Source code for mhkit.dolfyn.velocity

import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
from .binned import TimeBinner
from .time import dt642epoch, dt642date
from .rotate.api import rotate2, set_declination, set_inst2head_rotmat
from .io.api import save
from .tools.misc import slice1d_along_axis, convert_degrees

[docs]@xr.register_dataset_accessor('velds') # 'vel dataset' class Velocity(): """ All ADCP and ADV xarray datasets wrap this base class. The turbulence-related attributes defined within this class assume that the ``'tke_vec'`` and ``'stress_vec'`` data entries are included in the dataset. These are typically calculated using a :class:`VelBinner` tool, but the method for calculating these variables can depend on the details of the measurement (instrument, it's configuration, orientation, etc.). See Also ======== :class:`VelBinner` """ ######## # Major components of the dolfyn-API
[docs] def rotate2(self, out_frame='earth', inplace=True): """ Rotate the dataset to a new coordinate system. Parameters ---------- out_frame : string {'beam', 'inst', 'earth', 'principal'} The coordinate system to rotate the data into. inplace : bool When True the existing data object is modified. When False a copy is returned. Default = True Returns ------- ds : xarray.Dataset or None Returns the rotated dataset **when ``inplace=False``**, otherwise returns None. Notes ----- - This function rotates all variables in ``ds.attrs['rotate_vars']``. - To rotate to the 'principal' frame, a value of ``ds.attrs['principal_heading']`` must exist. The function :func:`calc_principal_heading <dolfyn.calc_principal_heading>` is recommended for this purpose, e.g.:: ds.attrs['principal_heading'] = dolfyn.calc_principal_heading(ds['vel'].mean(range)) where here we are using the depth-averaged velocity to calculate the principal direction. """ return rotate2(self.ds, out_frame, inplace)
[docs] def set_declination(self, declin, inplace=True): """ Set the magnetic declination Parameters ---------- declination : float The value of the magnetic declination in degrees (positive values specify that Magnetic North is clockwise from True North) inplace : bool When True the existing data object is modified. When False a copy is returned. Default = True Returns ------- ds : xarray.Dataset or None Returns the rotated dataset **when ``inplace=False``**, otherwise returns None. Notes ----- This method modifies the data object in the following ways: - If the dataset is in the *earth* reference frame at the time of setting declination, it will be rotated into the "*True-East*, *True-North*, Up" (hereafter, ETU) coordinate system - ``dat['orientmat']`` is modified to be an ETU to instrument (XYZ) rotation matrix (rather than the magnetic-ENU to XYZ rotation matrix). Therefore, all rotations to/from the 'earth' frame will now be to/from this ETU coordinate system. - The value of the specified declination will be stored in ``dat.attrs['declination']`` - ``dat['heading']`` is adjusted for declination (i.e., it is relative to True North). - If ``dat.attrs['principal_heading']`` is set, it is adjusted to account for the orientation of the new 'True' earth coordinate system (i.e., calling set_declination on a data object in the principal coordinate system, then calling dat.rotate2('earth') will yield a data object in the new 'True' earth coordinate system) """ return set_declination(self.ds, declin, inplace)
[docs] def set_inst2head_rotmat(self, rotmat, inplace=True): """ Set the instrument to head rotation matrix for the Nortek ADV if it hasn't already been set through a '.userdata.json' file. Parameters ---------- rotmat : float 3x3 rotation matrix inplace : bool When True the existing data object is rotated. When False a copy is returned that is rotated. Default = True Returns ------- ds : xarray.Dataset or None Returns the rotated dataset **when ``inplace=False``**, otherwise returns None. Notes ----- If the data object is in earth or principal coords, it is first rotated to 'inst' before assigning inst2head_rotmat, it is then rotated back to the coordinate system in which it was input. This way the inst2head_rotmat gets applied correctly (in inst coordinate system). """ return set_inst2head_rotmat(self.ds, rotmat, inplace)
