Source code for

This module provides functionalities for plotting statistical data
related to a given variable or dataset. 

    - `plot_statistics` is designed to plot raw statistical measures
      (mean, maximum, minimum, and optional standard deviation) of a
      variable across a series of x-axis values. It allows for
      customization of plot labels, title, and saving the plot to a file.

    - `plot_bin_statistics` extends these capabilities to binned data,
      offering a way to visualize binned statistics (mean, maximum, minimum)
      along with their respective standard deviations. This function also 
      supports label and title customization, as well as saving the plot to 
      a specified path.

from typing import Optional, Dict, Any
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from mhkit.utils.type_handling import to_numeric_array

# pylint: disable=R0914
[docs] def plot_statistics( x: np.ndarray, y_mean: np.ndarray, y_max: np.ndarray, y_min: np.ndarray, y_stdev: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, **kwargs: Dict[str, Any], ) -> plt.Axes: """ Plot showing standard raw statistics of variable Parameters ----------- x : numpy array Array of x-axis values y_mean : numpy array Array of mean statistical values of variable y_max : numpy array Array of max statistical values of variable y_min : numpy array Array of min statistical values of variable y_stdev : numpy array, optional Array of standard deviation statistical values of variable **kwargs : optional x_label : string x axis label for plot y_label : string y axis label for plot title : string, optional Title for plot save_path : string Path and filename to save figure. Returns -------- ax : matplotlib pyplot axes """ if y_stdev is None: y_stdev = [] input_variables = [x, y_mean, y_max, y_min, y_stdev] variable_names = ["x", "y_mean", "y_max", "y_min", "y_stdev"] # Convert each input variable to a numeric array, ensuring all are numeric for i, variable in enumerate(input_variables): input_variables[i] = to_numeric_array(variable, variable_names[i]) x, y_mean, y_max, y_min, y_stdev = input_variables x_label = kwargs.get("x_label", None) y_label = kwargs.get("y_label", None) title = kwargs.get("title", None) save_path = kwargs.get("save_path", None) if not isinstance(x_label, (str, type(None))): raise TypeError(f"x_label must be of type str. Got: {type(x_label)}") if not isinstance(y_label, (str, type(None))): raise TypeError(f"y_label must be of type str. Got: {type(y_label)}") if not isinstance(title, (str, type(None))): raise TypeError(f"title must be of type str. Got: {type(title)}") if not isinstance(save_path, (str, type(None))): raise TypeError(f"save_path must be of type str. Got: {type(save_path)}") fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6, 4)) ax.plot(x, y_max, "^", label="max", mfc="none") ax.plot(x, y_mean, "o", label="mean", mfc="none") ax.plot(x, y_min, "v", label="min", mfc="none") if len(y_stdev) > 0: ax.plot(x, y_stdev, "+", label="stdev", c="m") ax.grid(alpha=0.4) ax.legend(loc="best") if x_label: ax.set_xlabel(x_label) if y_label: ax.set_ylabel(y_label) if title: ax.set_title(title) fig.tight_layout() if save_path is None: else: fig.savefig(save_path) plt.close() return ax
# pylint: disable=R0913 # pylint: disable=R0917
[docs] def plot_bin_statistics( bin_centers: np.ndarray, bin_mean: np.ndarray, bin_max: np.ndarray, bin_min: np.ndarray, bin_mean_std: np.ndarray, bin_max_std: np.ndarray, bin_min_std: np.ndarray, **kwargs: Dict[str, Any], ) -> plt.Axes: """ Plot showing standard binned statistics of single variable Parameters ----------- bin_centers : numpy array x-axis bin center values bin_mean : numpy array Binned mean statistical values of variable bin_max : numpy array Binned max statistical values of variable bin_min : numpy array Binned min statistical values of variable bin_mean_std : numpy array Standard deviations of mean binned statistics bin_max_std : numpy array Standard deviations of max binned statistics bin_min_std : numpy array Standard deviations of min binned statistics **kwargs : optional x_label : string x axis label for plot y_label : string y axis label for plot title : string, optional Title for plot save_path : string Path and filename to save figure. Returns -------- ax : matplotlib pyplot axes """ input_variables = [ bin_centers, bin_mean, bin_max, bin_min, bin_mean_std, bin_max_std, bin_min_std, ] variable_names = [ "bin_centers", "bin_mean", "bin_max", "bin_min", "bin_mean_std", "bin_max_std", "bin_min_std", ] # Convert each input variable to a numeric array, ensuring all are numeric for i, variable in enumerate(input_variables): input_variables[i] = to_numeric_array(variable, variable_names[i]) ( bin_centers, bin_mean, bin_max, bin_min, bin_mean_std, bin_max_std, bin_min_std, ) = input_variables x_label = kwargs.get("x_label", None) y_label = kwargs.get("y_label", None) title = kwargs.get("title", None) save_path = kwargs.get("save_path", None) if not isinstance(x_label, (str, type(None))): raise TypeError(f"x_label must be of type str. Got: {type(x_label)}") if not isinstance(y_label, (str, type(None))): raise TypeError(f"y_label must be of type str. Got: {type(y_label)}") if not isinstance(title, (str, type(None))): raise TypeError(f"title must be of type str. Got: {type(title)}") if not isinstance(save_path, (str, type(None))): raise TypeError(f"save_path must be of type str. Got: {type(save_path)}") fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(7, 5)) ax.errorbar( bin_centers, bin_max, marker="^", mfc="none", yerr=bin_max_std, capsize=4, label="max", ) ax.errorbar( bin_centers, bin_mean, marker="o", mfc="none", yerr=bin_mean_std, capsize=4, label="mean", ) ax.errorbar( bin_centers, bin_min, marker="v", mfc="none", yerr=bin_min_std, capsize=4, label="min", ) ax.grid(alpha=0.5) ax.legend(loc="best") if x_label: ax.set_xlabel(x_label) if y_label: ax.set_ylabel(y_label) if title: ax.set_title(title) fig.tight_layout() if save_path is None: else: fig.savefig(save_path) plt.close() return ax