This module contains functions to perform various statistical calculations
on continuous data. It includes functions for calculating statistics such as
mean, max, min, and standard deviation over specific windows, as well as functions
for vector/directional statistics. The module also provides utility functions
to unwrap vectors, compute magnitudes and phases in 2D/3D, and calculate
the root mean squared values of vector components.
- get_statistics: Calculates statistics for continuous data.
- vector_statistics: Calculates vector mean and standard deviation.
- unwrap_vector: Unwraps vector data to fall within a 0-360 degree range.
- magnitude_phase: Computes magnitude and phase for 2D or 3D data.
- unorm: Computes root mean squared value of 3D vectors.
from typing import List, Dict, Optional, Tuple, Union
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from mhkit import qc
def _calculate_statistics(
datachunk: pd.DataFrame, vector_channels: List[str]
) -> Dict[str, Union[pd.Series, float]]:
Calculate the mean, max, min, and standard deviation for the given datachunk.
Also calculate vector statistics for vector_channels.
datachunk : pandas DataFrame
A chunk of data on which to perform statistics.
vector_channels : list
List of vector channel names formatted in deg (0-360).
stats : dict
A dictionary containing 'means', 'maxs', 'mins', and 'stdevs'.
means = datachunk.mean()
maxs = datachunk.max()
mins = datachunk.min()
stdevs = datachunk.std()
for v in vector_channels:
vector_avg, vector_std = vector_statistics(datachunk[v])
# overwrite scalar average and std for channel
means[v] = vector_avg
stdevs[v] = vector_std
return {"means": means, "maxs": maxs, "mins": mins, "stdevs": stdevs}
def get_statistics(
data: pd.DataFrame,
freq: Union[float, int],
period: Union[float, int] = 600,
vector_channels: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None,
) -> Tuple[pd.DataFrame, pd.DataFrame, pd.DataFrame, pd.DataFrame]:
Calculate mean, max, min and stdev statistics of continuous data for a
given statistical window. Default length of statistical window (period) is
based on IEC TS 62600-3:2020 ED1. Also allows calculation of statistics for multiple statistical
windows of continuous data and accounts for vector/directional channels.
data : pandas DataFrame
Data indexed by datetime with columns of data to be analyzed
freq : float/int
Sample rate of data [Hz]
period : float/int
Statistical window of interest [sec], default = 600
vector_channels : string or list (optional)
List of vector/directional channel names formatted in deg (0-360)
means,maxs,mins,stdevs : pandas DataFrame
Calculated statistical values from the data, indexed by the first timestamp
if vector_channels is None:
vector_channels = []
if isinstance(vector_channels, str):
vector_channels = [vector_channels]
if not isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame):
raise TypeError(f"data must be of type pd.DataFrame. Got: {type(data)}")
if not isinstance(freq, (float, int)):
raise TypeError(f"freq must be of type int or float. Got: {type(freq)}")
if not isinstance(period, (float, int)):
raise TypeError(f"period must be of type int or float. Got: {type(period)}")
if not isinstance(vector_channels, list):
raise TypeError(
f"vector_channels must be a list of strings. Got: {type(vector_channels)}"
data.index = data.index.round("1ms")
data_qc = qc.check_timestamp(data, 1 / freq)["cleaned_data"]
if len(data_qc) % (period * freq) > 0:
remain = len(data_qc) % (period * freq)
data_qc = data_qc.iloc[0 : -int(remain)]
f"WARNING: there were not enough data points in the last statistical period. \
Last {remain} points were removed."
time = []
means = []
maxs = []
mins = []
stdevs = []
step = period * freq
for i in range(int(len(data_qc) / step)):
datachunk = data_qc.iloc[i * step : (i + 1) * step]
if datachunk.isnull().any().any():
print("NaNs found in statistical window...check timestamps!")
