This module provides a function for creating animated visualizations of a
MoorDyn node position dataset using the matplotlib animation API.
It includes the main function `animate`, which creates either 2D or 3D
animations depending on the input parameters.
In the animations, the position of nodes in the MoorDyn dataset are plotted
over time, allowing the user to visualize how these positions change.
This module also includes several helper functions that are used by
`animate` to validate inputs, generate lists of nodes along each axis,
calculate plot limits, and set labels and titles for plots.
The user can specify various parameters for the animation such as the
dimension (2D or 3D), the axes to plot along, the plot limits for each
axis, the interval between frames, whether the animation repeats, and the
labels and title for the plot.
- matplotlib
- xarray
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import xarray as xr
from matplotlib.animation import FuncAnimation
def animate(
Graphics function that creates a 2D or 3D animation of the node positions of a mooring line over time.
dsani : xr.Dataset
Xarray dataset object containing MoorDyn node variables (ie 'Node0px')
dimension : str, optional
Dimension of animation ('2d' or '3d'), by default '2d'
xaxis : str, optional
lowercase letter of node axis to plot along x-axis, by default 'x'
yaxis : str, optional
lowercase latter of node axis to plot along y-axis, by default 'z'
zaxis : str, optional
lowercase latter of node axis to plot along z-axis, by default 'y' (only used in 3d)
xlim : list, optional
Two element list for plot: [min x-axis limit, max x-axis limit], by default None
ylim : list, optional
Two element list for plot: [min y-axis limit, max y-axis limit], by default None
zlim : list, optional
Two element list for plot: [min z-axis limit, max z-axis limit], by default None (only used in 3d)
interval : int, optional
Delay between frames in milliseconds, by default 10
repeat : bool, optional
Whether the animation repeats when the sequence of frames is completed, by default False
xlabel : str, optional
X-label for plot, by default None
ylabel : str, optional
Y-label for plot, by default None
zlabel : str, optional
Z-label for plot, by default None (only used in 3d)
title : str, optional
Set title of plot, by default None
Animation object
Checks for correct input types for dsani, dimension, xaxis, yaxis, zaxis, xlim, ylim,
zlim, interval, repeat, xlabel, ylabel, zlabel, and title
dsani, xlim, ylim, interval, repeat, xlabel, ylabel, title, dimension
if dimension == "3d":
if not isinstance(zlim, (list, type(None))):
raise TypeError("zlim must be of type list")
if not isinstance(zlabel, (str, type(None))):
raise TypeError("zlabel must be of type str")
if not isinstance(xaxis, str):
raise TypeError("xaxis must be of type str")
if not isinstance(yaxis, str):
raise TypeError("yaxis must be of type str")
if not isinstance(zaxis, str):
raise TypeError("zaxis must be of type str")
current_idx = list(dsani.dims.mapping.keys())[0]
dsani = dsani.rename({current_idx: "time"})
nodes_x, nodes_y, nodes_z = _get_axis_nodes(dsani, xaxis, yaxis, zaxis)
if not xlim:
xlim = _find_limits(dsani[nodes_x])
if not ylim:
ylim = _find_limits(dsani[nodes_y])
if dimension == "3d" and not zlim:
zlim = _find_limits(dsani[nodes_z])
fig = plt.figure()
if dimension == "3d":
ax = fig.add_subplot(projection="3d")
ax = fig.add_subplot()
if dimension == "2d":
(ln,) = ax.plot([], [], "-o")
def init():
ax.set(xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim)
_set_labels(ax, xlabel, ylabel, title)
return ln
def update(frame):
x = dsani[nodes_x].isel(time=frame).to_array().values
y = dsani[nodes_y].isel(time=frame).to_array().values
ln.set_data(x, y)
elif dimension == "3d":
(ln,) = ax.plot([], [], [], "-o")
def init():
ax.set(xlim3d=xlim, ylim3d=ylim, zlim3d=zlim)
_set_labels(ax, xlabel, ylabel, title, zlabel)
return ln
def update(frame):
x = dsani[nodes_x].isel(time=frame).to_array().values
y = dsani[nodes_y].isel(time=frame).to_array().values
z = dsani[nodes_z].isel(time=frame).to_array().values
ln.set_data(x, y)
ani = FuncAnimation(
return ani
def _validate_input(
dsani, xlim, ylim, interval, repeat, xlabel, ylabel, title, dimension
Validate common input parameters for animate function.
if not isinstance(dsani, xr.Dataset):
raise TypeError("dsani must be of type xr.Dataset")
if not isinstance(xlim, (list, type(None))):
raise TypeError("xlim must be of type list")
if not isinstance(ylim, (list, type(None))):
raise TypeError("ylim must be of type list")
if not isinstance(interval, int):
raise TypeError("interval must be of type int")
if not isinstance(repeat, bool):
raise TypeError("repeat must be of type bool")
if not isinstance(xlabel, (str, type(None))):
raise TypeError("xlabel must be of type str")
if not isinstance(ylabel, (str, type(None))):
raise TypeError("ylabel must be of type str")
if not isinstance(title, (str, type(None))):
raise TypeError("title must be of type str")
if dimension not in ["2d", "3d"]:
raise ValueError('dimension must be either "2d" or "3d"')
def _get_axis_nodes(dsani, xaxis, yaxis, zaxis):
Helper function to generate the list of nodes along each axis.
dsani : xr.Dataset
Xarray dataset object containing MoorDyn node variables (ie 'Node0px')
xaxis : str
lowercase letter of node axis to plot along x-axis
yaxis : str
lowercase latter of node axis to plot along y-axis
zaxis : str
lowercase latter of node axis to plot along z-axis
nodesX : list
List of nodes along the x-axis
nodesY : list
List of nodes along the y-axis
nodesZ : list
List of nodes along the z-axis
nodes = [s for s in list(dsani.data_vars) if "Node" in s]
nodes_x = [s for s in nodes if f"p{xaxis}" in s]
nodes_y = [s for s in nodes if f"p{yaxis}" in s]
nodes_z = [s for s in nodes if f"p{zaxis}" in s]
return nodes_x, nodes_y, nodes_z
def _find_limits(dataset):
"""Auto calculate the min and max plot limits based on provided dataset
dataset : xr.Dataset
Dataset containing data pertaining to specific axis
Min and max plot limits for axis
x_1 = dataset.min().to_array().min().values
x_1 = x_1 - abs(x_1 * 0.1)
x_2 = dataset.max().to_array().max().values
x_2 = x_2 + abs(x_2 * 0.1)
return [x_1, x_2]
def _set_labels(ax, xlabel=None, ylabel=None, title=None, zlabel=None):
Helper function to set the labels and title for a plot.
ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes
The axes object to set labels and title on.
xlabel : str, optional
X-axis label, by default None
ylabel : str, optional
Y-axis label, by default None
title : str, optional
Title of the plot, by default None
zlabel : str, optional
Z-axis label, by default None for 2D plots
if xlabel:
if ylabel:
if title:
if zlabel: