import os
from collections import OrderedDict as _OrderedDict
from collections import defaultdict as _defaultdict
from io import BytesIO
import re
import requests
import zlib
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pandas.errors
import xarray as xr
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from mhkit.utils.cache import handle_caching
from mhkit.utils import (
def read_file(file_name, missing_values=["MM", 9999, 999, 99], to_pandas=True):
Reads a NDBC wave buoy data file (from
Realtime and historical data files can be loaded with this function.
Note: With realtime data, missing data is denoted by "MM". With
historical data, missing data is denoted using a variable number of
# 9's, depending on the data type (for example: 9999.0 999.0 99.0).
'N/A' is automatically converted to missing data.
Data values are converted to float/int when possible. Column names
are also converted to float/int when possible (this is useful when
column names are frequency).
file_name: string
Name of NDBC wave buoy data file
missing_value: list of values
List of values that denote missing data
to_pandas: bool (optional)
Flag to output pandas instead of xarray. Default = True.
data: pandas DataFrame or xarray Dataset
Data indexed by datetime with columns named according to header row
metadata: dict or None
Dictionary with {column name: units} key value pairs when the NDBC file
contains unit information, otherwise None is returned
if not isinstance(file_name, str):
raise TypeError(f"file_name must be of type str. Got: {type(file_name)}")
if not isinstance(missing_values, list):
raise TypeError(
f"If specified, missing_values must be of type list. Got: {type(missing_values)}"
if not isinstance(to_pandas, bool):
raise TypeError(f"to_pandas must be of type bool. Got: {type(to_pandas)}")
# Open file and get header rows
f = open(file_name, "r")
header = f.readline().rstrip().split() # read potential headers
units = f.readline().rstrip().split() # read potential units
# If first line is commented, remove comment sign #
if header[0].startswith("#"):
header[0] = header[0][1:]
header_commented = True
header_commented = False
# If second line is commented, indicate that units exist
if units[0].startswith("#"):
units_exist = True
units_exist = False
# Check if the time stamp contains minutes, and create list of column names
# to parse for date
if header[4] == "mm":
parse_vals = header[0:5]
date_format = "%Y %m %d %H %M"
units = units[5:] # remove date columns from units
parse_vals = header[0:4]
date_format = "%Y %m %d %H"
units = units[4:] # remove date columns from units
# If first line is commented, manually feed in column names
if header_commented:
data = pd.read_csv(
# If first line is not commented, then the first row can be used as header
data = pd.read_csv(
file_name, sep="\\s+", header=0, comment="#", parse_dates=[parse_vals]
# Convert index to datetime
date_column = "_".join(parse_vals)
data["Time"] = pd.to_datetime(data[date_column], format=date_format)
data.index = data["Time"].values
# Remove date columns
del data[date_column]
del data["Time"]
# If there was a row of units, convert to dictionary
if units_exist:
metadata = {column: unit for column, unit in zip(data.columns, units)}
metadata = None
# Convert columns to numeric data if possible, otherwise leave as string
for column in data:
data[column] = pd.to_numeric(data[column], errors="ignore")
# Convert column names to float if possible (handles frequency headers)
# if there is non-numeric name, just leave all as strings.
data.columns = [float(column) for column in data.columns]
data.columns = data.columns
# Replace indicated missing values with nan
data.replace(missing_values, np.nan, inplace=True)
if not to_pandas:
data = convert_to_dataset(data)
return data, metadata
def available_data(
parameter, buoy_number=None, proxy=None, clear_cache=False, to_pandas=True
For a given parameter this will return a DataFrame or Dataset of years,
station IDs and file names that contain that parameter data.
parameter: string
'swden': 'Raw Spectral Wave Current Year Historical Data'
'swdir': 'Spectral Wave Current Year Historical Data (alpha1)'
'swdir2': 'Spectral Wave Current Year Historical Data (alpha1)'
'swr1': 'Spectral Wave Current Year Historical Data (r1)'
'swr2': 'Spectral Wave Current Year Historical Data (r2)'
'stdmet': 'Standard Meteorological Current Year Historical Data'
'cwind' : 'Continuous Winds Current Year Historical Data'
buoy_number: string (optional)
Buoy Number. 5-character alpha-numeric station identifier
proxy: dict
Proxy dict passed to python requests,
(e.g. proxy_dict= {"http": 'http:wwwproxy.yourProxy:80/'})
to_pandas: bool (optional)
Flag to output pandas instead of xarray. Default = True.
