import numpy as np
from scipy.signal import medfilt2d, convolve2d
def _nans(*args, **kwargs):
out = np.empty(*args, **kwargs)
if np.issubdtype(out.flatten()[0], np.integer):
out[:] = 0
return out
out[:] = np.nan
return out
def _nans_like(*args, **kwargs):
out = np.empty_like(*args, **kwargs)
out[:] = np.nan
return out
def _find(arr):
return np.nonzero(np.ravel(arr))[0]
def detrend_array(arr, axis=-1, in_place=False):
Remove a linear trend from arr.
arr : array_like
The array from which to remove a linear trend.
axis : int
The axis along which to operate.
This method is copied from the matplotlib.mlab library, but
implements the covariance calcs explicitly for added speed.
This works much faster than mpl.mlab.detrend for multi-dimensional
arrays, and is also faster than linalg.lstsq methods.
arr = np.asarray(arr)
if not in_place:
arr = arr.copy()
sz = np.ones(arr.ndim, dtype=int)
sz[axis] = arr.shape[axis]
x = np.arange(sz[axis], dtype=np.float64).reshape(sz)
x -= np.nanmean(x, axis=axis, keepdims=True)
arr -= np.nanmean(arr, axis=axis, keepdims=True)
b = np.nanmean((x * arr), axis=axis, keepdims=True) / np.nanmean(
(x**2), axis=axis, keepdims=True
arr -= b * x
return arr
def group(bl, min_length=0):
Find continuous segments in a boolean array.
bl : numpy.ndarray (dtype='bool')
The input boolean array.
min_length : int (optional)
Specifies the minimum number of continuous points to consider a
`group` (i.e. that will be returned).
out : np.ndarray(slices,)
a vector of slice objects, which indicate the continuous
sections where `bl` is True.
This function has funny behavior for single points. It will
return the same two indices for the beginning and end.
if not any(bl):
return np.empty(0)
vl = np.diff(bl.astype("int"))
ups = np.nonzero(vl == 1)[0] + 1
dns = np.nonzero(vl == -1)[0] + 1
if bl[0]:
if len(ups) == 0:
ups = np.array([0])
ups = np.concatenate((np.array([0]), [len(ups)]))
if bl[-1]:
if len(dns) == 0:
dns = np.array([len(bl)])
dns = np.concatenate((dns, [len(bl)]))
out = np.empty(len(dns), dtype="O")
idx = 0
for u, d in zip(ups, dns):
if d - u < min_length:
out[idx] = slice(u, d)
idx += 1
return out[:idx]
def slice1d_along_axis(arr_shape, axis=0):
Return an iterator object for looping over 1-D slices, along ``axis``, of
an array of shape arr_shape.
arr_shape : tuple,list
Shape of the array over which the slices will be made.
axis : integer
Axis along which `arr` is sliced.
Iterator : object
The iterator object returns slice objects which slices arrays of
shape arr_shape into 1-D arrays.
>> out=np.empty(replace(arr.shape,0,1))
>> for slc in slice1d_along_axis(arr.shape,axis=0):
>> out[slc]=my_1d_function(arr[slc])
nd = len(arr_shape)
if axis < 0:
axis += nd
ind = [0] * (nd - 1)
i = np.zeros(nd, "O")
indlist = list(range(nd))
i[axis] = slice(None)
itr_dims = np.asarray(arr_shape).take(indlist)
Ntot =
i.put(indlist, ind)
k = 0
while k < Ntot:
# increment the index
n = -1
while (ind[n] >= itr_dims[n]) and (n > (1 - nd)):
ind[n - 1] += 1
ind[n] = 0
n -= 1
i.put(indlist, ind)
yield tuple(i)
ind[-1] += 1
k += 1
def convert_degrees(deg, tidal_mode=True):
Converts between the 'cartesian angle' (counter-clockwise from East) and
the 'polar angle' in (degrees clockwise from North)
deg: float or array-like
Number or array in 'degrees CCW from East' or 'degrees CW from North'
tidal_mode : bool
If true, range is set from 0 to +/-180 degrees. If false, range is 0 to
360 degrees. Default = True
out : float or array-like
Input data transformed to 'degrees CW from North' or
'degrees CCW from East', respectively (based on `deg`)
The same algorithm is used to convert back and forth between 'CCW from E'
and 'CW from N'
out = -(deg - 90) % 360
if tidal_mode:
out[out > 180] -= 360
return out
def fillgaps(a, maxgap=np.inf, dim=0, extrapFlg=False):
Linearly fill NaN value in an array.
a : numpy.ndarray
The array to be filled.
maxgap : numpy.ndarray (optional: inf)
The maximum gap to fill.
dim : int (optional: 0)
The dimension to operate along.
extrapFlg : bool (optional: False)
Whether to extrapolate if NaNs are found at the ends of the
See Also
-------- : Linearly interpolates in time.
