Source code for

from mhkit.river.resource import exceedance_probability
from import _xy_plot
from mhkit.utils import convert_to_dataset
import matplotlib.patheffects as pe
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import gridspec
import pandas as pd
import xarray as xr
import numpy as np
import matplotlib
import calendar

[docs] def plot_spectrum(S, ax=None): """ Plots wave amplitude spectrum versus omega Parameters ------------ S: pandas Series, pandas DataFrame, xarray DataArray, or xarray Dataset Spectral density [m^2/Hz] indexed frequency [Hz] ax : matplotlib axes object Axes for plotting. If None, then a new figure is created. Returns --------- ax : matplotlib pyplot axes """ S = convert_to_dataset(S) frequency_dimension = list(S.dims)[0] f = S[frequency_dimension] for var in S.data_vars: ax = _xy_plot( f * 2 * np.pi, S[var] / (2 * np.pi), fmt="-", xlabel="omega [rad/s]", ylabel="Spectral density [m$^2$s/rad]", ax=ax, ) return ax
[docs] def plot_elevation_timeseries(eta, ax=None): """ Plot wave surface elevation time-series Parameters ---------- eta: pandas Series, pandas DataFrame, xarray DataArray, or xarray Dataset Wave surface elevation [m] indexed by time [datetime or s] ax : matplotlib axes object Axes for plotting. If None, then a new figure is created. Returns ------- ax : matplotlib pyplot axes """ eta = convert_to_dataset(eta) time_dimension = list(eta.dims)[0] t = eta[time_dimension] for var in eta.data_vars: ax = _xy_plot(t, eta[var], fmt="-", xlabel="Time", ylabel="$\\eta$ [m]", ax=ax) return ax
[docs] def plot_matrix(M, xlabel="Te", ylabel="Hm0", zlabel=None, show_values=True, ax=None): """ Plots values in the matrix as a scatter diagram Parameters ------------ M: pandas Series, pandas DataFrame, xarray DataArray Matrix with numeric labels for x and y axis, and numeric entries. An example would be the average capture length matrix generated by mhkit.device.wave, or something similar. xlabel: string (optional) Title of the x-axis ylabel: string (optional) Title of the y-axis zlabel: string (optional) Colorbar label show_values : bool (optional) Show values on the scatter diagram ax : matplotlib axes object Axes for plotting. If None, then a new figure is created. Returns --------- ax : matplotlib pyplot axes """ try: M = pd.DataFrame(M) except: pass if not isinstance(M, pd.DataFrame): raise TypeError(f"M must be of type pd.DataFrame. Got: {type(M)}") if ax is None: plt.figure() ax = plt.gca() im = ax.imshow(M, origin="lower", aspect="auto") # Add colorbar cbar = plt.colorbar(im) if zlabel: cbar.set_label(zlabel, rotation=270, labelpad=15) # Set x and y label ax.set_xlabel(xlabel) ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) # Show values in the plot if show_values: for i, col in enumerate(M.columns): for j, index in enumerate(M.index): if not np.isnan(M.loc[index, col]): ax.text( i, j, format(M.loc[index, col], ".2f"), ha="center", va="center" ) # Reset x and y ticks ax.set_xticks(np.arange(len(M.columns))) ax.set_yticks(np.arange(len(M.index))) ax.set_xticklabels(M.columns) ax.set_yticklabels(M.index) return ax