[docs] def save(self, filename, **kwargs): """ Save the data object (underlying xarray dataset) as netCDF (.nc). Parameters ---------- filename : str Filename and/or path with the '.nc' extension **kwargs : dict These are passed directly to :func:`xarray.Dataset.to_netcdf`. Notes ----- See DOLfYN's :func:`save <>` function for additional details. """ save(self.ds, filename, **kwargs)
######## # Magic methods of the API def __init__(self, ds, *args, **kwargs): self.ds = ds def __getitem__(self, key): return self.ds[key] def __contains__(self, val): return val in self.ds def __repr__(self, ): time_string = '{:.2f} {} (started: {})' if ('time' not in self or dt642epoch(self['time'][0]) < 1): time_string = '-->No Time Information!<--' else: tm = self['time'][[0, -1]].values dt = dt642date(tm[0])[0] delta = (dt642epoch(tm[-1]) - dt642epoch(tm[0])) / (3600 * 24) # days if delta > 1: units = 'days' elif delta * 24 > 1: units = 'hours' delta *= 24 elif delta * 24 * 60 > 1: delta *= 24 * 60 units = 'minutes' else: delta *= 24 * 3600 units = 'seconds' try: time_string = time_string.format(delta, units, dt.strftime('%b %d, %Y %H:%M')) except AttributeError: time_string = '-->Error in time info<--' p = self.ds.attrs t_shape = self['time'].shape if len(t_shape) > 1: shape_string = '({} bins, {} pings @ {}Hz)'.format( t_shape[0], t_shape, p.get('fs')) else: shape_string = '({} pings @ {}Hz)'.format( t_shape[0], p.get('fs', '??')) _header = ("<%s data object>: " " %s %s\n" " . %s\n" " . %s-frame\n" " . %s\n" % (p.get('inst_type'), self.ds.attrs['inst_make'], self.ds.attrs['inst_model'], time_string, p.get('coord_sys'), shape_string)) _vars = ' Variables:\n' # Specify which variable show up in this view here. # * indicates a wildcard # This list also sets the display order. # Only the first 12 matches are displayed. show_vars = ['time*', 'vel*', 'range', 'range_echo', 'orientmat', 'heading', 'pitch', 'roll', 'temp', 'press*', 'amp*', 'corr*', 'accel', 'angrt', 'mag', 'echo', ] n = 0 for v in show_vars: if n > 12: break if v.endswith('*'): v = v[:-1] # Drop the '*' for nm in self.variables: if n > 12: break if nm.startswith(v): n += 1 _vars += ' - {} {}\n'.format(nm, self.ds[nm].dims) elif v in self.ds: _vars += ' - {} {}\n'.format(v, self.ds[v].dims) if n < len(self.variables): _vars += ' ... and others (see `<obj>.variables`)\n' return _header + _vars ###### # Duplicate valuable xarray properties here. @property def variables(self, ): """A sorted list of the variable names in the dataset.""" return sorted(self.ds.variables) @property def attrs(self, ): """The attributes in the dataset.""" return self.ds.attrs @property def coords(self, ): """The coordinates in the dataset.""" return self.ds.coords ###### # A bunch of DOLfYN specific properties @property def u(self,): """ The first velocity component. This is simply a shortcut to self['vel'][0]. Therefore, depending on the coordinate system of the data object (self.attrs['coord_sys']), it is: - beam: beam1 - inst: x - earth: east - principal: streamwise """ return self.ds['vel'][0].drop('dir') @property def v(self,): """ The second velocity component. This is simply a shortcut to self['vel'][1]. Therefore, depending on the coordinate system of the data object (self.attrs['coord_sys']), it is: - beam: beam2 - inst: y - earth: north - principal: cross-stream """ return self.ds['vel'][1].drop('dir') @property def w(self,): """ The third velocity component. This is