Source code for

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import json
import requests

def _read_usgs_json(text):
    data = pd.DataFrame()
    for i in range(len(text['value']['timeSeries'])):
            site_name = text['value']['timeSeries'][i]['variable']['variableDescription'] #text['value']['timeSeries'][i]['sourceInfo']['siteName']
            site_data = pd.DataFrame(text['value']['timeSeries'][i]['values'][0]['value'])
            site_data.set_index('dateTime', drop=True, inplace=True)
            site_data.index = pd.to_datetime(site_data.index, utc=True)
            site_data.rename(columns={'value': site_name}, inplace=True)
            site_data[site_name] = pd.to_numeric(site_data[site_name])
   = None
            del site_data['qualifiers']
            data = data.combine_first(site_data)
    return data # we could also extract metadata and return that here

[docs]def read_usgs_file(file_name): """ Reads a USGS JSON data file (from Parameters ---------- file_name : str Name of USGS JSON data file Returns ------- data : pandas DataFrame Data indexed by datetime with columns named according to the parameter's variable description """ with open(file_name) as json_file: text = json.load(json_file) data = _read_usgs_json(text) return data
[docs]def request_usgs_data(station, parameter, start_date, end_date, data_type='Daily', proxy=None, write_json=None): """ Loads USGS data directly from using a GET request The request URL prints to the screen. Parameters ---------- station : str USGS station number (e.g. '08313000') parameter : str USGS paramter ID (e.g. '00060' for Discharge, cubic feet per second) start_date : str Start date in the format 'YYYY-MM-DD' (e.g. '2018-01-01') end_date : str End date in the format 'YYYY-MM-DD' (e.g. '2018-12-31') data_type : str Data type, options include 'Daily' (return the mean daily value) and 'Instantaneous'. proxy : dict or None To request data from behind a firewall, define a dictionary of proxy settings, for example {"http": 'localhost:8080'} write_json : str or None Name of json file to write data Returns ------- data : pandas DataFrame Data indexed by datetime with columns named according to the parameter's variable description """ assert data_type in ['Daily', 'Instantaneous'], 'data_type must be Daily or Instantaneous' if data_type == 'Daily': data_url = '' api_query = '/?format=json&sites='+station+ \ '&startDT='+start_date+'&endDT='+end_date+ \ '&statCd=00003'+ \ '&parameterCd='+parameter+'&siteStatus=all' else: data_url = '' api_query = '/?format=json&sites='+station+ \ '&startDT='+start_date+'&endDT='+end_date+ \ '&parameterCd='+parameter+'&siteStatus=all' print('Data request URL: ', data_url+api_query) response = requests.get(url=data_url+api_query,proxies=proxy) text = json.loads(response.text) if write_json is not None: with open(write_json, 'w') as outfile: json.dump(text, outfile) data = _read_usgs_json(text) return data