available_data: pandas DataFrame or xarray Dataset
DataFrame with station ID, years, and NDBC file names.
if not isinstance(parameter, str):
raise TypeError(f"parameter must be a string. Got: {type(parameter)}")
if not isinstance(buoy_number, (str, type(None), list)):
raise TypeError(
f"If specified, buoy_number must be a string or list of strings. Got: {type(buoy_number)}"
if not isinstance(proxy, (dict, type(None))):
raise TypeError(f"If specified, proxy must be a dict. Got: {type(proxy)}")
if isinstance(buoy_number, str):
if not len(buoy_number) == 5:
raise ValueError(
"buoy_number must be 5-character"
f"alpha-numeric station identifier. Got: {buoy_number}"
elif isinstance(buoy_number, list):
for buoy in buoy_number:
if not len(buoy) == 5:
raise ValueError(
"Each value in the buoy_number list must be a 5-character"
f"alpha-numeric station identifier. Got: {buoy_number}"
if not isinstance(to_pandas, bool):
raise TypeError(f"to_pandas must be of type bool. Got: {type(to_pandas)}")
# Generate a unique hash_params based on the function parameters
hash_params = f"parameter:{parameter}_buoy_number:{buoy_number}_proxy:{proxy}"
cache_dir = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), ".cache", "mhkit", "ndbc")
# Check the cache before making the request
data, _, _ = handle_caching(
cache_content={"data": None, "metadata": None, "write_json": None},
# no coverage bc in coverage runs we have already cached the data/ run this code
if data is None: # pragma: no cover
ndbc_data = f"{parameter}/"
response = requests.get(ndbc_data, proxies=proxy, timeout=30)
except requests.exceptions.Timeout:
print("The request timed out")
response = None
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as error:
print(f"An error occurred: {error}")
response = None
if response and response.status_code != 200:
msg = f"request.get({ndbc_data}) failed by returning code of {response.status_code}"
raise Exception(msg)
filenames = pd.read_html(response.text)[0].Name.dropna()
buoys = _parse_filenames(parameter, filenames)
available_data = buoys.copy(deep=True)
# Set year to numeric (makes year key non-unique)
available_data["year"] = available_data.year.str.strip("b")
available_data["year"] = pd.to_numeric(available_data.year.str.strip("_old"))
if isinstance(buoy_number, str):
available_data = available_data[ == buoy_number]
elif isinstance(buoy_number, list):
available_data = available_data[ == buoy_number[0]]
for i in range(1, len(buoy_number)):
data = available_data[ == buoy_number[i]]
available_data = available_data.append(data)
# Cache the result
"data": available_data,
"metadata": None,
"write_json": None,
available_data = data
if not to_pandas:
available_data = convert_to_dataset(available_data)
return available_data
def _parse_filenames(parameter, filenames):
Takes a list of available filenames as a series from NDBC then
parses out the station ID and year from the file name.
parameter: string
'swden' : 'Raw Spectral Wave Current Year Historical Data'
'swdir': 'Spectral wave data (alpha1)'
'swdir2': 'Spectral wave data (alpha2)'
'swr1': 'Spectral wave data (r1)'
'swr2': 'Spectral wave data (r2)'
'stdmet': 'Standard Meteorological Current Year Historical Data'
'cwind' : 'Continuous Winds Current Year Historical Data'
filenames: Series
List of compressed file names from NDBC
buoys: DataFrame
DataFrame with keys=['id','year','file_name']
if not isinstance(filenames, pd.Series):
raise TypeError(f"filenames must be of type pd.Series. Got: {type(filenames)}")
if not isinstance(parameter, str):
raise TypeError(f"parameter must be a string. Got: {type(parameter)}")
supported = _supported_params(parameter)
file_seps = {
"swden": "w",
"swdir": "d",
"swdir2": "i",
"swr1": "j",
"swr2": "k",
"stdmet": "h",
"cwind": "c",
file_sep = file_seps[parameter]
filenames = filenames[filenames.str.contains(".txt.gz")]
buoy_id_year_str = filenames.str.split(".", expand=True)[0]
buoy_id_year = buoy_id_year_str.str.split(file_sep, n=1, expand=True)
buoys = buoy_id_year.rename(columns={0: "id", 1: "year"})
expected_station_id_length = 5
buoys = buoys[ == expected_station_id_length]
buoys["filename"] = filenames
return buoys
def request_data(parameter, filenames, proxy=None, clear_cache=False, to_pandas=True):
Requests data by filenames and returns a dictionary of DataFrames or dictionary of Datasets
for each filename passed. If filenames for a single buoy are passed
then the yearly DataFrames in the returned dictionary (ndbc_data) are
indexed by year (e.g. ndbc_data['2014']). If multiple buoy ids are
passed then the returned dictionary is indexed by buoy id and year
(e.g. ndbc_data['46022']['2014']).