input("Press <ENTER> to continue")
# Calculate statistics for this chunk
stats = _calculate_statistics(datachunk, vector_channels)
# Convert lists to DataFrames
means = pd.DataFrame(means, index=time)
maxs = pd.DataFrame(maxs, index=time)
mins = pd.DataFrame(mins, index=time)
stdevs = pd.DataFrame(stdevs, index=time)
return means, maxs, mins, stdevs
def vector_statistics(
data: Union[pd.Series, np.ndarray, list]
) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
Function used to calculate statistics for vector/directional channels based on
routine from Campbell data logger and Yamartino algorithm
data : pandas Series, numpy array, list
Vector channel to calculate statistics on [deg, 0-360]
vector_avg : numpy array
Vector mean statistic
vector_std : numpy array
Vector standard deviation statistic
data = np.array(data)
except (TypeError, ValueError) as e:
raise TypeError(f"Error converting data to numpy array: {e}") from e
if not isinstance(data, np.ndarray):
raise TypeError(f"data must be of type np.ndarray. Got: {type(data)}")
# calculate mean
u_x = sum(np.sin(data * np.pi / 180)) / len(data)
u_y = sum(np.cos(data * np.pi / 180)) / len(data)
vector_avg = 90 - np.arctan2(u_y, u_x) * 180 / np.pi
if vector_avg < 0:
vector_avg = vector_avg + 360
elif vector_avg > 360:
vector_avg = vector_avg - 360
# calculate standard deviation
# round to 8th decimal place to reduce roundoff error
magsum = round((u_x**2 + u_y**2) * 1e8) / 1e8
epsilon = (1 - magsum) ** 0.5
if not np.isreal(epsilon): # check if epsilon is imaginary (error)
vector_std = 0
print("WARNING: epsilon contains imaginary value")
vector_std = np.arcsin(epsilon) * (1 + 0.1547 * epsilon**3) * 180 / np.pi
return vector_avg, vector_std
def unwrap_vector(data: Union[pd.Series, np.ndarray, list]) -> np.ndarray:
Function used to unwrap vectors into 0-360 deg range
data : pandas Series, numpy array, list
Data points to be unwrapped [deg]
data : numpy array
Data points unwrapped between 0-360 deg
# Check data types
data = np.array(data)
except (TypeError, ValueError) as e:
raise TypeError(f"Error converting data to numpy array: {e}") from e
if not isinstance(data, np.ndarray):
raise TypeError(f"data must be of type np.ndarray. Got: {type(data)}")
# Loop through and unwrap points
for i, value in enumerate(data):
if value < 0:
data[i] = value + 360
elif value > 360:
data[i] = value - 360
if max(data) > 360 or min(data) < 0:
data = unwrap_vector(data)
return data
def magnitude_phase(
x: Union[float, int, np.ndarray],
y: Union[float, int, np.ndarray],
z: Optional[Union[float, int, np.ndarray]] = None,
) -> Union[
Tuple[Union[float, np.ndarray], Union[float, np.ndarray]],
Tuple[Union[float, np.ndarray], Union[float, np.ndarray], Union[float, np.ndarray]],
Retuns magnitude and phase in two or three dimensions.
x: array_like
y: array_like
z: array_like
z-component defined positive up. (Optional) Default None.
mag: float or array
magnitude of the vector
theta: float or array
radians from the x-axis
phi: float or array
radians from z-axis defined as positive up. Optional: only
returned when z is passed.
x = np.array(x)
y = np.array(y)
three_d = False
if not isinstance(z, type(None)):
z = np.array(z)
three_d = True
if not isinstance(x, (float, int, np.ndarray)):
raise TypeError(f"x must be of type float, int, or np.ndarray. Got: {type(x)}")
if not isinstance(y, (float, int, np.ndarray)):
raise TypeError(f"y must be of type float, int, or np.ndarray. Got: {type(y)}")
if not isinstance(z, (type(None), float, int, np.ndarray)):
raise TypeError(
f"If specified, z must be of type float, int, or np.ndarray. Got: {type(z)}"
if three_d:
mag = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2 + z**2)
theta = np.arctan2(y, x)
phi = np.arctan2(np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2), z)
return mag, theta, phi
mag = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2)
theta = np.arctan2(y, x)
return mag, theta
def unorm(
x: Union[np.ndarray, np.float64, pd.Series],
y: Union[np.ndarray, np.float64, pd.Series],
z: Union[np.ndarray, np.float64, pd.Series],
) -> Union[np.ndarray, np.float64]:
Calculates the root mean squared value given three arrays.
x: array
One input for the root mean squared calculation.(eq. x velocity)
y: array
One input for the root mean squared calculation.(eq. y velocity)
z: array
One input for the root mean squared calculation.(eq. z velocity)
u_norm : array
The root mean squared of x, y, and z.
If the inputs are [1,2,3], [4,5,6], and [7,8,9] the code take the
cordinationg value from each array and calculates the root mean squared.
The resulting output is [ 8.1240384, 9.64365076, 11.22497216].
if not isinstance(x, (np.ndarray, np.float64, pd.Series)):
raise TypeError(
f"x must be of type np.ndarray, np.float64, or pd.Series. Got: {type(x)}"
if not isinstance(y, (np.ndarray, np.float64, pd.Series)):
raise TypeError(
f"y must be of type np.ndarray, np.float64, or pd.Series. Got: {type(y)}"
if not isinstance(z, (np.ndarray, np.float64, pd.Series)):
raise TypeError(
f"z must be of type np.ndarray, np.float64, or pd.Series. Got: {type(z)}"
if not all([len(x) == len(y), len(y) == len(z)]):
raise ValueError("lengths of arrays must match")
xyz = np.array([x, y, z])
u_norm = np.linalg.norm(xyz, axis=0)
return u_norm