simply a shortcut to self['vel'][2]. Therefore, depending on the coordinate system of the data object (self.attrs['coord_sys']), it is: - beam: beam3 - inst: z - earth: up - principal: up """ return self.ds['vel'][2].drop('dir') @property def U(self,): """Horizontal velocity as a complex quantity""" return xr.DataArray( (self.u + self.v * 1j).astype('complex64'), attrs={'units': 'm s-1', 'long_name': 'Horizontal Water Velocity'}) @property def U_mag(self,): """Horizontal velocity magnitude""" return xr.DataArray( np.abs(self.U).astype('float32'), attrs={'units': 'm s-1', 'long_name': 'Water Speed', 'standard_name': 'sea_water_speed'}) @property def U_dir(self,): """ Angle of horizontal velocity vector. Direction is 'to', as opposed to 'from'. This function calculates angle as "degrees CCW from X/East/streamwise" and then converts it to "degrees CW from X/North/streamwise". """ def convert_to_CW(angle): if self.ds.coord_sys == 'earth': # Convert "deg CCW from East" to "deg CW from North" [0, 360] angle = convert_degrees(angle, tidal_mode=False) relative_to = self.ds.dir[1].values else: # Switch to clockwise and from [-180, 180] to [0, 360] angle *= -1 angle[angle < 0] += 360 relative_to = self.ds.dir[0].values return angle, relative_to # Convert from radians to degrees angle, rel = convert_to_CW(np.angle(self.U)*(180/np.pi)) return xr.DataArray( angle.astype('float32'), dims=self.U.dims, coords=self.U.coords, attrs={'units': 'degrees_CW_from_' + str(rel), 'long_name': 'Water Direction', 'standard_name': 'sea_water_to_direction'}) @property def E_coh(self,): """ Coherent turbulent energy Niel Kelley's 'coherent turbulence energy', which is the RMS of the Reynold's stresses. See: NREL Technical Report TP-500-52353 """ E_coh = (self.upwp_**2 + self.upvp_**2 + self.vpwp_**2) ** (0.5) return xr.DataArray( E_coh.astype('float32'), coords={'time': self.ds['stress_vec'].time}, dims=['time'], attrs={'units': self.ds['stress_vec'].units, 'long_name': 'Coherent Turbulence Energy'}) @property def I_tke(self, thresh=0): """ Turbulent kinetic energy intensity. Ratio of sqrt(tke) to horizontal velocity magnitude. """ I_tke = < thresh, np.sqrt(2 * self.tke) / self.U_mag) return xr.DataArray('float32'), coords=self.U_mag.coords, dims=self.U_mag.dims, attrs={'units': '% [0,1]', 'long_name': 'TKE Intensity'}) @property def I(self, thresh=0): """ Turbulence intensity. Ratio of standard deviation of horizontal velocity to horizontal velocity magnitude. """ I = < thresh, self.ds['U_std'] / self.U_mag) return xr.DataArray('float32'), coords=self.U_mag.coords, dims=self.U_mag.dims, attrs={'units': '% [0,1]', 'long_name': 'Turbulence Intensity'}) @property def tke(self,): """Turbulent kinetic energy (sum of the three components) """ tke = self.ds['tke_vec'].sum('tke') / 2 = 'TKE' tke.attrs['units'] = self.ds['tke_vec'].units tke.attrs['long_name'] = 'TKE' tke.attrs['standard_name'] = 'specific_turbulent_kinetic_energy_of_sea_water' return tke @property def upvp_(self,): """u'v'bar Reynolds stress""" return self.ds['stress_vec'].sel(tau="upvp_").drop('tau') @property def upwp_(self,): """u'w'bar Reynolds stress""" return self.ds['stress_vec'].sel(tau="upwp_").drop('tau') @property def vpwp_(self,): """v'w'bar Reynolds stress""" return self.ds['stress_vec'].sel(tau="vpwp_").drop('tau') @property def upup_(self,): """u'u'bar component of the tke""" return self.ds['tke_vec'].sel(tke="upup_").drop('tke') @property def vpvp_(self,): """v'v'bar component of the tke""" return self.ds['tke_vec'].sel(tke="vpvp_").drop('tke') @property def wpwp_(self,): """w'w'bar component of the tke""" return self.ds['tke_vec'].sel(tke="wpwp_").drop('tke')