parameter: string
'swden' : 'Raw Spectral Wave Current Year Historical Data'
'swdir': 'Spectral wave data (alpha1)'
'swdir2': 'Spectral wave data (alpha2)'
'swr1': 'Spectral wave data (r1)'
'swr2': 'Spectral wave data (r2)'
'stdmet': 'Standard Meteorological Current Year Historical Data'
'cwind' : 'Continuous Winds Current Year Historical Data'
filenames: pandas Series, pandas DataFrame, xarray DataArray, or xarray Dataset
Data filenames on{parameter}/
proxy: dict
Proxy dict passed to python requests,
(e.g. proxy_dict= {"http": 'http:wwwproxy.yourProxy:80/'})
to_pandas: bool (optional)
Flag to output a dictionary of pandas objects instead of a dictionary
of xarray objects. Default = True.
ndbc_data: dict
Dictionary of DataFrames/Datasets indexed by buoy and year.
filenames = convert_to_dataarray(filenames)
filenames = pd.Series(filenames)
if not isinstance(parameter, str):
raise TypeError(f"parameter must be a string. Got: {type(parameter)}")
if not isinstance(proxy, (dict, type(None))):
raise TypeError(f"If specified, proxy must be a dict. Got: {type(proxy)}")
if not isinstance(to_pandas, bool):
raise TypeError(f"to_pandas must be of type bool. Got: {type(to_pandas)}")
if not len(filenames) > 0:
raise ValueError("At least 1 filename must be passed")
# Define the path to the cache directory
cache_dir = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), ".cache", "mhkit", "ndbc")
buoy_data = _parse_filenames(parameter, filenames)
ndbc_data = _defaultdict(dict)
for buoy_id in buoy_data["id"].unique():
buoy = buoy_data[buoy_data["id"] == buoy_id]
years = buoy.year
filenames = buoy.filename
for year, filename in zip(years, filenames):
# Create a unique filename based on the function parameters for caching
hash_params = f"{buoy_id}_{parameter}_{year}_{filename}"
cached_data, _, _ = handle_caching(
cache_content={"data": None, "metadata": None, "write_json": None},
if cached_data is not None:
ndbc_data[buoy_id][year] = cached_data
file_url = (
if proxy == None:
response = requests.get(file_url)
response = requests.get(file_url, proxies=proxy)
data = zlib.decompress(response.content, 16 + zlib.MAX_WBITS)
df = pd.read_csv(BytesIO(data), sep="\\s+", low_memory=False)
# catch when units are included below the header
firstYear = df["MM"][0]
if isinstance(firstYear, str) and firstYear == "mo":
df = pd.read_csv(
BytesIO(data), sep="\\s+", low_memory=False, skiprows=[1]
except zlib.error:
msg = (
f"Issue decompressing the NDBC file {filename}"
f"(id: {buoy_id}, year: {year}). Please request "
"the data again."
except pandas.errors.EmptyDataError:
msg = (
f"The NDBC buoy {buoy_id} for year {year} with "
f"filename {filename} is empty or missing "
"data. Please omit this file from your data "
"request in the future."