[docs] def plot_chakrabarti(H, lambda_w, D, ax=None): """ Plots, in the style of Chakrabarti (2005), relative importance of viscous, inertia, and diffraction phemonena Chakrabarti, Subrata. Handbook of Offshore Engineering (2-volume set). Elsevier, 2005. Examples: **Using floats** >>> plt.figure() >>> D = 5 >>> H = 8 >>> lambda_w = 200 >>>, lambda_w, D) **Using numpy array** >>> plt.figure() >>> D = np.linspace(5,15,5) >>> H = 8*np.ones_like(D) >>> lambda_w = 200*np.ones_like(D) >>>, lambda_w, D) **Using pandas DataFrame** >>> plt.figure() >>> D = np.linspace(5,15,5) >>> H = 8*np.ones_like(D) >>> lambda_w = 200*np.ones_like(D) >>> df = pd.DataFrame([H.flatten(),lambda_w.flatten(),D.flatten()], index=['H','lambda_w','D']).transpose() >>>, df.lambda_w, df.D) Parameters ---------- H: int, float, numpy array, pandas Series, or xarray DataArray Wave height [m] lambda_w: int, float, numpy array, pandas Series, or xarray DataArray Wave length [m] D: int, float, numpy array, pandas Series, or xarray DataArray Characteristic length [m] ax : matplotlib axes object (optional) Axes for plotting. If None, then a new figure is created. Returns ------- ax : matplotlib pyplot axes """ if not isinstance(H, (np.ndarray, float, int, np.int64, pd.Series, xr.DataArray)): raise TypeError( f"H must be of type float, int, np.int64, np.ndarray, pd.Series, or xr.DataArray. Got: {type(H)}" ) if not isinstance( lambda_w, (np.ndarray, float, int, np.int64, pd.Series, xr.DataArray) ): raise TypeError( f"lambda_w must be of type float, int, np.int64, np.ndarray, pd.Series, or xr.DataArray. Got: {type(lambda_w)}" ) if not isinstance(D, (np.ndarray, float, int, np.int64, pd.Series, xr.DataArray)): raise TypeError( f"D must be of type float, int, np.int64, np.ndarray, pd.Series, or xr.DataArray. Got: {type(D)}" ) if any( [ isinstance(H, (np.ndarray, pd.Series, xr.DataArray)), isinstance(lambda_w, (np.ndarray, pd.Series, xr.DataArray)), isinstance(D, (np.ndarray, pd.Series, xr.DataArray)), ] ): n_H = H.squeeze().shape n_lambda_w = lambda_w.squeeze().shape n_D = D.squeeze().shape if not (n_H == n_lambda_w and n_H == n_D): raise ValueError("D, H, and lambda_w must be same shape") if isinstance(H, np.ndarray): mvals = pd.DataFrame(H.reshape(len(H), 1), columns=["H"]) mvals["lambda_w"] = lambda_w mvals["D"] = D elif isinstance(H, (pd.Series, xr.DataArray)): mvals = pd.DataFrame(H) mvals["lambda_w"] = lambda_w mvals["D"] = D else: H = np.array([H]) lambda_w = np.array([lambda_w]) D = np.array([D]) mvals = pd.DataFrame(H.reshape(len(H), 1), columns=["H"]) mvals["lambda_w"] = lambda_w mvals["D"] = D if ax is None: plt.figure() ax = plt.gca() ax.set_xscale("log") ax.set_yscale("log") for index, row in mvals.iterrows(): H = row.H D = row.D lambda_w = row.lambda_w KC = H / D Diffraction = np.pi * D / lambda_w label = f"$H$ = {H:g}, $\\lambda_w$ = {lambda_w:g}, $D$ = {D:g}" ax.plot(Diffraction, KC, "o", label=label) if ( np.any(KC >= 10 or KC <= 0.02) or np.any(Diffraction >= 50) or np.any(lambda_w >= 1000) ): ax.autoscale(enable=True, axis="both", tight=True) else: ax.set_xlim((0.01, 10)) ax.set_ylim((0.01, 50)) graphScale = list(ax.get_xlim()) if graphScale[0] >= 0.01: graphScale[0] = 0.01 # deep water breaking limit (H/lambda_w = 0.14) x = np.logspace(1, np.log10(graphScale[0]), 2) y_breaking = 0.14 * np.pi / x ax.plot(x, y_breaking, "k-") graphScale = list(ax.get_xlim()) ax.text( 1, 7, "wave\nbreaking\n$H/\\lambda_w > 0.14$", ha="center", va="center", fontstyle="italic", fontsize="small", clip_on="True", ) # upper bound of low drag region ldv = 20 y_small_drag = 20 * np.ones_like(graphScale) graphScale[1] = 0.14 * np.pi / ldv ax.plot(graphScale, y_small_drag, "k--") ax.text( 0.0125, 30, "drag", ha="center", va="top", fontstyle="italic", fontsize="small", clip_on="True", ) # upper bound of small drag region sdv = 1.5 