[docs]class VelBinner(TimeBinner): """ This is the base binning (averaging) tool. All DOLfYN binning tools derive from this base class. Examples ======== The VelBinner class is used to compute averages and turbulence statistics from 'raw' (not averaged) ADV or ADP measurements, for example:: # First read or load some data. rawdat = dolfyn.read_example('BenchFile01.ad2cp') # Now initialize the averaging tool: binner = dolfyn.VelBinner(n_bin=600, fs=rawdat.fs) # This computes the basic averages avg = binner.bin_average(rawdat) """ # This defines how cross-spectra and stresses are computed. _cross_pairs = [(0, 1), (0, 2), (1, 2)] tke = xr.DataArray(["upup_", "vpvp_", "wpwp_"], dims=['tke'], name='tke', attrs={'units': '1', 'long_name': 'Turbulent Kinetic Energy Vector Components', 'coverage_content_type': 'coordinate'}) tau = xr.DataArray(["upvp_", "upwp_", "vpwp_"], dims=['tau'], name='tau', attrs={'units': '1', 'long_name': 'Reynolds Stress Vector Components', 'coverage_content_type': 'coordinate'}) S = xr.DataArray(['Sxx', 'Syy', 'Szz'], dims=['S'], name='S', attrs={'units': '1', 'long_name': 'Power Spectral Density Vector Components', 'coverage_content_type': 'coordinate'}) C = xr.DataArray(['Cxy', 'Cxz', 'Cyz'], dims=['C'], name='C', attrs={'units': '1', 'long_name': 'Cross-Spectral Density Vector Components', 'coverage_content_type': 'coordinate'})
[docs] def bin_average(self, raw_ds, out_ds=None, names=None): """ Bin the dataset and calculate the ensemble averages of each variable. Parameters ---------- raw_ds : xarray.Dataset The raw data structure to be binned out_ds : xarray.Dataset The bin'd (output) data object to which averaged data is added. names : list of strings The names of variables to be averaged. If `names` is None, all data in `raw_ds` will be binned. Returns ------- out_ds : xarray.Dataset The new (or updated when out_ds is not None) dataset with the averages of all the variables in raw_ds. Raises ------ AttributeError : when out_ds is supplied as input (not None) and the values in out_ds.attrs are inconsistent with raw_ds.attrs or the properties of this VelBinner (n_bin, n_fft, fs, etc.) Notes ----- raw_ds.attrs are copied to out_ds.attrs. Inconsistencies between the two (when out_ds is specified as input) raise an AttributeError. """ out_ds = self._check_ds(raw_ds, out_ds) if names is None: names = raw_ds.data_vars for ky in names: # set up dimensions and coordinates for Dataset dims_list = raw_ds[ky].dims coords_dict = {} for nm in dims_list: if 'time' in nm: coords_dict[nm] = self.mean(raw_ds[ky][nm].values) else: coords_dict[nm] = raw_ds[ky][nm].values # create Dataset if 'ensemble' not in ky: try: # variables with time coordinate out_ds[ky] = xr.DataArray(self.mean(raw_ds[ky].values), coords=coords_dict, dims=dims_list, attrs=raw_ds[ky].attrs ).astype('float32') except: # variables not needing averaging pass # Add standard deviation std = self.standard_deviation(raw_ds.velds.U_mag.values) out_ds['U_std'] = xr.DataArray( std.astype('float32'), dims=raw_ds.vel.dims[1:], attrs={'units': 'm s-1', 'long_name': 'Water Velocity Standard Deviation'}) return out_ds
[docs] def bin_variance(self, raw_ds, out_ds=None, names=None, suffix='_var'): """ Bin the dataset and calculate the ensemble variances of each variable. Complementary to `bin_average()`. Parameters ---------- raw_ds : xarray.Dataset The raw data structure to be binned. out_ds : xarray.Dataset The binned (output) dataset to which variance data is added, nominally dataset output from `bin_average()` names : list of strings The names of variables of which to calculate variance. If `names` is None, all data in `raw_ds` will be binned. Returns ------- out_ds : xarray.Dataset The new (or updated when out_ds is not None) dataset with the variance of all the variables in raw_ds. Raises ------ AttributeError : when out_ds is supplied as input (not None) and the values in out_ds.attrs are inconsistent with raw_ds.attrs or the properties of this VelBinner (n_bin, n_fft, fs, etc.) Notes ----- raw_ds.attrs are