ndbc_data[buoy_id][year] = df
# Cache the data after processing it if it exists
if year in ndbc_data[buoy_id]:
"data": ndbc_data[buoy_id][year],
"metadata": None,
"write_json": None,
if buoy_id and len(ndbc_data) == 1:
ndbc_data = ndbc_data[buoy_id]
if not to_pandas:
ndbc_data = convert_nested_dict_and_pandas(ndbc_data)
return ndbc_data
def to_datetime_index(parameter, ndbc_data, to_pandas=True):
Converts the NDBC date and time information reported in separate
columns into a DateTime index and removed the NDBC date & time
parameter: string
'swden': 'Raw Spectral Wave Current Year Historical Data'
'swdir': 'Spectral wave data (alpha1)'
'swdir2': 'Spectral wave data (alpha2)'
'swr1': 'Spectral wave data (r1)'
'swr2': 'Spectral wave data (r2)'
'stdmet': 'Standard Meteorological Current Year Historical Data'
'cwind': 'Continuous Winds Current Year Historical Data'
ndbc_data: pandas DataFrame or xarray Dataset
NDBC data in dataframe with date and time columns to be converted
to_pandas: bool (optional)
Flag to output pandas instead of xarray. Default = True.
df_datetime: pandas DataFrame or xarray Dataset
Dataframe with NDBC date columns removed, and datetime index
if not isinstance(parameter, str):
raise TypeError(f"parameter must be a string. Got: {type(parameter)}")
if isinstance(ndbc_data, xr.Dataset):
ndbc_data = ndbc_data.to_pandas()
if not isinstance(ndbc_data, pd.DataFrame):
raise TypeError(
f"ndbc_data must be of type pd.DataFrame. Got: {type(ndbc_data)}"
if not isinstance(to_pandas, bool):
raise TypeError(f"to_pandas must be of type bool. Got: {type(to_pandas)}")
df_datetime = ndbc_data.copy(deep=True)
df_datetime["date"], ndbc_date_cols = dates_to_datetime(
df_datetime, return_date_cols=True
df_datetime = df_datetime.drop(ndbc_date_cols, axis=1)
df_datetime = df_datetime.set_index("date")
if parameter in ["swden", "swdir", "swdir2", "swr1", "swr2"]:
df_datetime.columns = df_datetime.columns.astype(float)
if not to_pandas:
df_datetime = convert_to_dataset(df_datetime)
return df_datetime
def dates_to_datetime(
data, return_date_cols=False, return_as_dataframe=False, to_pandas=True
Takes a DataFrame/Dataset and converts the NDBC date columns
(e.g. "#YY MM DD hh mm") to datetime. Returns a DataFrame/Dataset with the
removed NDBC date columns a new ['date'] columns with DateTime Format.
data: pandas DataFrame or xarray Dataset
Dataframe with headers (e.g. ['YY', 'MM', 'DD', 'hh', {'mm'}])
return_date_col: Bool (optional)
Default False. When true will return list of NDBC date columns
return_as_dataFrame: bool
Results returned as a DataFrame (useful for MHKiT-MATLAB)
to_pandas: bool (optional)
Flag to output pandas instead of xarray. Default = True.
date: pandas Series or xarray DataArray
Series with NDBC dates dropped and new ['date']
column in DateTime format
ndbc_date_cols: list (optional)
List of the DataFrame/Dataset columns headers for dates as provided by
if isinstance(data, xr.Dataset):
data = pd.DataFrame(data)
if not isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame):
raise TypeError(f"data must be of type pd.DataFrame. Got: {type(data)}")
if not isinstance(return_date_cols, bool):
raise TypeError(
f"return_date_cols must be of type bool. Got: {type(return_date_cols)}"
if not isinstance(to_pandas, bool):
raise TypeError(f"to_pandas must be of type bool. Got: {type(to_pandas)}")
df = data.copy(deep=True)
cols = df.columns.values.tolist()
minutes_loc = cols.index("mm")
minutes = True
df["mm"] = np.zeros(len(df)).astype(int).astype(str)
minutes = False
row_0_is_units = False
year_string = [col for col in cols if col.startswith("Y")]
if not year_string:
year_string = [col for col in cols if col.startswith("#")]
if not year_string:
print(f"ERROR: Could Not Find Year Column in {cols}")
year_string = year_string[0]
year_fmt = "%Y"
if str(df[year_string][0]).startswith("#"):
row_0_is_units = True
df = df.drop(df.index[0])
elif year_string[0] == "YYYY":
year_string = year_string[0]
year_fmt = "%Y"
elif year_string[0] == "YY":
year_string = year_string[0]
year_fmt = "%y"
parse_columns = [year_string, "MM", "DD", "hh", "mm"]
df = _date_string_to_datetime(df, parse_columns, year_fmt)
date = df["date"]
if row_0_is_units:
date = pd.concat([pd.Series([np.nan]), date])
del df
if return_as_dataframe:
date = pd.DataFrame(date)
if not to_pandas:
date = convert_to_dataset(date)
elif not to_pandas:
date = convert_to_dataarray(date)
if return_date_cols:
if minutes:
ndbc_date_cols = [year_string, "MM", "DD", "hh", "mm"]
ndbc_date_cols = [year_string, "MM", "DD", "hh"]
return date, ndbc_date_cols
return date
def _date_string_to_datetime(df, columns, year_fmt):
Takes a NDBC df and creates a datetime from multiple columns headers
by combining each column into a single string. Then the datetime
method is applied given the expected format.