y_small_drag = sdv * np.ones_like(graphScale) graphScale[1] = 0.14 * np.pi / sdv ax.plot(graphScale, y_small_drag, "k--") ax.text( 0.02, 7, "inertia \n& drag", ha="center", va="center", fontstyle="italic", fontsize="small", clip_on="True", ) # upper bound of negligible drag region ndv = 0.25 graphScale[1] = 0.14 * np.pi / ndv y_small_drag = ndv * np.ones_like(graphScale) ax.plot(graphScale, y_small_drag, "k--") ax.text( 8e-2, 0.7, "large\ninertia", ha="center", va="center", fontstyle="italic", fontsize="small", clip_on="True", ) ax.text( 8e-2, 6e-2, "all\ninertia", ha="center", va="center", fontstyle="italic", fontsize="small", clip_on="True", ) # left bound of diffraction region drv = 0.5 graphScale = list(ax.get_ylim()) graphScale[1] = 0.14 * np.pi / drv x_diff_reg = drv * np.ones_like(graphScale) ax.plot(x_diff_reg, graphScale, "k--") ax.text( 2, 6e-2, "diffraction", ha="center", va="center", fontstyle="italic", fontsize="small", clip_on="True", ) if index > 0: ax.legend(fontsize="xx-small", ncol=2) ax.set_xlabel("Diffraction parameter, $\\frac{\\pi D}{\\lambda_w}$") ax.set_ylabel("KC parameter, $\\frac{H}{D}$") plt.tight_layout()
[docs] def plot_environmental_contour(x1, x2, x1_contour, x2_contour, **kwargs): """ Plots an overlay of the x1 and x2 variables to the calculate environmental contours. Parameters ---------- x1: list, np.ndarray, pd.Series, xr.DataArray x-axis data x2: list, np.ndarray, pd.Series, xr.DataArray x-axis data x1_contour: list, np.ndarray, pd.Series, xr.DataArray Calculated x1 contour values x2_contour: list, np.ndarray, pd.Series, xr.DataArray Calculated x2 contour values **kwargs : optional x_label: string (optional) x-axis label. Default None. y_label: string (optional) y-axis label. Default None. data_label: string (optional) Legend label for x1, x2 data (e.g. 'Buoy 46022'). Default None. contour_label: string or list of strings (optional) Legend label for x1_contour, x2_contour countor data (e.g. '100-year contour'). Default None. ax : matplotlib axes object (optional) Axes for plotting. If None, then a new figure is created. Default None. markers: string string or list of strings to use as marker types Returns ------- ax : matplotlib pyplot axes """ try: x1 = x1.values except: pass try: x2 = x2.values except: pass if not isinstance(x1, np.ndarray): raise TypeError(f"x1 must be of type np.ndarray. Got: {type(x1)}") if not isinstance(x2, np.ndarray): raise TypeError(f"x2 must be of type np.ndarray. Got: {type(x2)}") try: x1_contour = x1_contour.values except: pass try: x2_contour = x2_contour.values except: pass if not isinstance(x1_contour, (np.ndarray, list)): raise TypeError( f"x1_contour must be of type np.ndarray or list. Got: {type(x1_contour)}" ) if not isinstance(x2_contour, (np.ndarray, list)): raise TypeError( f"x2_contour must be of type np.ndarray or list. Got: {type(x2_contour)}" ) x_label = kwargs.get("x_label", None) y_label = kwargs.get("y_label", None) data_label = kwargs.get("data_label", None) contour_label = kwargs.get("contour_label", None) ax = kwargs.get("ax", None) markers = kwargs.get("markers", "-") if not isinstance(data_label, (str, type(None))): raise TypeError( f"If specified, data_label must be of type str. Got: {type(data_label)}" ) if not isinstance(contour_label, (str, list, type(None))): raise TypeError( f"If specified, contour_label be of type str. Got: {type(contour_label)}" ) if isinstance(markers, str): markers = [markers] if not isinstance(markers, list) or