 'indices' of the rotation chain
iframe_in = rc.index(csin)
except ValueError:
raise Exception(
"The coordinate system of the input "
"dataset, '{}', is invalid.".format(ds.coord_sys)
iframe_out = rc.index(out_frame.lower())
except ValueError:
raise Exception(
"The specified output coordinate system "
"is invalid, please select one of: 'beam', 'inst', "
"'earth', 'principal'."
if iframe_out == iframe_in:
print("Data is already in the {} coordinate system".format(out_frame))
if iframe_out > iframe_in:
reverse = False
reverse = True
while ds.coord_sys.lower() != out_frame.lower():
csin = ds.coord_sys
if csin == "ship":
csin = "inst"
inow = rc.index(csin)
if reverse:
func = getattr(rmod, "_" + rc[inow - 1] + "2" + rc[inow])
func = getattr(rmod, "_" + rc[inow] + "2" + rc[inow + 1])
ds = func(ds, reverse=reverse)
if not inplace:
return ds
def calc_principal_heading(vel, tidal_mode=True):
Compute the principal angle of the horizontal velocity.
vel : np.ndarray (2,...,Nt), or (3,...,Nt)
The 2D or 3D velocity array (3rd-dim is ignored in this calculation)
tidal_mode : bool
If true, range is set from 0 to +/-180 degrees. If false, range is 0 to
360 degrees. Default = True
p_heading : float or ndarray
The principal heading in degrees clockwise from North.
When tidal_mode=True, this tool calculates the heading that is
aligned with the bidirectional flow. It does so following these
1. rotates vectors with negative velocity by 180 degrees
2. then doubles those angles to make a complete circle again
3. computes a mean direction from this, and halves that angle
(to undo the doubled-angles in step 2)
4. The returned angle is forced to be between 0 and 180. So, you
may need to add 180 to this if you want your positive
direction to be in the western-half of the plane.
Otherwise, this function simply computes the average direction
using a vector method.
dt = vel[0] + vel[1] * 1j
if tidal_mode:
# Flip all vectors that are below the x-axis
dt[dt.imag <= 0] *= -1
# Now double the angle, so that angles near pi and 0 get averaged
# together correctly:
dt *= np.exp(1j * np.angle(dt))
dt =
# Divide the angle by 2 to remove the doubling done on the previous
# line.
pang = np.angle(np.nanmean(dt, -1, dtype=np.complex128)) / 2
pang = np.angle(np.nanmean(dt, -1))
return np.round((90 - np.rad2deg(pang)), decimals=4)
def set_declination(ds, declin, inplace=True):
Set the magnetic declination
ds : xarray.Dataset or :class:`dolfyn.velocity.Velocity`
The input dataset or velocity class
declination : float
The value of the magnetic declination in degrees (positive
values specify that Magnetic North is clockwise from True North)
inplace : bool
When True ``ds`` is modified. When False a copy is returned.
Default = True
ds : xarray.Dataset or None
Returns a new dataset with declination set **when
``inplace=False``**, otherwise returns None.
This function modifies the data object in the following ways:
- If the dataset is in the *earth* reference frame at the time of
setting declination, it will be rotated into the "*True-East*,
*True-North*, Up" (hereafter, ETU) coordinate system
- ``dat['orientmat']`` is modified to be an ETU to
instrument (XYZ) rotation matrix (rather than the magnetic-ENU to
XYZ rotation matrix). Therefore, all rotations to/from the 'earth'
frame will now be to/from this ETU coordinate system.
- The value of the specified declination will be stored in
- ``dat['heading']`` is adjusted for declination
(i.e., it is relative to True North).
- If ``dat.attrs['principal_heading']`` is set, it is
adjusted to account for the orientation of the new 'True'
earth coordinate system (i.e., calling set_declination on a
data object in the principal coordinate system, then calling
dat.rotate2('earth') will yield a data object in the new
'True' earth coordinate system)
# Create and return deep copy if not writing "in place"
if not inplace:
ds = ds.copy(deep=True)
if "declination" in ds.attrs:
angle = declin - ds.attrs.pop("declination")
angle = declin
cd = np.cos(-np.deg2rad(angle))
sd = np.sin(-np.deg2rad(angle))
# The ordering is funny here because orientmat is the
# transpose of the inst->earth rotation matrix:
Rdec = np.array([[cd, -sd, 0], [sd, cd, 0], [0, 0, 1]])
if ds.coord_sys == "earth":
rotate2earth = True
rotate2(ds, "inst", inplace=True)
rotate2earth = False
ds["orientmat"].values = np.einsum(
if "heading" in ds:
heading = ds["heading"] + angle
heading[heading > 180] -= 360
ds["heading"].values = heading
if rotate2earth:
rotate2(ds, "earth", inplace=True)
if "principal_heading" in ds.attrs:
ds.attrs["principal_heading"] += angle
ds.attrs["declination"] = declin
ds.attrs["declination_in_orientmat"] = 1 # logical
if not inplace:
return ds
def set_inst2head_rotmat(ds, rotmat, inplace=True):
Set the instrument to head rotation matrix for the Nortek ADV if it
hasn't already been set through a '.userdata.json' file.
ds : xarray.Dataset
The data set to assign inst2head_rotmat
rotmat : float
3x3 rotation matrix
inplace : bool
When True ``ds`` is modified. When False a copy is returned.
Default = True
ds : xarray.Dataset or None
Returns a new dataset with inst2head_rotmat set **when
``inplace=False``**, otherwise returns None.
If the data object is in earth or principal coords, it is first
rotated to 'inst' before assigning inst2head_rotmat, it is then
rotated back to the coordinate system in which it was input. This
way the inst2head_rotmat gets applied correctly (in inst
coordinate system).
# Create and return deep copy if not writing "in place"
if not inplace:
ds = ds.copy(deep=True)
if not ds.inst_model.lower() == "vector":
raise Exception(
"Setting 'inst2head_rotmat' is only supported " "for Nortek Vector ADVs."
if ds.get("inst2head_rotmat", None) is not None:
raise Exception(
"You are setting 'inst2head_rotmat' after it has already "
"been set. You can only set it once."
csin = ds.coord_sys
if csin not in ["inst", "beam"]:
rotate2(ds, "inst", inplace=True)
ds["inst2head_rotmat"] = xr.DataArray(
np.array(rotmat), dims=["x1", "x2"], coords={"x1": [1, 2, 3], "x2": [1, 2, 3]}
ds.attrs["inst2head_rotmat_was_set"] = 1 # logical
# Note that there is no validation that the user doesn't
# change `ds.attrs['inst2head_rotmat']` after calling this
# function.
if not csin == "beam": # csin not 'beam', then we're in inst
ds = r_vec._rotate_inst2head(ds)
if csin not in ["inst", "beam"]:
rotate2(ds, csin, inplace=True)
if not inplace:
return ds