df: DataFrame
Dataframe with columns (e.g. ['YY', 'MM', 'DD', 'hh', 'mm'])
columns: list
list of strings for the columns to consider
(e.g. ['YY', 'MM', 'DD', 'hh', 'mm'])
year_fmt: str
Specifies if year is 2 digit or 4 digit for datetime
df: DataFrame
The passed df with a new column ['date'] with the datetime format
if not isinstance(df, pd.DataFrame):
raise TypeError(f"df must be of type pd.DataFrame. Got: {type(df)}")
if not isinstance(columns, list):
raise TypeError(f"columns must be a list. Got: {type(columns)}")
if not isinstance(year_fmt, str):
raise TypeError(f"year_fmt must be a string. Got: {type(year_fmt)}")
# Convert to str and zero pad
for key in columns:
df[key] = df[key].astype(str).str.zfill(2)
df["date_string"] = df[columns[0]]
for column in columns[1:]:
df["date_string"] = df[["date_string", column]].apply(
lambda x: "".join(x), axis=1
df["date"] = pd.to_datetime(df["date_string"], format=f"{year_fmt}%m%d%H%M")
del df["date_string"]
return df
def parameter_units(parameter=""):
Returns an ordered dictionary of NDBC parameters with unit values.
If no parameter is passed then an ordered dictionary of all NDBC
parameterz specified unites is returned. If a parameter is specified
then only the units associated with that parameter are returned.
Note that many NDBC parameters report multiple measurements and in
that case the returned dictionary will contain the NDBC measurement
name and associated unit for all the measurements associated with
the specified parameter. Optional parameter values are given below.
All units are based on
parameter: string (optional)
'adcp': 'Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler Current Year Historical Data'
'cwind': 'Continuous Winds Current Year Historical Data'
'dart': 'Water Column Height (DART) Current Year Historical Data'
'derived2': 'Derived Met Values'
'ocean' : 'Oceanographic Current Year Historical Data'
'rain' : 'Hourly Rain Current Year Historical Data'
'rain10': '10-Minute Rain Current Year Historical Data'
'rain24': '24-Hour Rain Current Year Historical Data'
'realtime2': 'Detailed Wave Summary (Realtime `.spec` data files only)'
'srad': 'Solar Radiation Current Year Historical Data'
'stdmet': 'Standard Meteorological Current Year Historical Data'
'supl': 'Supplemental Measurements Current Year Historical Data'
'swden': 'Raw Spectral Wave Current Year Historical Data'
'swdir': 'Spectral Wave Current Year Historical Data (alpha1)'
'swdir2': 'Spectral Wave Current Year Historical Data (alpha2)'
'swr1': 'Spectral Wave Current Year Historical Data (r1)'
'swr2': 'Spectral Wave Current Year Historical Data (r2)'
units: dict
Dictionary of parameter units
if not isinstance(parameter, str):