not all( [isinstance(marker, (str)) for marker in markers] ): raise TypeError( f"markers must be of type str or list of strings. Got: {markers}" ) if not len(x2_contour) == len(x1_contour): raise ValueError( f"contour must be of equal dimension got {len(x2_contour)} and {len(x1_contour)}" ) if isinstance(x1_contour, np.ndarray): N_contours = 1 x2_contour = [x2_contour] x1_contour = [x1_contour] elif isinstance(x1_contour, list): N_contours = len(x1_contour) if contour_label != None: if isinstance(contour_label, str): contour_label = [contour_label] N_c_labels = len(contour_label) if not N_c_labels == N_contours: raise ValueError( "If specified, the number of contour labels must" " be equal to number the number of contour years." f" Got: {N_c_labels} and {N_contours}" ) else: contour_label = [None] * N_contours if len(markers) == 1: markers = markers * N_contours if not len(markers) == N_contours: raise ValueError( "Markers must be same length as N contours specified." f"Got: {len(markers)} and {len(x1_contour)}" ) for i in range(N_contours): contour1 = np.array(x1_contour[i]).T contour2 = np.array(x2_contour[i]).T ax = _xy_plot(contour1, contour2, markers[i], label=contour_label[i], ax=ax) plt.plot(x1, x2, "bo", alpha=0.1, label=data_label) plt.legend(loc="lower right") plt.xlabel(x_label) plt.ylabel(y_label) plt.tight_layout() return ax
[docs] def plot_avg_annual_energy_matrix( Hm0, Te, J, time_index=None, Hm0_bin_size=None, Te_bin_size=None, Hm0_edges=None, Te_edges=None, ): """ Creates an average annual energy matrix with frequency of occurance. Parameters ---------- Hm0: array-like Significant wave height Te: array-like Energy period J: array-like Energy flux time_index: DateTime Index time to index by. Optional default None. If None Passed parameters must be series indexed by Datetime. Hm0_bin_size: float, int Creates edges of bin using this discrtization. Optional default None. If not passed must pass Hm0_edges. Te_bin_size: float, int Creates edges of bin using this discrtization. Optional default None. If not passed must pass Te_edges. Hm0_edges: array-like Defines the Hm0 bin edges to use. Optional default None. Te_edges: array-like Defines the Te bin edges to use. Optional default None. Returns ------- fig: Figure Average annual energy table plot """ fig = plt.figure() if isinstance(time_index, type(None)): data = pd.DataFrame(dict(Hm0=Hm0, Te=Te, J=J)) else: data = pd.DataFrame(dict(Hm0=Hm0, Te=Te, J=J), index=time_index) years = data.index.year.unique() if isinstance(Hm0_edges, type(None)): Hm0_max = data.Hm0.max() Hm0_edges = np.arange(0, Hm0_max + Hm0_bin_size, Hm0_bin_size) if isinstance(Te_edges, type(None)): Te_max = data.Te.max() Te_edges = np.arange(0, Te_max + Te_bin_size, Te_bin_size) # Dict for number of hours each sea state occurs hist_counts = {} hist_J = {} # Create hist of counts, and weghted by J for each year for year in years: year_data = data.loc[str(year)].copy(deep=True) # Get the counts of each bin counts, xedges, yedges = np.histogram2d( year_data.Te, year_data.Hm0, bins=(Te_edges, Hm0_edges), ) # Get centers for number of counts plot location xcenters = xedges[:-1] + np.diff(xedges) ycenters = yedges[:-1] + np.diff(yedges) year_data["xbins"] = np.digitize(year_data.Te, xcenters) year_data["ybins"] = np.digitize(year_data.Hm0, ycenters) total_year_J = year_data.J.sum() H = counts.copy() for i in range(len(xcenters)): for j in range(len(ycenters)): bin_J = year_data[ (year_data.xbins == i) & (year_data.ybins == j) ].J.sum() H[i][j] = bin_J / total_year_J # Save in results dict hist_counts[year] = counts hist_J[year] = H # Calculate avg annual avg_annual_counts_hist = sum(hist_counts.values()) / len(years) avg_annual_J_hist = sum(hist_J.values()) / len(years) # Create a mask of non-zero weights to hide from imshow Hmasked = > 0), avg_annual_J_hist) plt.imshow( Hmasked.T, interpolation="none", vmin=0.005, origin="lower", aspect="auto", extent=[xedges[0], xedges[-1], yedges[0], yedges[-1]], ) # Plot number of counts as text on the hist of annual avg J for xi in range(len(xcenters)): for yi in range(len(ycenters)): if avg_annual_counts_hist[xi][yi] != 0: plt.text( xedges[xi], yedges[yi], int(np.ceil(avg_annual_counts_hist[xi][yi])), fontsize=10, color="white", path_effects=[pe.withStroke(linewidth=1, foreground="k")], ) plt.xlabel("Wave Energy Period (s)") plt.ylabel("Significant Wave Height (m)") cbar = plt.colorbar() cbar.set_label("Mean Normalized Annual Energy") plt.tight_layout() return fig
[docs] def monthly_cumulative_distribution(J): """ Creates a cumulative distribution of energy flux as described in IEC TS 62600-101. Parameters ---------- J: pd.Series, xr.DataArray Energy Flux with DateTime index Returns ------- ax: axes Figure of monthly cumulative distribution """ J = pd.Series(J) cumSum = {} months = J.index.month.unique() for month in months: F = exceedance_probability(J[J.index.month == month]) cumSum[month] = 1 - F / 100 cumSum[month].sort_values("F", inplace=True) plt.figure(figsize=(12, 8)) for month in months: plt.semilogx( J.loc[cumSum[month].index], cumSum[month].F, "--", label=calendar.month_abbr[month], ) F = exceedance_probability(J) F.sort_values("F", inplace=True) ax = plt.semilogx( J.loc[F.index], 1 - F["F"] / 100, "k-", fillstyle="none", label="All" ) plt.grid() plt.xlabel("Energy Flux") plt.ylabel("Cumulative Distribution") plt.legend() return ax
[docs] def plot_compendium(Hs, Tp, Dp, buoy_title=None, ax=None): """ Create subplots showing: Significant Wave Height (Hs), Peak Period (Tp), and Direction (Dp) using OPeNDAP service from CDIP THREDDS Server. See for example Compendium plot. Developed based on: Parameters ---------- Hs: pandas Series or xarray DataArray significant wave height Tp: pandas Series or xarray DataArray significant wave height Dp: pandas Series or xarray DataArray significant wave height buoy_title: string (optional) Buoy title from the CDIP THREDDS Server ax : matplotlib axes object (optional) Axes for plotting. If None, then a new figure is created. Returns ------- ax : matplotlib pyplot axes """ Hs = pd.Series(Hs) Tp = pd.Series(Tp) Dp = pd.Series(Dp) if not isinstance(Hs, pd.Series): raise TypeError(f"Hs must be of type pd.Series. Got: {type(Hs)}") if not isinstance(Tp, pd.Series): raise TypeError(f"Tp must be of type pd.Series. Got: {type(Tp)}") if not isinstance(Dp, pd.Series): raise TypeError(f"Dp must be of type pd.Series. Got: {type(Dp)}") if not isinstance(buoy_title, (str, type(None))): raise TypeError( f"If specified, buoy_title must be of type string. Got: {type(buoy_title)}" ) f, (pHs, pTp, pDp) = plt.subplots(3, 1, sharex=True, figsize=(15, 10)) pHs.plot(Hs.index, Hs, "b") pTp.plot(Tp.index, Tp, "b") pDp.scatter(Dp.index, Dp, color="blue", s=5) pHs.tick_params(axis="x", which="major", labelsize=12, top="off") pHs.set_ylim(0, 8) pHs.tick_params(axis="y", which="major", labelsize=12, right="off") pHs.set_ylabel("Hs [m]", fontsize=18) pHs.grid(color="b", linestyle="--") pHs2 = pHs.twinx() pHs2.set_ylim(0, 25) pHs2.set_ylabel("Hs [ft]", fontsize=18) # Peak Period, Tp pTp.set_ylim(0, 28) pTp.set_ylabel("Tp [s]", fontsize=18) pTp.grid(color="b", linestyle="--") # Direction, Dp pDp.set_ylim(0, 360) pDp.set_ylabel("Dp [deg]", fontsize=18) pDp.grid(color="b", linestyle="--") pDp.set_xlabel("Day", fontsize=18) # Set x-axis tick interval to every 5 days degrees = 70 days = matplotlib.dates.DayLocator(interval=5) daysFmt = matplotlib.dates.DateFormatter("%Y-%m-%d") plt.gca().xaxis.set_major_locator(days) plt.gca().xaxis.set_major_formatter(daysFmt) plt.setp(pDp.xaxis.get_majorticklabels(), rotation=degrees) # Set Titles month_name_start = Hs.index.month_name()[0][:3] year_start = Hs.index.year[0] month_name_end = Hs.index.month_name()[-1][:3] year_end = Hs.index.year[-1] plt.suptitle(buoy_title, fontsize=30) plt.title(f"{Hs.index[0].date()} to {Hs.index[-1].date()}", fontsize=20) ax = f return ax
[docs] def plot_boxplot(Hs, buoy_title=None): """ Create plot of monthly-averaged boxes of Significant Wave Height (Hs) data. Developed based on: Parameters ------------ Hs: pandas Series or xarray DataArray Spectral density [m^2/Hz] indexed frequency [Hz] buoy_title: string (optional) Buoy title from the CDIP THREDDS Server ax : matplotlib axes object (optional) Axes for plotting. If None, then a new figure is created. Returns --------- ax : matplotlib pyplot axes """ Hs = pd.Series(Hs) if not isinstance(Hs, pd.Series): raise TypeError(f"Hs must be of type pd.Series. Got: {type(Hs)}") if not isinstance(buoy_title, (str, type(None))): raise TypeError( f"If specified, buoy_title must be of type string. Got: {type(buoy_title)}" ) months = Hs.index.month means = Hs.groupby(months).mean() monthlengths = Hs.groupby(months).count() fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 12)) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(2, 1, height_ratios=[4, 1]) boxprops = dict(color="k") whiskerprops = dict(linestyle="--", color="k") flierprops = dict(marker="+", color="r", markeredgecolor="r", markerfacecolor="r") medianprops = dict(linewidth=2.5, color="firebrick") meanprops = dict(linewidth=2.5, marker="_", markersize=25) bp = plt.subplot(gs[0, :]) Hs_months = Hs.to_frame().groupby(months) bp = Hs_months.boxplot( subplots=False, boxprops=boxprops, whiskerprops=whiskerprops, flierprops=flierprops, medianprops=medianprops, showmeans=True, meanprops=meanprops, ) # Add values of monthly means as text for i, mean in enumerate(means): bp.annotate( np.round(mean, 2), (means.index[i], mean), fontsize=12, horizontalalignment="center", verticalalignment="bottom", color="g", ) # Create a second row of x-axis labels for top subplot newax = bp.twiny() newax.tick_params(which="major", direction="in", pad=-18) newax.set_xlim(bp.get_xlim()) newax.xaxis.set_ticks_position("top") newax.xaxis.set_label_position("top") newax.set_xticks(np.arange(1, 13, 1)) newax.set_xticklabels(monthlengths, fontsize=10) # Sample 'legend' boxplot, to go underneath actual boxplot bp_sample2 = np.random.normal(2.5, 0.5, 500) bp2 = plt.subplot(gs[1, :]) meanprops = dict(linewidth=2.5, marker="|", markersize=25) bp2_example = bp2.boxplot( bp_sample2, vert=False, flierprops=flierprops, medianprops=medianprops ) sample_mean = 2.3 bp2.scatter(sample_mean, 1, marker="|", color="g", linewidths=1.0, s=200) for line in bp2_example["medians"]: xm, ym = line.get_xydata()[0] for line in bp2_example["boxes"]: xb, yb = line.get_xydata()[0] for line in bp2_example["whiskers"]: xw, yw = line.get_xydata()[0] bp2.annotate("Median", [xm - 0.1, ym - 0.3 * ym], fontsize=10, color="firebrick") bp2.annotate("Mean", [sample_mean - 0.1, 0.65], fontsize=10, color="g") bp2.annotate("25%ile", [xb - 0.05 * xb, yb - 0.15 * yb], fontsize=10) bp2.annotate("75%ile", [xb + 0.26 * xb, yb - 0.15 * yb], fontsize=10) bp2.annotate("Outliers", [xw + 0.3 * xw, yw - 0.3 * yw], fontsize=10, color="r") if buoy_title: plt.suptitle(buoy_title, fontsize=30, y=0.97) bp.set_title("Significant Wave Height by Month", fontsize=20, y=1.01) bp2.set_title("Sample Boxplot", fontsize=10, y=1.02) # Set axes labels and ticks months_text = [m[:3] for m in Hs.index.month_name().unique()] bp.set_xticklabels(months_text, fontsize=12) bp.set_ylabel("Significant Wave Height, Hs (m)", fontsize=14) bp.tick_params(axis="y", which="major", labelsize=12, right="off") bp.tick_params(axis="x", which="major", labelsize=12, top="off") # Plot horizontal gridlines onto top subplot bp.grid(axis="x", color="b", linestyle="-", alpha=0.25) # Remove tickmarks from bottom subplot bp2.axes.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) bp2.axes.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) ax = fig return ax
[docs] def plot_directional_spectrum( spectrum, color_level_min=None, fill=True, nlevels=11, name="Elevation Variance", units="m^2", ): """ Create a contour polar plot of a directional spectrum. Parameters ------------ spectrum: xarray.DataArray Spectral data indexed frequency [Hz] and wave direction [deg]. color_level_min: float (optional) Minimum color bar level. fill: bool Whether to use `contourf` (filled) instead of `contour` (lines). nlevels: int Number of contour levels to plot. name: str Name of the (integral) spectrum variable. units: str Units of the (integral) spectrum variable. Returns --------- ax : matplotlib pyplot axes """ if not isinstance(spectrum, xr.DataArray): raise TypeError(f"spectrum must be of type xr.DataArray. Got: {type(spectrum)}") if not isinstance(color_level_min, (type(None), float)): raise TypeError( f"If specified, color_level_min must be of type float. Got: {type(color_level_min)}" ) if not isinstance(fill, bool): raise TypeError(f"If specified, fill must be of type bool. Got: {type(fill)}") if not isinstance(nlevels, int): raise TypeError( f"If specified, nlevels must be of type int. Got: {type(nlevels)}" ) if not isinstance(name, str): raise TypeError(f"If specified, name must be of type string. Got: {type(name)}") if not isinstance(units, str): raise TypeError( f"If specified, units must be of type string. Got: {type(units)}" ) a, f = np.meshgrid(np.deg2rad(spectrum.direction), spectrum.frequency) _, ax = plt.subplots(subplot_kw=dict(projection="polar")) tmp = np.floor(np.min( * 10) / 10 color_level_min = tmp if (color_level_min is None) else color_level_min color_level_max = np.ceil(np.max( * 10) / 10 levels = np.linspace(color_level_min, color_level_max, nlevels) if fill: c = ax.contourf(a, f, spectrum, levels=levels) else: c = ax.contour(a, f, spectrum, levels=levels) cbar = plt.colorbar(c) cbar.set_label(f"Spectrum [{units}/Hz/deg]", rotation=270, labelpad=20) ax.set_title(f"{name} Spectrum") ylabels = ax.get_yticklabels() ylabels = [ilabel.get_text() for ilabel in ax.get_yticklabels()] ylabels = [ilabel + "Hz" for ilabel in ylabels] ticks_loc = ax.get_yticks() ax.set_yticks(ticks_loc) ax.set_yticklabels(ylabels) return ax