copied to out_ds.attrs. Inconsistencies between the two (when out_ds is specified as input) raise an AttributeError. """ out_ds = self._check_ds(raw_ds, out_ds) if names is None: names = raw_ds.data_vars for ky in names: # set up dimensions and coordinates for dataarray dims_list = raw_ds[ky].dims coords_dict = {} for nm in dims_list: if 'time' in nm: coords_dict[nm] = self.mean(raw_ds[ky][nm].values) else: coords_dict[nm] = raw_ds[ky][nm].values # create Dataset if 'ensemble' not in ky: try: # variables with time coordinate out_ds[ky+suffix] = xr.DataArray(self.variance(raw_ds[ky].values), coords=coords_dict, dims=dims_list, attrs=raw_ds[ky].attrs ).astype('float32') except: # variables not needing averaging pass return out_ds
[docs] def autocovariance(self, veldat, n_bin=None): """ Calculate the auto-covariance of the raw-signal `veldat` Parameters ---------- veldat : xarray.DataArray The raw dataArray of which to calculate auto-covariance n_bin : float Number of data elements to use Returns ------- da : xarray.DataArray The auto-covariance of veldat Notes ----- As opposed to cross-covariance, which returns the full cross-covariance between two arrays, this function only returns a quarter of the full auto-covariance. It computes the auto-covariance over half of the range, then averages the two sides (to return a 'quartered' covariance). This has the advantage that the 0 index is actually zero-lag. """ indat = veldat.values n_bin = self._parse_nbin(n_bin) out = np.empty(self._outshape(indat.shape, n_bin=n_bin)[:-1] + [int(n_bin // 4)], dtype=indat.dtype) dt1 = self.reshape(indat, n_pad=n_bin / 2 - 2) # Here we de-mean only on the 'valid' range: dt1 = dt1 - dt1[..., :, int(n_bin // 4): int(-n_bin // 4)].mean(-1)[..., None] dt2 = self.demean(indat) se = slice(int(n_bin // 4) - 1, None, 1) sb = slice(int(n_bin // 4) - 1, None, -1) for slc in slice1d_along_axis(dt1.shape, -1): tmp = np.correlate(dt1[slc], dt2[slc], 'valid') # The zero-padding in reshape means we compute coherence # from one-sided time-series for first and last points. if slc[-2] == 0: out[slc] = tmp[se] elif slc[-2] == dt2.shape[-2] - 1: out[slc] = tmp[sb] else: # For the others we take the average of the two sides. out[slc] = (tmp[se] + tmp[sb]) / 2 dims_list, coords_dict = self._new_coords(veldat) # tack on new coordinate dims_list.append('lag') coords_dict['lag'] = np.arange(n_bin//4) da = xr.DataArray(out.astype('float32'), coords=coords_dict, dims=dims_list,) da['lag'].attrs['units'] = 'timestep' return da
[docs] def turbulent_kinetic_energy(self, veldat, noise=None, detrend=True): """ Calculate the turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) (variances of u,v,w). Parameters ---------- veldat : xarray.DataArray Velocity data array from ADV or single beam from ADCP. The last dimension is assumed to be time. noise : float or array-like A vector of the noise levels of the velocity data with the same first dimension as the velocity vector. detrend : bool (default: False) Detrend the velocity data (True), or simply de-mean it (False), prior to computing tke. Note: the psd routines use detrend, so if you want to have the same amount of variance here as there use ``detrend=True``. Returns ------- tke_vec : xarray.DataArray dataArray containing u'u'_, v'v'_ and w'w'_ """ if 'xarray' in type(veldat).__module__: vel = veldat.values if 'xarray' in type(noise).