raise TypeError(f"parameter must be a string. Got: {type(parameter)}")
if parameter == "adcp":
units = {
"DEP01": "m",
"DIR01": "deg",
"SPD01": "cm/s",
elif parameter == "cwind":
units = {
"WDIR": "degT",
"WSPD": "m/s",
"GDR": "degT",
"GST": "m/s",
"GTIME": "hhmm",
elif parameter == "dart":
units = {
"T": "-",
"HEIGHT": "m",
elif parameter == "derived2":
units = {
"CHILL": "degC",
"HEAT": "degC",
"ICE": "cm/hr",
"WSPD10": "m/s",
"WSPD20": "m/s",
elif parameter == "ocean":
units = {
"DEPTH": "m",
"OTMP": "degC",
"COND": "mS/cm",
"SAL": "psu",
"O2%": "%",
"O2PPM": "ppm",
"CLCON": "ug/l",
"TURB": "FTU",
"PH": "-",
"EH": "mv",
elif parameter == "rain":
units = {
"ACCUM": "mm",
elif parameter == "rain10":
units = {
"RATE": "mm/h",
elif parameter == "rain24":
units = {
"RATE": "mm/h",
"PCT": "%",
"SDEV": "-",
elif parameter == "realtime2":
units = {
"WVHT": "m",
"SwH": "m",
"SwP": "sec",
"WWH": "m",
"WWP": "sec",
"SwD": "-",
"WWD": "degT",
"APD": "sec",
"MWD": "degT",
elif parameter == "srad":
units = {
"SRAD1": "w/m2",
"SRAD2": "w/m2",
"SRAD3": "w/m2",
elif parameter == "stdmet":
units = {
"WDIR": "degT",
"WSPD": "m/s",
"GST": "m/s",
"WVHT": "m",
"DPD": "sec",
"APD": "sec",
"MWD": "degT",
"PRES": "hPa",
"ATMP": "degC",
"WTMP": "degC",
"DEWP": "degC",
"VIS": "nmi",
"PTDY": "hPa",
"TIDE": "ft",
elif parameter == "supl":
units = {
"PRES": "hPa",
"PTIME": "hhmm",
"WSPD": "m/s",
"WDIR": "degT",
"WTIME": "hhmm",
elif parameter == "swden":
units = {"swden": "(m*m)/Hz"}
elif parameter == "swdir":
units = {"swdir": "deg"}
elif parameter == "swdir2":
units = {"swdir2": "deg"}
elif parameter == "swr1":
units = {"swr1": ""}
elif parameter == "swr2":
units = {"swr2": ""}
units = {
"swden": "(m*m)/Hz",
"PRES": "hPa",
"PTIME": "hhmm",
"WDIR": "degT",
"WTIME": "hhmm",
"DPD": "sec",
"MWD": "degT",
"ATMP": "degC",
"WTMP": "degC",
"DEWP": "degC",
"VIS": "nmi",
"PTDY": "hPa",
"TIDE": "ft",
"SRAD1": "w/m2",
"SRAD2": "w/m2",
"SRAD3": "w/m2",
"WVHT": "m",
"SwH": "m",
"SwP": "sec",
"WWH": "m",
"WWP": "sec",
"SwD": "-",
"WWD": "degT",
"APD": "sec",
"RATE": "mm/h",
"PCT": "%",
"SDEV": "-",
"ACCUM": "mm",
"DEPTH": "m",
"OTMP": "degC",
"COND": "mS/cm",
"SAL": "psu",
"O2%": "%",
"O2PPM": "ppm",
"CLCON": "ug/l",
"TURB": "FTU",
"PH": "-",
"EH": "mv",
"CHILL": "degC",
"HEAT": "degC",
"ICE": "cm/hr",
"WSPD": "m/s",
"WSPD10": "m/s",
"WSPD20": "m/s",
"T": "-",
"HEIGHT": "m",
"GDR": "degT",
"GST": "m/s",
"GTIME": "hhmm",
"DEP01": "m",
"DIR01": "deg",
"SPD01": "cm/s",
units = _OrderedDict(sorted(units.items()))
return units
def _supported_params(parameter):
There is a significant number of datasets provided by NDBC. There is
specific data processing required for each type. Therefore this
function throws an error for any data type not currently covered.
