Source code for mhkit.river.resource

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import linregress as _linregress
from scipy.stats import rv_histogram as _rv_histogram

[docs]def Froude_number(v, h, g=9.80665): """ Calculate the Froude Number of the river, channel or duct flow, to check subcritical flow assumption (if Fr <1). Parameters ------------ v : int/float Average velocity [m/s]. h : int/float Mean hydrolic depth float [m]. g : int/float Gravitational acceleration [m/s2]. Returns --------- Fr : float Froude Number of the river [unitless]. """ assert isinstance(v, (int,float)), 'v must be of type int or float' assert isinstance(h, (int,float)), 'h must be of type int or float' assert isinstance(g, (int,float)), 'g must be of type int or float' Fr = v / np.sqrt( g * h ) return Fr
[docs]def exceedance_probability(D): """ Calculates the exceedance probability Parameters ---------- D : pandas Series Data indexed by time [datetime or s]. Returns ------- F : pandas DataFrame Exceedance probability [unitless] indexed by time [datetime or s] """ assert isinstance(D, (pd.DataFrame, pd.Series)), 'D must be of type pd.Series' # dataframe allowed for matlab if isinstance(D, pd.DataFrame) and len(D.columns) == 1: # for matlab D = D.squeeze().copy() # Calculate exceedence probability (F) rank = D.rank(method='max', ascending=False) F = 100* (rank / (len(D)+1) ) F = F.to_frame('F') # for matlab return F
[docs]def polynomial_fit(x, y, n): """ Returns a polynomial fit for y given x of order n with an R-squared score of the fit Parameters ----------- x : numpy array x data for polynomial fit. y : numpy array y data for polynomial fit. n : int order of the polynomial fit. Returns ---------- polynomial_coefficients : numpy polynomial List of polynomial coefficients R2 : float Polynomical fit coeffcient of determination """ try: x = np.array(x) except: pass try: y = np.array(y) except: pass assert isinstance(x, np.ndarray), 'x must be of type np.ndarray' assert isinstance(y, np.ndarray), 'y must be of type np.ndarray' assert isinstance(n, int), 'n must be of type int' # Get coeffcients of polynomial of order n polynomial_coefficients = np.poly1d(np.polyfit(x, y, n)) # Calculate the coeffcient of determination slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = _linregress(y, polynomial_coefficients(x)) R2 = r_value**2 return polynomial_coefficients, R2
[docs]def discharge_to_velocity(D, polynomial_coefficients): """ Calculates velocity given discharge data and the relationship between discharge and velocity at an individual turbine Parameters ------------ D : pandas Series Discharge data [m3/s] indexed by time [datetime or s] polynomial_coefficients : numpy polynomial List of polynomial coefficients that discribe the relationship between discharge and velocity at an individual turbine Returns ------------ V: pandas DataFrame Velocity [m/s] indexed by time [datetime or s] """ assert isinstance(D, (pd.DataFrame, pd.Series)), 'D must be of type pd.Series' # dataframe allowed for matlab assert isinstance(polynomial_coefficients, np.poly1d), 'polynomial_coefficients must be of type np.poly1d' if isinstance(D, pd.DataFrame) and len(D.columns) == 1: # for matlab D = D.squeeze().copy() # Calculate velocity using polynomial vals = polynomial_coefficients(D) V = pd.Series(vals, index=D.index) V = V.to_frame('V') # for matlab return V
[docs]def velocity_to_power(V, polynomial_coefficients, cut_in, cut_out): """ Calculates power given velocity data and the relationship between velocity and power from an individual turbine Parameters ---------- V : pandas Series Velocity [m/s] indexed by time [datetime or s] polynomial_coefficients : numpy polynomial List of polynomial coefficients that discribe the relationship between velocity and power at an individual turbine cut_in: int/float Velocity values below cut_in are not used to compute P cut_out: int/float Velocity values above cut_out are not used to compute P Returns ------- P : pandas DataFrame Power [W] indexed by time [datetime or s] """ assert isinstance(V, (pd.DataFrame, pd.Series)), 'V must be of type pd.Series' # dataframe allowed for matlab assert isinstance(polynomial_coefficients, np.poly1d), 'polynomial_coefficients must be of type np.poly1d' assert isinstance(cut_in, (int,float)), 'cut_in must be of type int or float' assert isinstance(cut_out, (int,float)), 'cut_out must be of type int or float' if isinstance(V, pd.DataFrame) and len(V.columns) == 1: V = V.squeeze().copy() # Calculate power using tranfer function and FDC vals = polynomial_coefficients(V) # Power for velocity values outside lower and upper bounds Turbine produces 0 power vals[V < cut_in] = 0. vals[V > cut_out] = 0. P = pd.Series(vals, index=V.index) P = P.to_frame('P') # for matlab return P
[docs]def energy_produced(P, seconds): """ Returns the energy produced for a given time period provided exceedence probability and power. Parameters ---------- P : pandas Series Power [W] indexed by time [datetime or s] seconds: int or float Seconds in the time period of interest Returns ------- E : float Energy [J] produced in the given time frame """ assert isinstance(P, (pd.DataFrame, pd.Series)), 'D must be of type pd.Series' # dataframe allowed for matlab assert isinstance(seconds, (int, float)), 'seconds must be of type int or float' if isinstance(P, pd.DataFrame) and len(P.columns) == 1: # for matlab P = P.squeeze().copy() # Calculate Histogram of power H, edges = np.histogram(P, 100 ) # Create a distribution hist_dist = _rv_histogram([H,edges]) # Sample range for pdf x = np.linspace(edges.min(),edges.max(),1000) # Calculate the expected value of Power expected_val_of_power = np.trapz(x*hist_dist.pdf(x),x=x) # Note: Built-in Expected Value method often throws warning #EV = hist_dist.expect(lb=edges.min(), ub=edges.max()) # Energy E = seconds * expected_val_of_power return E