__module__: noise = noise.values if len(np.shape(vel)) > 2: raise ValueError("This function is only valid for calculating TKE using " "velocity from an ADV or a single ADCP beam.") # Calc TKE if detrend: out = np.nanmean(self.detrend(vel)**2, axis=-1) else: out = np.nanmean(self.demean(vel)**2, axis=-1) if 'dir' in veldat.dims: # Subtract noise if noise is not None: if np.shape(noise)[0] != 3: raise Exception( 'Noise should have same first dimension as velocity') out[0] -= noise[0] ** 2 out[1] -= noise[1] ** 2 out[2] -= noise[2] ** 2 # Set coords dims = ['tke', 'time'] coords = {'tke': self.tke, 'time': self.mean(veldat.time.values)} else: # Subtract noise if noise is not None: if np.shape(noise) > np.shape(vel): raise Exception( 'Noise should have same or fewer dimensions as velocity') out -= noise ** 2 # Set coords dims = veldat.dims coords = {} for nm in veldat.dims: if 'time' in nm: coords[nm] = self.mean(veldat[nm].values) else: coords[nm] = veldat[nm].values return xr.DataArray( out.astype('float32'), dims=dims, coords=coords, attrs={'units': 'm2 s-2', 'long_name': 'TKE Vector', 'standard_name': 'specific_turbulent_kinetic_energy_of_sea_water'})
[docs] def power_spectral_density(self, veldat, freq_units='rad/s', fs=None, window='hann', noise=None, n_bin=None, n_fft=None, n_pad=None, step=None): """ Calculate the power spectral density of velocity. Parameters ---------- veldat : xr.DataArray The raw velocity data (of dims 'dir' and 'time'). freq_units : string Frequency units of the returned spectra in either Hz or rad/s (`f` or :math:`\\omega`) fs : float (optional) The sample rate. Default is `binner.fs` window : string or array Specify the window function. Options: 1, None, 'hann', 'hamm' noise : float or array-like A vector of the noise levels of the velocity data with the same first dimension as the velocity vector. Default = 0. n_bin : int (optional) The bin-size. Default: from the binner. n_fft : int (optional) The fft size. Default: from the binner. n_pad : int (optional) The number of values to pad with zero. Default = 0. step : int (optional) Controls amount of overlap in fft. Default: the step size is chosen to maximize data use, minimize nens, and have a minimum of 50% overlap. Returns ------- psd : xarray.DataArray (3, M, N_FFT) The spectra in the 'u', 'v', and 'w' directions. """ fs_in = self._parse_fs(fs) n_fft = self._parse_nfft(n_fft) if 'xarray' in type(veldat).__module__: vel = veldat.values if 'xarray' in type(noise).__module__: noise = noise.values if ('rad' not in freq_units) and ('Hz' not in freq_units): raise ValueError("`freq_units` should be one of 'Hz' or 'rad/s'") # Create frequency vector, also checks whether using f or omega if 'rad' in freq_units: fs = 2*np.pi*fs_in freq_units = 'rad s-1' units = 'm2 s-1 rad-1' else: fs = fs_in freq_units = 'Hz' units = 'm2 s-2 Hz-1' freq = xr.DataArray(self._fft_freq(fs=fs_in, units=freq_units, n_fft=n_fft), dims=['freq'], name='freq', attrs={'units': freq_units, 'long_name': 'FFT Frequency Vector', 'coverage_content_type': 'coordinate'} ).astype('float32') # Spectra, if input is full velocity or a single array if len(vel.shape) == 2: assert vel.shape[0] == 3, "Function can only handle 1D or 3D arrays." \ " If ADCP data, please select a specific depth bin." if (noise is not None) and (np.shape(noise)[0] != 3): raise Exception( 'Noise should have same first dimension as velocity') else: noise = np.array([0, 0, 0]) out = np.empty(self._outshape_fft(vel[:3].shape, n_fft=n_fft, n_bin=n_bin), dtype=np.float32) for idx in range(3): out[idx] = self._psd_base(vel[idx], fs=fs, noise=noise[idx], window=window, n_bin=n_bin, n_pad=n_pad, n_fft=n_fft, step=step) coords = {'S': self.S, 'time': self.mean(veldat['time'].values), 'freq': freq} dims = ['S', 'time', 'freq'] else: if (noise is not None) and (len(np.shape(noise)) > 1): raise Exception( 'Noise should have same first dimension as velocity') else: noise = np.array(0) out = self._psd_base(vel, fs=fs, noise=noise, window=window, n_bin=n_bin, n_pad=n_pad, n_fft=n_fft, step=step) coords = {veldat.dims[-1]: self.mean(veldat[veldat.dims[-1]].values), 'freq': freq} dims = [veldat.dims[-1], 'freq'] return xr.DataArray( out.astype('float32'), coords=coords, dims=dims, attrs={'units': units, 'n_fft': n_fft, 'long_name': 'Power Spectral Density'})