Available Data:
Decription of Measurements:
Changes made to historical data:
msg: bool
Whether the parameter is supported.
if not isinstance(parameter, str):
raise TypeError(f"parameter must be a string. Got: {type(parameter)}")
supported = True
supported_params = ["swden", "swdir", "swdir2", "swr1", "swr2", "stdmet", "cwind"]
param = [param for param in supported_params if param == parameter]
if not param:
supported = False
msg = [
"Currently parameters ['swden', 'swdir', 'swdir2', "
+ "'swr1', 'swr2', 'stdmet', 'cwind'] are supported. \n"
+ "If you would like to see more data types please \n"
+ " open an issue or submit a Pull Request on GitHub"
raise Exception(msg[0])
return supported
def _historical_parameters():
Names and description of all NDBC Historical Data.
Available Data:
Decription of Measurements:
Changes made to historical data:
msg: dict
Names and decriptions of historical parameters.
parameters = {
"adcp": "Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler Current Year Historical Data",
"adcp2": "Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler Current Year Historical Data",
"cwind": "Continuous Winds Current Year Historical Data",
"dart": "Water Column Height (DART) Current Year Historical Data",
"mmbcur": "Marsh-McBirney Current Measurements",
"ocean": "Oceanographic Current Year Historical Data",
"rain": "Hourly Rain Current Year Historical Data",
"rain10": "10-Minute Rain Current Year Historical Data",
"rain24": "24-Hour Rain Current Year Historical Data",
"srad": "Solar Radiation Current Year Historical Data",
"stdmet": "Standard Meteorological Current Year Historical Data",
"supl": "Supplemental Measurements Current Year Historical Data",
"swden": "Raw Spectral Wave Current Year Historical Data",
"swdir": "Spectral Wave Current Year Historical Data (alpha1)",
"swdir2": "Spectral Wave Current Year Historical Data (alpha2)",
"swr1": "Spectral Wave Current Year Historical Data (r1)",
"swr2": "Spectral Wave Current Year Historical Data (r2)",
"wlevel": "Tide Current Year Historical Data",
return parameters
# directional
def request_directional_data(buoy, year):
Request the directional spectrum data and return an
`xarray.Dataset` containing all 5 variables. The NDBC historical
data is organized into files based on buoy number, year, and
parameter. For a given buoy number and year, the five
files—corresponding to the 5 parameters NDBC uses to describe
directional wave spectrum—are fetched and processed.
buoy: string
Buoy Number. Five character alpha-numeric station identifier.
year: int
Four digit year.
ndbc_data: xr.Dataset
Dataset containing the five parameter data indexed by frequency
and date.
if not isinstance(buoy, str):
raise TypeError(f"buoy must be a string. Got: {type(buoy)}")
if not isinstance(year, int):
raise TypeError(f"year must be an int. Got: {type(year)}")
directional_parameters = ["swden", "swdir", "swdir2", "swr1", "swr2"]
seps = {
"swden": "w",
"swdir": "d",
"swdir2": "i",
"swr1": "j",
"swr2": "k",
data_dict = {}
for param in directional_parameters:
file = f"{buoy}{seps[param]}{year}.txt.gz"
raw_data = request_data(
pd_data = to_datetime_index(param, raw_data)
xr_data = xr.DataArray(pd_data)
xr_data = xr_data.astype(float).rename(
"dim_1": "frequency",
if param in ["swr1", "swr2"]:
xr_data = xr_data / 100.0
xr_data.frequency.attrs = {
"units": "Hz",
"long_name": "frequency",
"standard_name": "f",
} = {
"units": "",
"long_name": "datetime",
"standard_name": "t",
data_dict[param] = xr_data
data_dict["swden"].attrs = {
"units": "m^2/Hz",
"long_name": "omnidirecational spectrum",
"standard_name": "S",
"description": "Omnidirectional *sea surface elevation variance (m^2)* spectrum (/Hz).",
data_dict["swdir"].attrs = {
"units": "deg",
"long_name": "mean wave direction",
"standard_name": "α1",
"description": "Mean wave direction.",
data_dict["swdir2"].attrs = {
"units": "deg",
"long_name": "principal wave direction",
"standard_name": "α2",
"description": "Principal wave direction.",
data_dict["swr1"].attrs = {
"units": "",
"long_name": "coordinate r1",
"standard_name": "r1",
"description": "First normalized polar coordinate of the Fourier coefficients (nondimensional).",
data_dict["swr2"].attrs = {
"units": "",
"long_name": "coordinate r2",
"standard_name": "r2",
"description": "Second normalized polar coordinate of the Fourier coefficients (nondimensional).",
return xr.Dataset(data_dict)
def _create_spectrum(data, frequencies, directions, name, units):
Create an xarray.DataArray for storing spectrum data with correct
dimensions, coordinates, names, and units.
data: np.ndarray
Spectrum values.