This function interpolates assuming spacing/timestep between
successive points is constant. If the spacing is not constant, use
# If this is a multi-dimensional array, operate along axis dim.
if a.ndim > 1:
for inds in slice1d_along_axis(a.shape, dim):
fillgaps(a[inds], maxgap, 0, extrapFlg)
a = np.asarray(a)
nd = a.ndim
if dim < 0:
dim += nd
if dim >= nd:
raise ValueError("dim must be less than a.ndim; dim=%d, rank=%d." % (dim, nd))
ind = [0] * (nd - 1)
i = np.zeros(nd, "O")
indlist = list(range(nd))
i[dim] = slice(None, None)
i.put(indlist, ind)
gd = np.nonzero(~np.isnan(a))[0]
# Here we extrapolate the ends, if necessary:
if extrapFlg and gd.__len__() > 0:
if gd[0] != 0 and gd[0] <= maxgap:
a[: gd[0]] = a[gd[0]]
if gd[-1] != a.__len__() and (a.__len__() - (gd[-1] + 1)) <= maxgap:
a[gd[-1] :] = a[gd[-1]]
# Here is the main loop
if gd.__len__() > 1:
inds = np.nonzero((1 < np.diff(gd)) & (np.diff(gd) <= maxgap + 1))[0]
for i2 in range(0, inds.__len__()):
ii = list(range(gd[inds[i2]] + 1, gd[inds[i2] + 1]))
a[ii] = (
np.diff(a[gd[[inds[i2], inds[i2] + 1]]])
* (np.arange(0, ii.__len__()) + 1)
/ (ii.__len__() + 1)
+ a[gd[inds[i2]]]
return a
def interpgaps(a, t, maxgap=np.inf, dim=0, extrapFlg=False):
Fill gaps (NaN values) in ``a`` by linear interpolation along
dimension ``dim`` with the point spacing specified in ``t``.
a : numpy.ndarray
The array containing NaN values to be filled.
t : numpy.ndarray (len(t) == a.shape[dim])
Independent variable of the points in ``a``, e.g. timestep
maxgap : numpy.ndarray (optional: inf)
The maximum gap to fill.
dim : int (optional: 0)
The dimension to operate along.
extrapFlg : bool (optional: False)
Whether to extrapolate if NaNs are found at the ends of the
See Also
-------- : Linearly interpolates in array-index space.
# If this is a multi-dimensional array, operate along dim dim.
if a.ndim > 1:
for inds in slice1d_along_axis(a.shape, dim):
interpgaps(a[inds], t, maxgap, 0, extrapFlg)
gd = _find(~np.isnan(a))
# Here we extrapolate the ends, if necessary:
if extrapFlg and gd.__len__() > 0:
if gd[0] != 0 and gd[0] <= maxgap:
a[: gd[0]] = a[gd[0]]
if gd[-1] != a.__len__() and (a.__len__() - (gd[-1] + 1)) <= maxgap:
a[gd[-1] :] = a[gd[-1]]
# Here is the main loop
if gd.__len__() > 1:
inds = _find((1 < np.diff(gd)) & (np.diff(gd) <= maxgap + 1))
for i2 in range(0, inds.__len__()):
ii = np.arange(gd[inds[i2]] + 1, gd[inds[i2] + 1])
ti = (t[ii] - t[gd[inds[i2]]]) / np.diff(
t[[gd[inds[i2]], gd[inds[i2] + 1]]]
a[ii] = (
np.diff(a[gd[[inds[i2], inds[i2] + 1]]]) * ti + a[gd[inds[i2]]]
return a
def medfiltnan(a, kernel, thresh=0):
Do a running median filter of the data. Regions where more than
``thresh`` fraction of the points are NaN are set to NaN.
a : numpy.ndarray
2D array containing data to be filtered.
kernel_size : numpy.ndarray or list, optional
A scalar or a list of length 2, giving the size of the median
filter window in each dimension. Elements of kernel_size should
be odd. If kernel_size is a scalar, then this scalar is used as
the size in each dimension.
thresh : int
Maximum gap in *a* to filter over
out : numpy.ndarray
2D array of same size containing filtered data
See Also
flag_1D = False
if a.ndim == 1:
a = a[None, :]
flag_1D = True
kernel = [1, kernel]
out = medfilt2d(a, kernel)
if thresh > 0:
convolve2d(np.isnan(a), np.ones(kernel) /, "same") > thresh
] = np.nan
if flag_1D:
return out[0]
return out