Size number of frequencies x number of directions.
frequencies: np.ndarray
One-dimensional array of frequencies in Hz.
directions: np.ndarray
One-dimensional array of wave directions in degrees.
name: string
Name of the (integral) quantity the spectrum is for.
units: string
Units of the (integral) quantity the spectrum is for.
spectrum: xr.Dataset
DataArray containing the spectrum values indexed by frequency
and wave direction.
if not isinstance(data, np.ndarray):
raise TypeError(f"data must be of type np.ndarray. Got: {type(data)}")
if not isinstance(frequencies, np.ndarray):
raise TypeError(
f"frequencies must be of type np.ndarray. Got: {type(frequencies)}"
if not isinstance(directions, np.ndarray):
raise TypeError(
f"directions must be of type np.ndarray. Got: {type(directions)}"
if not isinstance(name, str):
raise TypeError(f"name must be of type string. Got: {type(name)}")
if not isinstance(units, str):
raise TypeError(f"units must be of type string. Got: {type(units)}")
msg = (
f"data has wrong shape {data.shape}, "
+ f"expected {(len(frequencies), len(directions))}"
if not data.shape == (len(frequencies), len(directions)):
raise ValueError(msg)
direction_attrs = {
"units": "deg",
"long_name": "wave direction",
"standard_name": "direction",
frequency_attrs = {
"units": "Hz",
"long_name": "frequency",
"standard_name": "f",
spectrum = xr.DataArray(
"frequency": ("frequency", frequencies, frequency_attrs),
"direction": ("direction", directions, direction_attrs),
"units": f"{units}/Hz/deg",
"long_name": f"{name} spectrum",
"standard_name": "spectrum",
"description": f"*{name} ({units})* spectrum (/Hz/deg).",
return spectrum
def create_spread_function(data, directions):
Create the spread function from the 4 relevant NDBC parameter data.
Return as an xarray.DataArray indexed by frequency and wave
data: xr.Dataset
Dataset containing the four NDBC parameter data indexed by
directions: np.ndarray
One-dimensional array of wave directions in degrees.
spread: xr.DataArray
DataArray containing the spread function values indexed by
frequency and wave direction.
if not isinstance(data, xr.Dataset):
raise TypeError(f"data must be of type xr.Dataset. Got: {type(data)}")
if not isinstance(directions, np.ndarray):
raise TypeError(
f"directions must be of type np.ndarray. Got: {type(directions)}"
r1 = data["swr1"].data.reshape(-1, 1)
r2 = data["swr2"].data.reshape(-1, 1)
a1 = data["swdir"].data.reshape(-1, 1)
a2 = data["swdir2"].data.reshape(-1, 1)
a = directions.reshape(1, -1)
spread = (
/ np.pi
* (0.5 + r1 * np.cos(np.deg2rad(a - a1)) + r2 * np.cos(2 * np.deg2rad(a - a2)))
spread = _create_spectrum(
spread, data.frequency.values, directions, name="Spread", units="1"
return spread
def create_directional_spectrum(data, directions):
Create the spectrum from the 5 relevant NDBC parameter data. Return
as an xarray.DataArray indexed by frequency and wave direction.
data: xr.Dataset
Dataset containing the five NDBC parameter data indexed by
directions: np.ndarray
One-dimensional array of wave directions in degrees.
spectrum: xr.DataArray
DataArray containing the spectrum values indexed by frequency
and wave direction.
if not isinstance(data, xr.Dataset):
raise TypeError(f"data must be of type xr.Dataset. Got: {type(data)}")
if not isinstance(directions, np.ndarray):
raise TypeError(
f"directions must be of type np.ndarray. Got: {type(directions)}"
spread = create_spread_function(data, directions).values
omnidirectional_spectrum = data["swden"].data.reshape(-1, 1)
spectrum = omnidirectional_spectrum * spread
spectrum = _create_spectrum(
name="Elevation variance",
return spectrum